Gregory Leps - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Clips, Music, 2021, Age, Albums



Pop and Chanson, Rock and Rap - few people on the Russian stage can be combined, at first glance, incompatible. Sincerity, recognizable from the first chords, live performance and "work on the aorta gap". Infinite tour. Balancing on the verge of life and death. Even the mother warns Gregory Leps, which is impossible, it is dangerous so laid out on stage.

The words "Thorning to the Stars" have a direct attitude to the singer. He is now "happy as no one," became wiser and remembers the past, still prefers not to talk about music, but to make it and enjoy the result.

Childhood and youth

Gregory Viktorovich Leps (real last name - Lepsveridze) was born on July 16, 1962 in the Georgian family. The change in the surname does not mean that the singer is trying to hide the nationality. Just Leps is frantically remembered and easier.

The Musician's father worked on the meat processing plant in Sochi, and his mother worked as a nurse. Gregory went to Sochi school number 7 and was a very bad student, constantly receiving two. But since childhood, the boy was fond of sports and music.

After school, Grigory entered the Museum to master the percussion instruments. Here he was more successful than at school. Then the young man went to the army, and after the military service was over, sang in Caucasian restaurants and tried his strength, speaking as part of different rock bands. In the 1980s, Leps is known as a soloist of the "Index-398" team of the "index-398".

In the youth, the performer sang in Sochi restaurants every night. It strongly exhausted the singer, and he removed the feeling of fatigue with alcohol. After a time, it was understood that it was necessary to move on, otherwise he would die both as an artist, and just like a person. Therefore, Gregory went to Moscow, where he was not too warmly accepted.

The repertoire of the artist was not interested in anyone, the singer was interrupted by random earnings, addicted to drugs, having launched his appearance. He does not hide this period of his biography, on the official site from this and the story of Lepsa begins.


The real growth of the career began when the age of the artist exceeded 30 and came out the 1st album of the executor "Keep you God", which includes the popular composition "Natalie" at that time. A clip was also recorded on this song, which singer himself saw only in the hospital, where he was due to the stomach ulcers.

Health problems did not allow Gregory to perform at the "Song-95" festival, the musician lost a lot of time and 35 kg of weight. After this incident, Leps refused alcohol and, moreover, from drugs.

In 1997, the Contractor issued the following album "Life". In the same year, the artist fell to the song of the Year - 97, where he fulfilled the composition of "my mind". Participation in a well-known concert affected the popularity of Leps, and already in 1998 he starred in the "Christmas meetings" Alla Pugacheva.

After 2 years, Gregory suddenly lost his voice, to restore the ligaments had to be resorted to the operation. The artist has gained old forces only in 2002, returning to the stage along with the album "on rain strings." Also this year, a clip was removed on the popular and now hit the "glass of vodka on the table".

In 2006, a record "in the center of the Earth" was released, a concert of the Olympic was held. In addition to the collection, the performer recorded memorable duets with Irina Allegrova ("I don't believe you") and with Stas Piechi ("she is not yours"). The famous Russian composer and producer Viktor Drobysch composed music for the songs.

After 2 years, Leps 3 days in a row spoke in the Kremlin with the new album "Waterfall". At concerts visited 15 thousand lovers of artist's creativity. A month later, Gregory was once again in the hospital, now with sharp bronchitis. However, only a few weeks, - and the artist gathered Achlags again, this time in Germany.

2011 I remember the singer not only by the release of a new record called "Pensne", but also to obtaining the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". At the end of the year, Grigory, together with the rap artist Timati, recorded the song "Requiem for Love" - ​​the result of the collaboration of this unusual creative tandem was so successful that the singers released another collaboration "London".

Leps quail Lion's composition Shapiro "The Best Day". For her and for the "real woman" he received 2 figurines "Golden Gramophone" in 2011. For the first time in the history of this prestigious award, 2 solo songs of one performer were noted simultaneously. A similar award was awarded the composition "Waterfall" in 2012.

Album "Full ahead!" She took the 1st line in the chart of the Russian ITunes Store segment. In parallel with the new disk were published 2 collection of songs that have already deserved the love of the public: The Best and Duets on 2 disks, which included compositions recorded by a musician together with Alexander Rosenbaum, Valery Meladze, Irina Allegrova and other star performers.

At the New Wave Festival (2013), Leps presented several new compositions. The solo musician sang the "Moscow song", performed "captivity" with Artem Loik, "Brother Nicotine" with Loik and Timati, and the composition "Mirrors" sang in a duet from Ani Lorak. This year, Gregory again received the "Singer of the Year" award and 2 "Golden Gramophone".

In the Union with Joseph Kobzon and Alexander Rosenbaum, a clip "Casty" was recorded ("Evening Drink"). The song, as a number of sources wrote, is devoted to a businessman Otari Kwatrishvili, who was considered an authority in criminal circles and a killed sniper in 1994.

2014 brought lepts 3 concerts in Crocus City Hall, the release of the 12th Studio Album "Gangster No. 1", 2 more "gold gramophones" and many other prestigious premiums. A separate single released the Bai-Bai track, which Gregory performs with Natalie Vlasova.

Leps became the organizer of the festive music festival "Christmas on Rose Farm", which since 2015 takes place annually at the same ski resort. The singer is a permanent participant in the festival of Emin Agalar "Heat".

Under the end of 2017, Leps and Maxim Fadeev presented a soul to a song on a song about male friendship, which no circumstances will destroy. Video orders to "Orlam and Crow" built on events from the life of both musicians, the role of heroes performed residents of the native to Fadeev city of Kurgan.

A businessman Roman Vasilenko, founder of the Best Way cooperative, was shot in Life Is Good (2018), the founder of the Best Way cooperative, in which the authorities discovered signs of the network pyramid.

I found a video format and composition "Without you" from the album "Twochtacharyarisian" released in 2017. The director of the video "Amen" from the same disk was Oleg Chervonak, the Gazgolder clipmaker and the author of the scriptones and T-Fest. In the scandalous video of Philip Kirkorov "Color of Mooding Blue" Honored Artist appeared in the formation of a homeless.

In the summer touring schedule of Leps, I had to make changes - the performer fell into the hospital with broken ribs. However, Grigory spoke at the anniversary concert of the poet and businessman Mikhail Gutserieva.

In 2018, Grigory wrote a soundtrack to the TV series "Godunov" with Sergey Bezrukov, and for this composition released the clip "Inadequate". Leps, without hesitation, agreed to participate in the film, where the color of the Russian film and theater is involved. In addition, the film tells "About the country, where I was born, grew up and I live, which I love and for which the soul is sick. It is necessary to understand, feel and know what the country lived 500 years ago. You can not lose a thread with the past! There is no future person if he does not know his past. "

In 2019, the singer took part in the "main New Year's concert" on the first channel and, together with Yuri Antonov, performed the song "At Berez and Sosks". And in the summer at a concert on the day of Russia on the Red Square, Leps performed the Anthem of the Russian Federation in the author's version.

A year later, the artist replenished his collection of new video on the "Thank you" composition, performed in the collaboration with Timur Rodriguez - the singers spoke at the traditional festive concert "I like women" on March 8, 2020.

During a Pandemic COVID-19, the artist did not interrupt the concert activity, moved it to the online cinema OKKO. Also, the singer, together with Valeria and other pop stars, took part in the recording of a concert in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Victory Day in the Patriot Park without viewers. In addition, the artist recorded the 5-hour Honor project, dedicated to the work of Vladimir Vysotsky, - it includes about 90 songs, thematically divided into 5 albums.


In 2015, Leps began to regularly appear on television not in the performing role. The musician accepted an invitation to lead the channel "Russia-1" channel "The main scene" together with the co-host Garick Martirosyan.

In the 4th season of the popular musical transfer "Voice", the singer acted as a mentor. In addition to Grigory Viktorovich, Alexander Gradsky, Polina Gagarin and Basta shared experience with young people. The lepts team won the show. The finalist was the Hieromona Fothy. After the victory, the monk traveled to Russian tour and the near abroad.

In the 5th season of "Voice" among the wards of Leps, Darius Stavrovich (Nuki) from the group "Slot" and Alexander Panayotov, who took 2nd place in the season finale.


In 2012, the musician opened the producer center of his own name, designed to help young musicians to take a place in show business. Alexander Panayotov, Vitold Petrovsky, Cosmos Girls, Grechanik and Romadi, became the object of close attention of the projeser company Leps.

Also Gregory intended to promote as singer Olga Buzov, but then refused this idea, limiting the organization of conferences of the TV presenter.


The artist is engaged not only by creativity, but also a business in a variety of spheres. In early 2010, the artist was a co-owner of Karaoke Bar Leps Bar in Moscow and karaoke-restaurant Gleps in Kiev.

Gregory and Emin Agalarov are co-owners of Ryumka Vodka and Lesnoy restaurants, also in the assets of the artist, the LEPS Optic Lepas Exclusive Points line and Gregory Gl Jewelry jewelry.

In 2019, the release of craft products and vodka LEPS was launched under the brand "Great-and-Chase Foreway Grigory Leps". The singer opened bakery "pies" in Moscow, but already in 2020, the institution due to a pandemic was unprofitable and closed.

Now the amount of annual income of the artist is about $ 9 million.

Personal life

For the first time, Leps married Svetlana Dubinskaya while studying at the music school. The couple spread pretty soon, and Grigory concluded marriage with his current wife - Anna Shamplikova's dancer (now Leps), who worked in the show-ballet from Lyma Vaikule.

The artist has 4 children. Inga Leps, born in 1984 in the first marriage, studied in the UK and New York, where the actress diploma received. It is mainly filmed in the clips, independent projects, Artyus, writes scripts. The second daughter of Eva was born in 2002, and after 5 years Anna gave birth to Gregory another girl - Nicole. In 2010, the family had a long-awaited son Ivan (Vano).

About the personal life of Leps repeatedly told in the talk show Andrei Malakhov, the first channel took a documentary about the artist. So fans learned that the singer has a rich library and a collection of icons. The latter is estimated in tens of millions of dollars.

In 2018, Gregory presented a meeting of values ​​for everyone to review in the Kremlin Historical Museum, with the exception of the icon donated by Vladimir Putin. In the 2020s, his collection became the record holder of the Book of Records of Russia.

In 2016, the daughter of Leps tried to go in the footsteps of the Father and start a musical career. Inga participated in the 5th season of "Voice", but the judges did not impress. Grigory told the press that, naturally, he learned the voice of his native daughter, but before the performance he told Inge that he would not turn to her in the qualifying round. Moreover, a strict father also criticized the execution of the girl, noting that "in some places, well, very bad very bad."

Inga later admitted that the parent is skeptical to its plans to build a singing career, believes that one direction should be chosen and to achieve perfection in it, and not sprayed on trifles.

Nevertheless, the desire of Eve to sing on the stage of Leps will not oppose. For the younger daughter, Gregory created a pop group of Cosmos Girls, where, in addition to Eve, she entered her friend Alexander Giner and the participant of the children's "voice" of Edan Golan. Video teams periodically appear on the network.

The fact that Leps, yielding to the trends of time, finally started the page in "Instagram", Basta said. In addition to social networks, Grigory has an official website where a tour of the tour, photo, interviews and artist news are placed.

Grigory Leps now

In 2021, Leps traded the city of Russia with the concert program "Go and see" - concerts were scheduled for the 2020th, but moved due to a pandemic.

March 8 in Crocus City Hall Grigory, together with such performers, like Witold Petrovsky, Alexander Panayotov and the Cosmos Girls group took part in the festive concert "I like women." During the show, the premiere of the song "Tribunal" took place, and together with Diana Arbenina Leps executed the composition "Landless love".


  • 1995 - "Keep you god"
  • 1997 - "Life"
  • 2000 - "Thank you, people"
  • 2002 - "On the rain strings"
  • 2004 - "Sail"
  • 2006 - "Labyrinth"
  • 2006 - "In the center of the Earth"
  • 2007 - "Second"
  • 2009 - "Waterfall"
  • 2011 - "Pensne"
  • 2012 - "Full ahead!"
  • 2014 - "Gangster №1"
  • 2015 - "Babos Bosses"
  • 2016 - "Lonely"
  • 2017 - "Tychetakhasnieznaya"
  • 2020 - "Honor I have!"

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