Alla Dukhova - biography, personal life, photo, news, ballet "Todes", dance theater, schools, age 2021



Alla Dukhova - choreographer, the founder of the Todes dance team, which from the choreographic group turned into a real brand. Today, the brainchild is both a network of dance schools, which includes more than 100 branches, and the theater of Dance Allah Duchova Todes, which opened in Moscow in 2014.

Childhood and youth

Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kos Komi-Permotsky Autonomous Okrug. Mother Galina Dukhova and Father Vladimir Spirit worked as teachers. But after a year, the family of teachers moved to Riga. There were children's and youthful years of Alla. In the capital of Latvia there was a first meeting with the world of choreography.

Already in childhood Dukhov was a musical child. Parents noticed this at an early age and gave daughter to Riga music school. One day, my mother noticed that the little Alla after the music lessons quietly enters the choreographic class in the neighborhood and for a long time, as Walking, looks at the guys. At the parish home, the girl exactly reproduced seen in front of the mirror.

When Mom asked Alla, so the same she wants to engage more, the daughter immediately gave an unequivocal answer: dancing and choreography. The mother took the schoolgirl to the local ensemble of a national dance called "Ivushka", where Valentina Lizan teachers, Yuri Shurkin and Eduard Dubovitsky were at that time. They became for the overall main mentors in professional choreography and teachers of the whole future life.

As for higher education, his Dukhov received in Gitis, at the Director of the Faculty.

Ballet "Todes"

Alla dreamed learn how to dance well, and also invent choreographic rooms and full performances. In his youth, she gathered a team of like-minded people. Then he only consisted of girls and was called an "experiment." This experiment was successful and won considerable popularity. What is not strange, because Dukhova took the basis of the dance performances of the choreography of the Western European and American schools, which was at the beginning of the Soviet 80s under the unlawful prohibition as too frank.

The experience of the artist was collected by small crumbs from the cassettes with the performances of Western Dance groups, watched street breaks.

Once the "experiment" of the brass, speaking on a dance competition in Palanga, crossed with the Leningrad Junior Break Dance Team, which was called the sonorous and memorable name Todes. The choreographer liked risky tricks in the dance "Todes", and the guys from the Leningrad team admired sharp and deposited to the automatic movements of girls from the Riga Experiment.

This sympathy led to the fact that the teams merged into one by taking the name of the male. It organically intertwined choreography and brake movies. It was something completely new and nothing like that. In 1987, Alla Vladimirovna was collegially elected by the creative leader of the new ballet, because combining and staging, and the organizational work was increasingly harder.

During the tour in the North Caucasus, Todes was held with an unprecedented fellow. The guys advised to try to perform in the capital. They thought that it was already quite ripe for its conquest, and went to Moscow. At first they had difficulty. Young people lived in Lyubertsy Dorm, searched for sites for speeches and faced with many complex organizational issues. But on their way and on the path of Dukhova, Alexander Burman, who worked in Riga Philharmonic.

He helped the ballet to get to Chelyabinsk, where at that time toured popular singers Igor Talkov, Sofia Rotaru, Bravo Group and other "flora" pop stars. Dancers spoke between the numbers of the singers and immediately received the sea of ​​ovations.

After Chelyabinsk tour, Sofia Rotaru suggested ballet to the brand name with her. Their joint work lasted 5 years. Then Todes, who has already become popular, decided to go and develop his own way.

The 5-year anniversary of the team was marked by the first solo concert "Todes". He was organized and financed the patron and entrepreneur Igor Popov. After this concert, the ballet began regularly receive suggestions about joint speeches from Christina Orbakayte, Larisa Valley, Valery Leontiev and other pop stars.

Tatyana Bulanova, Valery Meladze, Vladimir Presnyakov - who just did not speak Ballet of the Okrug. The team conquered the most famous musical festivals - from the "New Wave" to the "Slavic Bazaar". But the greatest victory of Alla Vladimirovna and her "Todes" took place on the international stage. Dancers performed at the Music Awards Awards in Monte Carlo along with Ricky Martin and Mariah Carey. The guys dunged twice danced in Michael Jackson's ballet - during his performances in Munich and Seoul.

In 2014, an important event was held in the life of Dukhova - the opening of the Todes dance theater in the capital of Russia. To create a show, modern lighting equipment is used, 3D scenery are used, original costumes, which makes every modulation unique.

In April 2017, an anniversary concert for the 30th anniversary of the todes ballet was held at the main concert platform of the country, in the Kremlin Palace. In addition to the break dance group, the famous domestic singers took part in it, with whom the dancers worked: Philip Kirkorov, Valery, Christina Orbakayte, and so on. On preparation for this event, Alla Vladimirovna described in detail visiting Ivan Urgant on the program "Evening Urgant" .

2018 turned out to be rich in the events in the creative life of the choreographer. This is the holding of Todes Dance Battle, and participating in the award ceremony of the VI Real Award Musicbox, and the speech of the Studiors "Todes" in Turin at the Winter Universiade Fire Ceremony 2019.

In 2018, the Gala concerts of the school participants were held in Kazan, Voronezh, Sochi, Moscow. Reports on the work done, the photo of the participants of the festival fell to the official website of the ballet "Todes" and in the personal Instagram account of Alla Vladimirovna.

Dancing school

Since 1992, the Todes ballet team is constantly expanding. In 1997, the second composition of the ballet of the brass rose to 150 dancers and celebrated its 10th anniversary. From the same year, Alla Vladimirovna began to remove the room in Lefortovo, where he opened its 1st school studio of Todes ballet dances.

Soon there were 2 more - in St. Petersburg and Riga. Over the next 10 years, school network has expanded throughout Russia, the CIS countries and appeared even in Malta. There is a children's dance squad "Todes" and in the "Orlenok" camp. The most talented graduates of school graduates now demonstrate skill on the world scenes.

In 2011, the "base" of the ballet of the brass from Lefortovo moved to Paveletsky embankment. During the years of ballet, several generations of dancers changed. One thing remains unchanged: Todes today collects the full halls of fans around the world. Ballet touring tours continues continuously.

Now this school, located in Moscow, is visited by children of friends and colleagues in the artistic workshop of the brass - Philip Kirkorov, Yulia Baranovskaya, Ani Lorak, Jasmine and others. Alla does not seek every child to make a dance floor star, it is much more important, in her opinion, to instill love for dance and learn to move freely.

Dukhova continues to develop a network of schools Todes. Its branches are still opening throughout the country, and the strongest participate in the annual watch "Todes Fest" and dance everything from hip-hop to Contempe. The network you can find many rooms from reporting concerts: "Swan Lake", "New Year's toys", "forget-me-not," chao-cocoa ", etc.

Because of the coronavirus infection, some performances planned for spring 2020 were transferred to autumn. Also because of the COVID-2019 in 2020, the annual look "Todes Fest" started in remote format. Todes Online Fest 2020 was able to combine school studios from dozens of cities, including outside the Russian Federation. Also during self-insulation in the studio, a lot of new students came to the studio.

Personal life

The personal life of the brass is saturated with events, but the choreographer itself speaks little about them. The first time married the dancer came out in the youth - at 22nd. The divorce in the family began after the spouse thought about immigration in the United States. Alla Vladimirovna at that time was pregnant with the first son of Vladimir and did not want to leave his homeland. The birth of a child did not stop his father in making a decision - a couple divorced.

After a second marriage, which also ended with parting, Her husband became Anton Cus, a permanent artist in the light of Ballet "Todes". From the third spouse Alla Vladimirovna gave birth to the son of Konstantin Dukhova. And if the eldest Vladimir became a theater director, having received a bachelor's degree in New York Film Academy, then the younger was fascinated by sports and dancing. Despite the large complex, the young man has an amazing plasticity, which has long noticed his mother. The guy often participates in the productions of Todes.

The choreographer had to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of the profession and for the third time: Alla Vladimirovna broke up with her husband. Now all the attention of the balletmaster is directed to sons and granddaughter Sophia, which Vladimir presented it. In an interview, Dukhov notes that he does not consider himself a feminist, and wishes every woman to be protected by a man, reliable and caring.

Now the balletmaster, turning on the past life, recognizes: she simply did not have enough strength on the family, because it was necessary to "invest", and there was not enough forces after work. Subsequently, Dukhov admitted, she was offered to marry - with the condition that she would throw a career. The choreographer could not betray his brainchild.

Alla Vladimirovna lives at 2 houses. In Riga, a 15-bedroom mansion built a 15-bedroom mansion together with his family of Dukhov, and in Moscow, at the beginning of the 2000s, the apartments were acquired on Zvenigorodskaya Street. This is a spacious apartment made partially in an antique style. The film crew "When all at home", led by Timur Kizyakov, arrived three times to the house to the famous choreographer.

Alla Dukhova now

The personality of one of the most famous choreographers began to reveal more and more. In March 2021, Alla Vladimirovna gave a large interview with Jugeli laure, in which she shared interesting facts from the biography, and also clearly allowed to understand: there is no place for marriage in her plans. As in his youth, Dukhova lives only by dancing.

Then she visited the transfer of the "secret to a million" at Lera Kudryavtseva. The presenter managed to dig a little deeper and call Alla Vladimirovna to talk about what really prevented her family happiness.

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