FKA TWIGS (Waist Debrete Barnett) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Singer, A $ AP Rocky 2021



Of course, the 2020th did not stop throwing unpleasant surprises and 2 weeks before his end. In mid-December, the British singer FKA TWIGS accused the violence of the former guy, a famous actor named Schaya Labaf. In a lawsuit, the celebrity pointed out that he repeatedly insulted it, exerted physical and emotional pressure, deliberately infected with a venereal disease and even tried to strangle. It was not possible to confess before it could not, as it was afraid that it would harm the career of the beloved, and the said will not be perceived seriously.

Childhood and youth

Talia Debrete Barnett (These are the real name and surname FKA TWIGS) was born on January 16, 1988 in the city of Cheltenham, located in the county of Gloucestershire in the south-west of England, and grew up in the neighboring Tüxbury. Countryside, where childhood passed, the performer described as "some kind of wilderness."

A mother-Englishwoman who had partially spanish origin was answered for the education of the child - the former dancer and gymnast, and stepfather - a big fan of jazz with a rich musical collection.

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Adults made every effort and denied themselves in many ways that the girl could take ballet lessons and opera singing. A woman was often hiding her at DJ Cabin at the evenings of Salsa and kept under the beds of Vogue magazines (by the way, she now sew concert suits for the heiress). Father-Yamaitsa, which occupied jazz dances, did not see the daughter until the age of adulthood.

The future singer went to the private Catholic school ST EDWARD'S SCHOOL, where training was paid for academic scholarships. At 16, the teenager began vocally developing in the local youth center, and a year later he moved to South London, where he explored choreographic art. Soon Barnett threw the London School for Performing Arts & Technology and moved to Croydon College.

From 18 years old, Talia tried to find his unique sound, wrote the song I'm Your Doll, worked with producers in the capital of Great Britain, and then went to Los Angeles to Los Angeles for 6 months. Upon return, she was on the dancers in the clips Kylie Minogue, Ed Shiran, Taio Cruise, Jesse Jay (Hits do it like a dude and price tag), Dion Bromfield (Yeah Right), Plan B and Wretch 32. The girl managed to "light up" in Two-minute Sketch Beyoncé Wants Groceries, to stay hostesses in the gentleman-club and perform in the cabaret in Soho The Box.


At the end of the summer of 2012, the photo of FKA TWIGS found himself on the pages of the cult British magazine I-D, dedicated to the avant-garde fashion, music, art and youth culture.

Initially, the chosen alias sounded like TWIGS due to the crunch of joints, but later because of the complaint of the eponymous duet, the twins sisters had to add more 3 letters. Some sources argued that the FKA is translated as "previously known as", but the author denied it:

"They don't mean anything concrete, it's just a set of letters. I was going to be called or FK1 TWIGS, or AFK TWIGS. I just wanted to pick up such letters that would sound rather courageously and strongly. FKA worked steeper the rest. There is no subtext and meaning - it's just capital letters. "

The singer was able to write down the EP1 without any assistance (also known as TWIGS) and laid out it on Bandcamp on December 4. At the same time, the performer has published clips on his own Yutiub-Channel for each of the 4 compositions from the first mini album.

After how's that, there is a roller on the Water Me, created using Jesse Kanda and clicheards more than 21 million Views. Views. And this is not a record - the video that appeared in the summer of 2014 on Two Weeks by the end of the 2020 conquered the hearts of almost 31 million users.

On September 17, 2013, on the Libel, Young Turks, with the assistance of the Arch and Liam Hou, came out EP2. The work was rated by the online publishing PitchFork on 8 out of 10 points, nominated for the BBC Award and got into the list of Spotify called Spotlight on 2014. Not left aside and Billboard, who called it one of the "14 artists to whom to seek 2014 m.

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In 2014, the waist decorated the cover of The Fader, starred in the video on the song OUCH OUCH OUCH RPER LUCKI ECK $ and became one of the contenders on the Mercury Prize. After dating listeners with a debut full-format collection LP1, the artist went to the world tour, started in Brighton (East Sussex) and ended in Orlando (Florida).

On August 13, 2015, discography replenished M3LL155X (pronounced Melissa), settled on the 63rd line of the Billboard 200 music chart. At the same time, the light saw a short 16-minute film, which Rolling Stone compared with the masterpieces of David Lynch. The picture received 2 nominations for the MTV Video Music Awards 2016 premium for the best visual effects and choreography.

In 2018, Barnett attached a hand to the Fukk Sleep Top Colleagues a $ AP Rocky. And the next year, when the fans of the Single Cellophane, launched the Magdalene plate, inspired by the Biblical Mary Magdalene.

"I became interested in the identity of Mary Magdalene and found out what she was wonderful and loyal to Jesus Christ, essentially being his main friend. She was a sign, but her story simply strike out from the Bible - according to her, she was a harlot. I found a lot of advantages, nobility, enthusiasm, "a celebrity confessed in an interview.

Personal life

About Robert Pattinson's novel and FKA TWIGS became known in August (according to other data, a month later) 2014. Then the omniscient paparazzi "spotted" a couple on a walk through New York. In the autumn, lovers went together to Paris, and in April 2015, People wrote about their engagement.

But after 2 years in the personal lives of celebrities, sad changes came - according to rumors, the star of popular film "Twilight" became the initiator of parting. However, Ex-Gerlfrend did not athlete, but he was grateful to him for such a decision, because with a gap and started her search for himself.

From mid-2018 to the middle of 2019, a pierced beauty, loving shocking images, connected a romantic relationship with the actor named Schaya Labafe ("Paranoia", "Transformers", "on hook"). Acquaintance occurred on the set of drama "Cute Boy" - the script for him to him actually wrote on the basis of his own biography.

At the end of 2020, Talia filed to the court to the former guy, describing all the incompleteness he worked. The colleague was supported by SIA, also affected by the actions of the "pathological liar" and "patient man." The stylist of Caroline Fo, who was met with the artist and declared that the man was engaged in hand-drawing.

At the end of 2019, rumors appeared in the media that the heart of the singer is occupied by the frontman of the group of The 1975 Matthew Healy. The oil in the fire and their joint trekking on the NME Awards presentation ceremony in London on February 12, 2020, and the shared photo laid out by rocker on the page in "Instagram". With official comments, the musicians were in no hurry, but the picture of the girl with an eloquent signature again decorated the artist's social foot shortly before the new 2021.


2020, despite his whole problem, turned out to be fruitful for FKA TWIGS. The singer for a couple with 645ar recorded the single Sum Bout U, and with Ty Dolla Sign and Kanye West - the track Ego Death. She also received several nominations on the UK Music Video Awards 2020 at once.

In the summer, her Yutiub-Channel was replenished with a video on the WE ARE The Womxn song and a short-lasting short film Sad Day, in creating an American director of Japanese origin Hiro Murai participated. In the autumn, she admitted that she was working on a new album with the Spanish musician and producer El Guincho, and appeared as a guest guest on an online concert Studio 2054 Dua Linden.


  • 2012 - EP1
  • 2013 - EP2.
  • 2014 - LP1
  • 2015 - M3LL155X.
  • 2016 - Good to Love
  • 2019 - Magdalene.

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