Bahar Nabiyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", to training, eyes 2021



In Mexico, this blogger is called a witch or demon. In the United States there were articles about it, which argued that she was an aliens. In Russia, the model walks fame as freak. The same Bahar Nabiyev no longer responds to such comments and even refers to them as free advertising.

Childhood and youth

The girl was born on April 8, 1994. Until the moment of admission to the school lived in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku. Then the family moved to Dnepropetrovsk (Dnipro), afterwards the Biography of the blogger was associated with Ukraine.

Her father by nationality Azerbaijani, Mother - Ukrainian. Colorful appearance - big brown eyes, long and thick black hair, could provide schoolgirl popularity among peers. Alas, in fact everything developed differently.

Excessive thinness caused the ridicule of classmates. Over time, the native Baku and the very beginning to comprehensive about the figure, thinking about how to correct the situation.

Once I saw a Brazilian parade on TV. Women of this nationality have a genetic feature - strong legs and volumetric buttocks. The future online star likely liked this type of figure, and she decided to start working on themselves in the hall.

The first steps in the "sculpture" of themselves did Nabiyev made independently, without the participation of the coach, without taking into account the recommendations of professionals. A simplicity began to occupy on simulators, making emphasis on exercise, pumping legs and buttocks. Then I saw the first result - visually the lower part of the body became greater.

In addition, a resident of Dnieper studied video recording by Powerlifting famous fitness models. Underlining useful information, a beginner athlete has up to the program. Subsequently, this skill came in handy in the work of the coach.

After school, Nabiyev entered the Higher Educational Institution - the University of Alfred Nobel. The diploma of the Faculty of Economics while the former Student was not useful - her career is now tied to coaching and blogging.


Today, many, seeing the posts of this instagram model and comparing her photos before and after training at a professional level, confident - before Nabiyev looked much more attractive and feminine.

In his student years, she participated in traditional sports competitions and earned prizes. At the same time, Bahar began to receive extraordinary pleasure from power loads, and from the result - increasing muscles. At the same time began to catch the oblique views of fellow students.

In 2015, the student attempted the strength in the Miss Fitness Bikini competition. The judges identified her 5th place, although, judging by the comments for video recording from an event that spread on the network, such a result caused bewilderment. People wrote that this participant is only the 1st place.

For her, this experience turned out to be the last. More blogger did not participate in any competitions. And in the interview explained this solution to banal laziness. After all, before the event, the contestant had to sit on a tough diet, limiting himself in favorite dishes.

His hobby native Baku turned into a profession - since 2014 began working with paeerlifters. And quickly gained popularity on this field - after all, its appearance served as excellent proof that the mentor is able to competently draw up the program.

In 2015, Nabiyev worked at the Sportlife Club. Among its customers were predominantly men, openly expressing the admiration of the system of loads, which she offered. Bahar also did not give up his workouts. Over time, her legs covered with relief muscles, which on the background of the asthenic top looked unusual. With a rise of 168 cm, a lover of physical exertion retained the weight in the range of 63-66 kg.

Then the athlete launched a blog in the "Instagram", where he began to upload video from training. A photo in a swimsuit or underwear gained conflicting comments, however, the model has already received immunity from negative and did not respond to negative feedback about himself.

Bahar has accepted special drugs that use people professionally engaged in bodybuilding. Here included proteins, glutamine and other useful additives to build biceps and other muscle groups. But soon I understood it - you should not get involved in vitamins. Instead, it moved to proper nutrition, in which meat was invariably, the main source of protein.

Critics are confident - the model and today takes steroids and anabolics, without believing that such physical exertion can be met by such muscles. Another argument in favor of this theory was its low coarse voice. However, she herself denies similar judgments, claiming that he always spoke.

Bahar did not seek to pin the public. At the same time, the ambiguous glory around her figure only brought an Internet star to an additional PR.

In addition to the piled legs and the Yagoditsa Nabiyev made some adjustments to appearance. Black eyes became a highlight of the image - with the help of gloil lenses, the color of the protein shell has visually changed.

Personal life

At the age of 22, Bahar because of problems in personal life almost died. The reasons why young Ukrainian drinks pills, the blogger did not voiced. However, put the photo where he was already in the hospital with connected droppers. Surprisingly, the subscribers supported the model, sincerely worried and wanted speedy recovery.

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Now the online star has no guy, although it is not deprived of male attention. But temporary loneliness is a conscious decision. One day an athlete shared - problems in relationships lead to severe spiritual experiences, as well as the complete abandonment of training and communication with the outside world. And this adversely affects the career and physical condition.

But a native Baku does not exclude the fact that in her fate sooner or later an applicant will appear on hand and heart. He will definitely be strong and strong, able to keep the girlfriend near himself.

Bahar Nabiyev now

The model and today continues to raise the audience by appearance. In the fall of 2020, the Ukrainian media published a photo, where she appeared in an ultra-screwed green dress. By the way, most often she walks in sportswear, believing that it's not for anyone.

Bahar continues to develop a blog, often spending on a personal page of a promotion from a company producing sports nutrition. Nabiyev's career plans prefers not to share. Although once in an interview reported that he was thinking about moving from Ukraine to another country. There, where people would perceive her benevolently, "what it is."

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