Kirill Novikov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, Football, Coach, Dynamo, Footballer 2021



On September 29, 2020, a post was appeared on the personal page of Kirill Novikov in "Instagram", where he reported his dismissal from the post of head coach of the Moscow Dynamo. This decision was made after the painful defeat of the team in the Europa League from the Tbilisi Locomotive in the last match of the RPL from Khimki. The leadership responded a specialist, thanked him for the work done and offered to stay in the club system.

Childhood and youth

On January 14, 1981 in Moscow, the legend of the White-Blue Alexander Novikova was born the son of Kirill, also taking his life with football. Moreover, the head of the family did not forced the heir to go to Dynamo Dynamo and never asked anyone to "attach" the Son. That he himself was all the time next to him, I was interested in everything and everything, hired with the ball - to drive a child from the field almost impossible.

In a sports school, the boy fell under the wing of Vladimir Shalin and soon for a couple with Alexey Ivliyev became a leading player.

"We never had problems with my children, I am very pleased. The second son began to work in the banking sector, did not do football at all. Once, I brought him to Minaev Sashka, we looked at him on the field with the ball and said together: "Son, come across the other business." And Kirill slept and saw, as played, "- recalled in an interview with autogen.

His parents, who raised four children on the feet, moved to the capital of the USSR from the Penza region, served Father Vasily for a long time in the police, and then engaged in carpentry skill.


In 1996, Kirill was in the Moscow national team, and for the next year he played for the junior team of Russia to 16 years (and then up to 18 years and until 21 years old) and came to the duplicating composition of Dynamo.

The football player participated in European Championships to 18 and 20 years, and in 1998 won on world youthful games. In 2000-2002, he conducted 26 meetings at the country's main competitions, and from 2001 to 2002 he was part of the Russia youth team.

For his short-lived player's career, which lasted until 2007, Novikov managed to play not only for white-blue, but also for "Red October", "Istra", "Ryazan-Agrocomplekt". Unfortunately, all the plans confused severe injury - the defender received a gap of a cross-shaped ligament, complicated by a multitude of small damage in the knee.

About a month he lived with a semi-bent foot, and after atrophy, the muscles began to walk almost impossible. As a result, in Germany, Dr. Medicine Thomas Pfeifer conducted a successful operation, after which rehabilitation took 30 days, and recovery - more than a year.

"Cyril received a serious injury, and with football had to finish. I offered him the options to continue career - a judiciary and coaching. He, oddly enough, chose both options. He began to train children in the Dynamo school and studied and practiced in the judicial profession. And there, and there he does successes, "Alexander Vasilyevich told in 2013.

Career coach

In 2007, a graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture became the coach of the Center for the Training of Dynamo Football Players named after Lion Yashin. Before the summer of 2015, he instructed the "Dynamo Academy", then answered Dynamo M II and Dynamo-2.

From July 2017 to June 2018, Kirill Alexandrovich again worked with Dynamo-2, but already with St. Petersburg, according to the results of the season, located at the 10th place in the Zone "West" of the PFL championship. In July, Novikov returned to his native "Academy", and in the fall - to Dynamo M II. In 2019 in his professional biography, several noticeable changes have happened.

Firstly, from the assistant and acting, it was reached by the title of the head coach of "youths" white-blue, showing high results in the 3rd rank of the division of professional football of Russia. Secondly, he took the same position in the main composition after the resignation of Dmitry Khokhlov and raised the team with the Niza of the standings.

After a pause caused by a raging pandemic of coronavirus infection, the team completed the season at the 6th position, but thanks to the victory of Zenit made his way into the eurocal for the first time since 2015.

However, the joy was short. Already in the premiere match of the 2nd qualification period, on September 17, 2020 Muscovites, despite the goal of Forward Nikolai Komlichenko, lost to the Tbilisi "locomotive". September 28, they were defeated from Khimki.

Personal life

About the personal life of Novikov does not particularly speak and family photographs (with the exception of images of the famous parent and - occasionally - brother) in personal accounts in social networks does not indulge.

However, on January 1, 2020, on the official page of FC Dynamo in Instagram, a video appeared in "Instagram", where a man against the backdrop of a New Year tree in the company of his daughter appealed with congratulations to the fans. The recording screen was subsequently also in a selection of pictures dedicated to the Day of the Father.

Kirill Novikov now

At the end of September 2020, "Once again, calmly considering the events of this month," Kirill Aleksandrovich decided to leave the post in the Moscow Dynamo. In October, he was replaced by the former Mainz mentor Sandro Schwartz, who signed a contract with the club until the end of the next season. It was reported that the salary of the new coach remained the same as the predecessor - 4, 5 million rubles.

After the departure of Novikov did not disappear from the screens, and the television programs have actively visited. On November 9, in the company Maxim Kalinichenko, Mikhail Polenova and Alexey Nikolaev, he summed up the 14th round RPL 2020/2021 in the program "8-16" on the "Match TV".

November 15 in the program "Everything for Football!" The athlete with Dmitry Schnyakin and Igor Semoshov defended the Russian national team from the national team of Turkey in the League of Nations, and on December 6, in the "after football", he talked to souls with George Cherdyman and Vladimir Fastrov.

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