Karina Tsurban - biography, personal life, photo, news, inter radio, statesman, spying 2021



Karina Tsurcan is an ex-member of the International Rao Board, now accused of espionage. The criminal case, according to a lawyer, is based on counterfeit evidence. And the defendant of the trial considers himself a victim of its "principled and integrity."

Childhood and youth

The future top manager of the Russian energy company was born in the capital of the Moldavian SSR on October 6, 1974. Her mother Inna Agasov is an energy engineer profession, so from an early age, the girl was involved in this field of environmental management.

Such phrases like a transformer substation were hearing in a young daughter from 5 years. In childhood, the girl sat next to his mother when she did drawings. And at school age even helped the parental in the calculations.

Inna Agasov's daughter in an interview called a man loving obstacles. And they created them artificially. For example, after school entered the Faculty of Law International University of Moldova. And the complexity was that the Eateurient chose the Romanian group, although at that time and words did not know in this language.

Having received the first diploma of higher education in 1995, Karina continued to draw knowledge already in the Spanish Consortium of the Universities of the IUP, where the business administration studied and left the Alma Mater-Mater's walls with a degree of MBA.


The labor biography of the natives of Kiseshev started in USAID. Then, along with her husband, Karina was separated by the Turcan & Turcan law firm. According to the mother, when one Spanish company bought an energy session in Kyshev, her daughter was noticed and invited to work in the legal department.

Her immediate boss then and the words knew English or in Russian. But the employee did not embarrass - the head of the Department was studied Spanish, and even the documentation issued in this language.

By the beginning of 2000, accumulating a decent legal experience and to be bonded, Tsurcan had already claimed managerial positions. Therefore, replaced the place of work by entering the state of the Moldavian State District Power Plant.

In that period, reforms occurred in the Unified Energy System. The UEU was crushed into components, while Inter RAO was organized, specializing in the buying of power plants in the territory of the former USSR. At the same time, Karina Valerievna was directly involved in the privatization of the Moldovan GRES.

Her work was noticed from the Russian side, and merit in a successfully held personally appreciated Anatoly Chubais. After a short time, a former lawyer moved to Russia to work in Inter Rao.

In this country, and a brilliant career of Moldavanka by nationality began. In his first position, she headed the department engaged in the sale of electricity in the states of Romania, Ukraine and Moldova. Already next year, Eastern Europe became its controlled territory. And in 2012, a specialist supervised all the operations related to import and export.

In addition, Tzurban was part of the board of directors of several organizations - the Baltic NPP JSC, JSC "EEC" and "Acquiste Nuclear". The latter, by the way, specialized in the construction of atomic reactors in Turkey and the Kaliningrad region. But "built" the "Ackaya Nuclear" himself "Rosatom". Naturally, Turkey as a result turned out to be tied to Moscow, and, accordingly, strategic projects were carried out without the participation of Karina Valeryevna.

The incomes of Tsurcan at that time was estimated tens of millions a year. And this is only a salary and award. Plus, she owned the shares of Inter RAO shares (0.0354%).

Prestigious position and place in one of the leading companies of the capital - all this affected the life of the natives of Kisheva. She had a spacious office, a personal room for meetings, an elite car and, of course, the driver. The appearance of the top manager remained immaculate - designer dresses, branded decorations, limited perfumery. At the same time, she did not love to "glow" in the press, and on her page in Facebook there were only a few photos.


In 2018, a criminal case on the article "Spying" opened against Karina Valeryevna. Interestingly, Moldavian had Russian citizenship. However, the competent authorities caused more issues in connection with its receipt, so it was incriminated to this, and not the "state inspection".

According to investigators, Tsurcan in 2015, being in the post manager "Inter RAO", collaborated with the Moldovan Party and transferred information about the secret project of the Ministry of Energy of Russia.

The charges testified that in August 2004, a native of Chisinau became an agent of the Moldavian special services. And, already being in the management link of the Russian Energy Company, gained access to an important package of documents, which subsequently handed over to their curators in September 2015. The information that the spy has declassified, concerned aspects of cooperation between Russia with other countries, including Ukraine and Romania.

The lawyer of the detained Ex-Member of the Board "Inter Rao" was made by Ivan Popov. According to the defender, the prosecution text, a high-ranking person focused on a standard sheet of A4 format. And the proof of the spunty was the scan of the questionnaire, allegedly compiled by Moldovan intelligence on the Tsurcan in 2004.

It contains basic information about "spy" - address and education, date of recruitment. But, what is curious, the information that was written there was varied in time. For example, the address was written by the one for which the accused lived already in 2010. The same inconsistencies in the details touched and places of work.

On June 28, 2018, the Moscow City Court recognized the arrest of the Member of the Board of Inter Rao lawful, on the same day the Board of Directors of the Company officially ceased to its powers.

Personal life

According to Mother Inna Aganeskova, the daughter was very busy with a career, so personal life has always been leaving the background. And married in the youth of Alexander Tsurkana, with whom later worked in Turcan & Turcan.

The son of Andrei was born in marriage. Parents divorced in 2002, more in the biography of Karina Valerievna hiking under the crown was not like the birth of other children. Now the heir lives with Inna Aganeskova.

Nevertheless, in "Instagram" on various news pages, Tsurcan is not called anything like "Boris Kovalchuk's mistress." Also, according to the information provided from Rosbalt, the former Top Manager Inter Rao lived in the capital with Viktor Drigheniche, the founder of the NPC Enerkom-Service LLC and Yuzhtransavenergo LLC.

Karina Tsurkan now

On January 16, 2020, the defendant of the criminal case was published from Lefortovo SIZO due to a change in the preventive measure to a softer. At the same time, the woman gave the first after arresting an interview with RBC, in which he denied the accusations that imputed to her and called the evidence of FSB falsification.

Freedom for Tsurban constantly watched, checked the passports of those with whom she met. But, despite the strict adherence to the requirements of the court, the Prosecutor General's Office appealed the appeal decision. Under the convoy of the former top manager Inter Rao was taken to Lefertovo in February.

In September, the Moscow City Court ruled, according to which the arrest of the accused extended until March 7, 2021. The criminal proceedings took place in closed mode. According to information from the RBC news resource, Boris Locyonov insisted that Karine Valeryevna appointed a sentence in the form of 18 years in prison in the colony of the general regime. At the end of December 2020 it became known: Tsurcan sentenced to 15 years of colony for espionage in favor of Moldova.

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