Alexey Navalny - biography, personal life, news, oppositionist, photo, "instagram", colony, age, hunger strike 2021



Alexey Navalny - Russian public and politician leading public struggle with corruption. It is considered a symbol of the Russian outstanding opposition. He is the head of the project "Rospil", aimed at combating abuses in the field of state procurement. The biography of Alexei Navalny is full of scandals and criminal cases, for which he passed as the main accused in the embezzlement and fraud.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalnya was born under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini, on June 4, 1976, in the near Moscow Military Town Bottie. His parents - Anatoly Ivanovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna.

At the time of democratic change, they managed to become businessmen, owners of the Kobyakovsky Factory of Lozopili. Alexey does not speak about his nationality, but in an interview noted that his pedigree is closely connected with Ukraine. As a child, the future politician spent every summer near Kiev.

In the family, in addition to Alexey, the younger son Oleg Navalny was brought up. The brother of the future policy was born in 1983, today it consists in the management of EMS Russian Post express delivery.

After graduating from school, Navalny entered the Russian Friendship University of Peoples to the Faculty of Faculty. In 1998, he continued his studies in the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In parallel, the young man worked as a lawyer at the Aeroflot Bank and the developer company ST GROUP.

Having received a diploma of financier, Navalny did not stop at reached and supplemented education by a 6-month course of study at the Yale University for the Yale World Fellow grant program, where he managed to get on the recommendations of Harry Kasparov, Sergey Guriyev and Evgenia Albats.

Personal life

Alexei Navalny's personal life against the background of his scandalous career is not particularly noteworthy. In 1999, on vacation in Turkey, he met his future wife Yulia, the resort affair with which the wedding ended.

In the family, the policy is raised by two children: Daria's daughter of 2001 and the son of Zakhar, which appeared in 2008. In 2019, daughter went to Stanford University of USA. Live Navalny in the Moscow region of Marino, in the ordinary panel house, in an economy-class apartment with an area of ​​about 80 square meters. m.

Alexey Anatolyevich - Russian citizenship. Annually politician publishes the data of its tax return. In 2020, his earnings per month amounted to 450 thousand rubles. In his report, the oppositionist stated that his IP receives most of the income from the businessman and the benefactor Boris Zimin.

The noteworthy fact is that the growth of Alexei Navalny is 189 cm (with weight of 81 kg). This makes it possible to attribute a political and public figure to one of the highest representatives of the Russian politician.

At the end of 2017, social networks were sent by the announcements that the Navalny killed in the entrance of his own home. The post was distributed to the "Medusa" community page in VKontakte. Soon the information was refuted by the politician himself, and the group was recognized as a fake.

Career and business

Alexei Navalny's labor career started in his student years, but had an exclusively business direction. For several years he became the founder of a dozen enterprises with zero income, which, after a short time, sold quite successfully.

In 2008, Alexey Navalny began to be interested in inventive activism and began to buy small packages of shares in Transneft companies, Surgutnhend, Gazpromneft, Rosneft and Sberbank. In addition, the opposition was the shareholder of VTB Bank.


The Democratic Party "Apple" was a start in politics, in which Alexey until 2007 held senior posts thanks to the support of its associates of Nikita White, Maria Gaidar and Evgenia Albats. After the exclusion from the "Apple", Navalny made a co-founder of the national-democratic movement "People" and became a member of the march "Russian march". In 2012, he participated in the march "March of Millions", which took place on the Bolotnaya Square.

Alexey Navalny often acts as criticizing not only existing officials, but also those who have already been on leading posts in the public administration system. For example, the viewers remembered the opposition's discussion with the reformer of the 90s Anatoly Chubais in the transmission "Direct conversation", which Ksenia Sobchak led.

Gradually, Alexey Anatolyevich from the ordinary policy and an active blogger turns into a large-scale opposition leader in Russia, and after the murder of Boris Nemtsov, it is he who is the main criticism of the government.

In 2013, Navalnya ran to the post of mayor of Moscow, but did not gain the necessary number of votes. At that time, he had already created his anti-corruption Internet projects "Rospil", "Rosyama" and "Rosvyborma", and also registered the Foundation for the fight against corruption.

Soon the Foundation submitted several investigations films. The first ribbon, which causes public resonance in Russia, becomes a documentary "Seagull". Further there were other anti-corruption exposures. Navalny himself also heated interest in the activities of the Foundation by publications in Twitter microblogging and Facebook.

2 years old before the presidential elections, Navalny declared his candidacy. He reported this from the page of the official site. There was also a candidate program, in which he proclaimed wealth slogans for all citizens of Russia, the subsequent struggle against corruption and the development of social projects.

In 2017, the headquarters of Navalny in Yutiub-Channel introduced a new film "He's not Dimon", in which information appeared, exposing Dmitry Medvedev and his empire, created by corrupt schemes. Look inside the tape stipped the public - the mass rallies were followed, which led to the arrests of the organizers of the movement, including Alexey himself.

After the publication of the film Alisher Usmanov filed a lawsuit on the author of the investigation on the protection of honor and dignity. A businessman demanded to recognize false information that he gave a bribe Medvedev by donating the plot and houses in Znamensky, as well as about the bribes Igor Shuvalov.

In 2018, Navalny presented a new film "Yachts, oligarchs, girls: the hunter on men exposes the bribe", in which the corruption, from his point of view, the schemes of the Russian statesman Sergey Prikhodko. For its investigation, FBK used materials and photos from the page "Instagram" girls from the escort agency Nastya Fish.

In 2018, the program of progress ("People's Alliance"), which is headed by Alexey Navalny, was renamed the party "Russia of the Future". Its headquarters are open in tens of regions of the country, where they are engaged in collecting information on corruption investigations, as well as fighting for the purity of the environment.

In January 2020, after the change of government, Alexey Navalny published an investigation into the income of the new Prime Minister Mikhail Mishoustin. According to the oppositionist, the civil servant hides real estate by 3 billion rubles, registered on his relatives or not declared.

With the beginning of the Pandemic COVID-19 Navalny showed concern about the state of health of Russians. Already in March through its live channel, he called on Sergei Sobyanin to introduce quarantine in all Moscow schools and translate children to distance learning.

In April 2020, a regular film investigation on TV presenter Elena Malysheva appeared on the Navalny blog. The project was called the "Golden Palace of your favorite doctor." At the same time, love sable published an investigation into the activities of the RT channel, which also supported Navalny.

Arrest and criminal cases

The criminal prosecution of Alexei Navalny started in 2011, when he was caught in Crime. After 2 years, by the decision of the court, the oppositionist was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but the day after the sentence released on a subscription of the unseen.

Then the Russians, and the international community condemned the sentence, considering it politically motivated. Even Vladimir Putin expressed his attitude to a sentence, calling him "strange." After the revision of the case, the court changed the measure of punishment for a suspended sentence.

Among the following high-profile cases, in which the name of the Navalny appeared, the processes in the case of the Iv Roche company and Kirovles. Despite the persecution, in 2012, according to Time magazine, Navalny became the only Russian who fell into the top 100 most influential people in the world.

In 2019, Alexey Anatolyevich, as the head of the FBK, was recognized by the American agent. The Ministry of Justice of Russia reported that several trenches were recorded on the verification received by the Navalny Foundation accounts from Spain and the United States. The funds listed STAR-DOORS LLC, which is engaged in installing wall cabinets.

Navalny actively commented on the events taking place in Khabarovsk after the arrest of Sergei Furgal, rallies in Belarus, which he called the revolution.

At the upcoming elections in the State Duma in 2021, he offered the voters to use the "smart vote" method. And if before, Alexey urged to give his votes for any candidates, except for representatives of United Russia, now he agitates to vote for his supporters. Thus, the politician considers, it will be easier to create prerequisites for changes.

Poisoning and coma

On August 20, 2020, Alexey was hospitalized in the hospital of the city of Omsk. In an unconscious state, he was taken from the airline of the airline S7, who made Tomsk - Moscow flight. Even during the flight, the opposition was bad, he lost consciousness. Some airliner passengers argue that men's cries heard. Presumably, it was Navalny's voice. The video appeared on the network.

Earlier it was reported that after an emergency landing, the doctors introduced Navalny to the state of artificial coma to connect to the IVL apparatus. Later, the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region clarified that the coma is natural. The health state of the opposition caused concerns. Doctors immediately excluded stroke. According to initial assumptions, politician was poisoned by a chemical - sodium oxybutirate. In the morning at Tomsk airport, he drank a cup of tea in one of the coffee shops.

The clinic, where Alexey was located, patrolled police services and FSB employees. In Tomsk airport was checks. Lawyer Policies filed a statement in the SK on the initiation of a criminal case under Article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Enculsions on the life of a public figure", the punishment of which suggests 12-20 years of imprisonment.

When it became known about the happening, representatives of the German clinic "Sharite" expressed their readiness to transport Navalny to Germany, but Russian doctors did not immediately give good to transportation: in their opinion, due to the severe state of the opposition player, the flight could be tragically.

On the morning of August 22, Alexey was still delivered to Germany, where the toxicological poisoning was first confirmed, and then the most likely substance was named, which fell into the body of Alexey. It relates to a group of cholinesterase blockers. It is worth noting that it is this chemical compound that is used for the manufacture of substances known as "Novice".

For a while, the state of Navalny continued to instill concern, but on September 7, information was available that the policy was taken out of the coma. Alexey began to breathe independently and even posted a post in "Instagram", in which he said that he feels better. And on September 23, the oppositionist was discharged from the clinic: doctors found his condition satisfactory to stop urgent treatment.

This is not the first poisoning of Navalny. Representatives of the oppositionist reported that in 2019, after staying at Moscow, Alexey was hospitalized with acute allergies, then the diagnosis was adjusted - "Contact dermatitis". Proponents of the political figure suggest that poisoning in the first and in the second case are related to the election campaign.

Return and arrest

In January 2021, Alexey and his family returned to Russia. However, the policy could not get home: at Navalny airport detained. The fact is that during the passage of treatment and rehabilitation in Germany, the oppositionist did not attend the Moscow Cultural Inspection Inspectorate. Recall: it was necessary to do this because of the probation period in the case of "Yves Roshe", which ended only in December 2020. Because of this, Alexey was wanted. Later it became known that Navalny was arrested for 30 days - until February 15.

On February 2, 2021, the Moscow City Court granted the petition of the FSIN on the replacement of the conditional term for real and decided to send Navalny to the colony of the overall regime for a period of 3.5 years. In addition, Alexey Anatolyevich ordered a fine of 500 thousand rubles to pay a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Given the time spent under house arrest (from February to December 2014), the opposition will be in the colony of 2.8 years.

Alexey Navalny now

After the end of the trial, the lawyer of Oppositionist Olga Mikhailova made a statement that the sentence will be appealed. In addition, Navalny's defense mentioned the appeal to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe: the decision of the European Court was not fulfilled.

On February 5, Alexey Anatolyevich again turned out to be in the courtroom, now in the case of slander at the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Ignat Sergeevich Artemenko. Outcome - fine 850 thousand rubles.

To serve the punishment of Navalny sent to the colony in the Vladimir region (IR-2). After some time, the opposition has deteriorated well-being, however, according to him, it was denied medical care. And in the local department, the FSIN reported that "the all necessary medical assistance" convicted by A. Navalnaya in accordance with its current medical testimony is provided. " On March 31, he declared a hunger strike, demanding a doctor and drugs.

On April 16, it became known that the Moscow Prosecutor's Office was conducted by checking the FBK (the Ministry of Justice is included in the number of "ina groups") and all headquarters associated with the bulk. In the activities of these organizations, extremism saw and appealed to the Moscow City Court with a request to assign the corresponding status.

On the eve of the rally, also held in April, world celebrities, including Joan Rowling, Jude Law, Orhan Pamuk, Benedict Cumberbatch, in a letter turned to Vladimir Putin with a request to admit doctors to the convicted person.

On April 18, the oppositionist was translated into the hospital located on the territory of another colony (IR-3).

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