Vadim Yakovlev - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV series, sounding 2021



The 2021th fans of the National Security Agent with Mikhail Porechenkov in the lead role were looking forward to. This year, the premiere of the 6th season of the detective militant, talking about the return of Alexei Nikolaev to St. Petersburg, to punish the friend Andrei Krasnov involved in the murder and partner. In the continuation of the cult series, Vadim Yakovlev took part, to whom the role of Colonel Oleg Tikhomirov in the late 90s brought recognition and love of the public.

Childhood and youth

On March 4, 1946, the son of Vadim was born in Vladimir. Immediately after that, a moving to the Chita (and then to Kursk) was held, where the head of the family of 10 years served in the local Regional Theater. In a new place, spouses gave an apartment on the first floor with huge showcase windows.

Here, as a later artist was told in an interview, one day the Japanese prisoner was glanced, who watched Galina Nikolaevna (the woman was an artist). It turned out, he also wrote pictures before, so received from colleague as a gift paint and paper.

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The boy since childhood realized that he wanted to tie his life with the stage. He spent all his free time in the dressing room of his father, dressed in all sorts of costumes and depicted something. At 16, not a single school play did not affect without a young man.

In the family, the Senior One-Utility Brother Igor Chernov was brought up with him (the first husband of the mother died at the front at the beginning of the war), who had a good brush, creating portraits and the design of books. Beach by Vasily Semenovich also had an attempt to arrange a personal life. Despite the fact that the marriage could not be saved, the man always helped the ex-wife and their common child Konstantin.

The heir learned a lot from the parent in a professional plan. For example, also taught the role by rewriting it from hand to the notebook. In addition, both of them on different theatrical layers were able to play the sailor Schwandu in the production of Yarovaya Love.

"My parents somehow surprisingly approached each other. I have a warm, benevolent atmosphere in the house remained in my memory - no scandals, disputes, notations for us with my brother. When I became my father, I realized that the children remember and good, and bad, and what they would grow up, it depends on how you were, being close to them, "said Celebrity.

Theater and films

In 1967, the student graduated from Ligitmik, where he pulled his knowledge from the legendary director Georgy Tovstonogov, who was for him with fellow workers a real God.

With the diploma works "visible song" and "Westside History", a graduate immediately accepted in the theater named after Leninsky Komsomol, where he shone in the "seagull", "three musketeers", "turbine days", "duck hunt", "Tartuf, or a deceiver "And other performances. The actor just left the native "Baltic House", by 4.5 years by going to Alexandrinka.

To be filmed in Movie Vadim Vasilyevich began a little earlier than to serve in the theater: in 1963, I flashed in the "Day of Happiness", in 1964 - in the "Spring Dracities", in 1967 - in the "not the most successful bottom". In the last, as well as in the "city and song", the guy performed the composition "Goodbye, boys!" Bulat Okudzhava.

In 1968, Yakovlev played his first major role in the short-term "summer rain", in a couple of years - the second in "For those in the sea." In 1971, the premiere of the "night shift" of Leonid Menacher, where the artist attracted the attention of the turnover of Frolov in the hero.

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He also remembered the audience as Captain Konstantin Petrukhin - a friend of Sergei Skarin (Oleg Dahl) in the "Omega version" ", and as the chauffeur Uncle Vanya in the" Valentina Rasputin's "lessons.

In the filmography of the artist of art, a lot of military film kinocartin ("Longie the versts of the war", Front in the rear of the enemy), shields of literary works ("Life of Klim Samgin", "Son of the Regiment", "Walking on the flour"), but the real glory came after the exit on the screens "National Security Agent". In the form of Oleg Tikhomirov, the celebrity did not appear only in the 5th part of the series.

On the debt of Yakovlev's service was the Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Gromyko ("Brezhnev"), a psychbole astronaut ("Happy End"), a criminal authority on Luka ("Studs"), State Affilitary Plarton Kergentsh ("Mayakovsky. Two days") and t. d.

Personal life

"I met Svetlana when I was 18 years old, and immediately fell in love with her. She says that they also fell in love with me from the first meeting. Having learned that the girl is older for 5 years, I, without hesitation, added for 2 years - for solidity. We began to communicate, but the light soon learned about deception and left me, "the man told.

But after a few months the girl realized that she was bad without his beloved, and returned. It was then that he decided to immediately combine the bonds of marriage, so as not to lose the elected, but it was in secret from the family. The parents of the groom opposed the cause of young age, and the relatives of the bride - in social status, because his father was a major leader.

But the couple still signed up, and Georgy Tovstonogov, for such a solemn occasion, let go of the whole course with classes, so that students should organize a real holiday in the hostel. Spouses, who quickly found a common language with a test and mother-in-law, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, did not quarrel on trifles and pinched each other with gifts (he is a fur coat with a tour, she is a foreign car).

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Svetlana Alekseevna worked on the radio. But in the 90s, when it became a tight with money, left with his beloved work, where she wrote scenarios and articles about theater, performances and actors, and got a realtor, which significantly improved the financial situation. The sons who found themselves in entrepreneurship were also married in his youth: Vadim, which appeared in 1966, at 17, and Paul, born in 1978, in 19.

In the spring of 2020 Chet, who the heirs presented two grandchildren and great-grandchildren, celebrated the Emerald Wedding (55 years of living together).

Vadim Yakovlev now

Despite the honorable age, Vadim Vasilyevich continues to serve in the theater and film. In the native "Baltic House", which every year on his birthday is located under the personal photo of the artist in "Instagram" touching congratulations, the actor now playing the main roles: the poet in the "sentimental journey" "Return to Love" and Joseph Stalin in the formulation " Stalin. Night". Together with him, Sergey Mardar's colleagues, Andrei Rostimov, Alexander Moravitsky, Andrei Abramov, Elena Karpova, Natalia Vinogradova, are occupied with him in the last performance.


  • 1968 - "Summer Rain"
  • 1970 - "For those who are in the sea"
  • 1974 - "White Road"
  • 1975 - "Omega version"
  • 1975 - "Long Layers of War"
  • 1976 - "Easy to be kind"
  • 1978 - "French lessons"
  • 1981 - "Son Regiment"
  • 1984 - "Eight days of hope"
  • 1999-2003 - "National Security Agent"
  • 2003 - "Dancer"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2009-2010 - "Studs"
  • 2012 - "Coltsfoot"
  • 2015 - "Leningrad 46"
  • 2018 - "Cats offended not recommended"
  • 2021 - "National Security Agent. Return"

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