Andrei Konchalovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Dear comrades!", Julia Vysotskaya, films 2021



Konchalovsky Andrei Sergeevich is the famous Russian film director and screenwriter, whose name is known in Europe and the United States. He President of the Film Academy "Nika", People's Artist of the RSFSR, who has written many scenarios and journalistic articles for his career, as well as books. In the role of director Andrei Sergeevich removed dozens of films, and also put the performances, including operas.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Konchalovsky was born (the real name and surname - Andron Mikhalkov) on August 20, 1937 in the famous Mikhalkov family, the creative roots of which take their origins a few more centuries ago. Parents of the director - Honored RSFSR figures. Sergey Mikhalkov's father is the author of the National Favorite Children's Poems about Uncle Step and Hymfs of the USSR and Russia, and Natalia Konchalovskaya's mother is the Russian writer, the author of the historical Literature of the book "Our Ancient Capital".

In the family of Andrei Konchalovsky there is a younger brother Nikita Mikhalkov, who became a bright representative of Russian cinema. Foreign colleagues of the brothers were repeatedly surprised by the fact that the two most famous Russian director were associated with relatives. Konchalovsky has repeatedly spoke about the fact that they are the best brothers with Mikhalkov, but still belonged to the youngest "from the position of the brutal power."

Since childcare, parents were given the love of love for music, because in this area he showed talent, but in his youth the situation changed. Along with obtaining secondary education, Junior Andrei visited a music school, and after her ended he entered the music school at the Metropolitan Conservatory. Over time, thrust for music from the guy Ugasla, and the biography of Andrei Konchalovsky sharply changed the direction. He entered VGIK, at the Directory Faculty, who successfully graduated in 1964.

Films and director

The first picture in the filmography of Andrei Konchalovsky became the "Boy and Dove". She received the Honorary Award "Bronze Lion" at the Venice Film Festival of Children's Films. The young director took her back in his student years. In addition, during the period of study in VGIK, a talented guy made friends with Andrei Tarkovsky, with whom in the creative duet wrote scenarios to the ribbons "rink and violin", "Ivanovo Childhood", "Andrei Rublev".

In 1967, the director decided to experiment, creating a picture "The story of Asi Klyachina, who loved, did not marry." In this film, the cast consisted of beginner artists. Then the film about the "real life" was subjected to the ruthless adjustment of censors and was prohibited for the adaptation. Only 20 years later, Konchalovsky managed to restore the author's copy of the picture and after a favorable evaluation of critics to release it into the rental.

In 1969, Andrei Sergeevich presented a new film "Noble Nest". The main role in the drama was performed by Irina Kozchenko.

In 1970, Konchalovsky took off the film "Uncle Vanya", where he gathered a star cast, which included famous actors in Innokenty Smoktunovsky and Sergey Bondarchuk. Then there were still several well-known works by the director: "Romance about lovers", "Siberiad", "Blood and Pot".

In 1974, Andrei Sergeevich, together with Gennady Shpalikov, he worked on the scenario of the retro film "Unknown joy." However, later he gave the film Nikita Mikhalkov.

In 1980, two important events occurred in the life of a talented director-screenwriter: Andrei Konchalovsky was honored with the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" and he left the limits of the Motherland, moving to live in America. In Hollywood, he had to go through the thorny path to the glory, as the Russian director did not particularly be partly welcomed, but this did not prevent a number of successful paintings at all: "Train-fugitive" with Eric Roberts in the lead role, "Duet for soloist", " Modest people "," Homer and Eddie "," Beloved Mary "with the actress of Nastasya Kinski. The first American filmters brought Konchalovsky a number of prestigious kinonagrad.

In 1989, the director removed the American fighter "Tango and Cash", the main roles in which Sylvester Stallone played and Kurt Russell. After that, Konchalovsky decided to return to Russia and continue the creative career in his homeland. In a short period, he took the picture "Middle Circle", "Ryabina", as well as the continuation of the "Asi Klyachina History".

In 1997, Andrei Konchalovsky released the film "Odyssey", which became the most expensive project in the history of television. The picture was invested $ 40 million. The premiere of the film at the XX Moscow International Film Festival received positive feedback from critics, which called the "Odyssey" ribbon with a loud event of the MICF. For this work, the creator of the picture was awarded the highest television award of the United States - AMMI Prize.

A year later, he released the book "Low Truths". In it, he told about his famous family, about the stages of growing up, about overcoming fears and taboos, about personal and creative life.

In 2002, Andrei Konchalovsky presented the film "House of Fools", which was successful. It was nominated for prestigious premiums, among which the "Silver Lion" and the "Cup of Wolpi" for the best female role, and also received a big jury award.

In 2003, the director was founded by the "Production Center Andrei Konchalovsky". He cooperates with leading television channels of Russia.

In 2007, the next triumphal picture of the director "Gloss" followed, after which the film "Nutcracker and the Rat King" was shot in 3D format. The popular American actress El Fanning was involved in it.

In 2009, Andrei Sergeevich acted as a co-producer to the film "Last Sunday", for which was nominated for the Oscar-2009 Award.

In addition to working in the cinema, Andrei Konchalovsky put several famous performances on Russian and foreign theater scenes. These are plays and operas "Seagull", "Evgeny Onegin", "Peak Lady", "War and Peace", "King Lire", as well as "Three Sisters".

In 2012, Andrei Konchalovsky noted the 75th anniversary and the 50th anniversary of creative activity. To this event, he prepared a retrospective work in which 17 films entered.

In 2013, Andrei Konchalovsky was elected president of the Russian Film Academy "Nika". For the painting "White nights of the postman Alexei Ragjitsyn", the creator received the honorary prize "Silver Leo" for the best director's work.

The film "Paradise" became one of the main nominees to Oscar, being in 2016 in the short list of the award of the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences in the nomination "Best Foreign Film". The action of the art film unfolds during World War II. The picture tells about the fate of the heroes who participate in the war on the side of French resistance, trying to defeat the German fascist invaders. In Kinokartina, we are talking about the fate of people who lived in this terrible time, their struggle, desire to be free. Russian emigrant Olga, French collaborationist Jules and German Helmut, which is a high-ranking SS officer, are the main acting characters.

Olga's role was played by Julia Vysotskaya (Andrei Konchalovsky's spouse). Most viewers believe that this role has become a continuation of a successful acting career for Julia. She used to appear in the films of her husband - played the main character in the film "Glyanets" and the role of Mom in the "Nutcracker and Rat King" fairy tale.

The announcement of the film was held in September 2016 while showing at the Venetian Film Festival. In Italy, Andrei Konchalovsky received the first reward for the director of this film. In the same year, the viewers of Andrei Konchalovsky with a journalist and publicist Dmitry Bovkov were observed in the program "Literature about me" cycle with a journalist and publicist Dmitry Bull.

In the same year, the premiere of the Rock Opera "Crime and Punishment", the author of the idea, librettist and the director of which became Andrei Sergeevich, took place in the Moscow "Theater of the Musicla". Music wrote Eduard Artemyev. In 2017, the performance was the nominee of the Golden Mask Award for several categories. Awards received a composer Rock Opera and a performer of the Main Heroine Party Maria Biork.

In 2017, Andrei Konchalovsky began a new project dedicated to the life and creativity of the Great Artist of the Renaissance Michelangelo. Film covers the stage of life of the main character, dedicated to his work on the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel and the sculpture of David. According to Andrei Sergeyevich, he did not strive to create a biographical picture, but presented a copyright look at the life of genius.

When creating the film, Konchalovsky relied on the principles of the genre of vision, which was distributed in the era of the Renaissance. In such a style, the work of Dante Aligiery "Divine Comedy", which Michelangelo knew by heart. Initially, the picture received 2 names - "sin" and "Monster. Vision ", in the rental she came out as" sin. Vision. "

Working on the painting, the director involuntarily conducted parallels with the image of Andrei Rublev, on the script of the film about which he worked in 1969. The shooting was conducted in Italian Florence, local residents and actors were involved. The image of Michelangelo recreated the dentist Alberto Teston. For large-scale surveys, it was necessary to rebuild a copy of the Sistine Chapel, and the Florentine Signoria Square, where the famous statue of David was first standing - for a time to fall asleep the earth for truth. In addition to the favorite city of the artist, shooting was conducted in Rome, Carrara and the Tuscany region.

It was assumed that the film will be presented in 2018 at the Venice Festival, but by the time of its holding the necessary copy of the tape has not yet been ready. In October, film premiere took place in the Kremlin. In connection with this event, the director visited the Evening Urgant show.

For the contribution to the cinematic and theatrical art, Andrei Sergeevich was awarded the title of Kavalera Order for merits to the Italian Republic. The award ceremony took place at the Italian Embassy in Moscow.

In October 2018, the premiere of the theater work of Konchalovsky - the performance "Oedip in Colon" was held on the BDT scene. For the first time, the tragedy of Sofokla was represented by the audience in the distant 401 BC. NS. According to Andrei Sergeyevich, the material did not lose the relevance and in today's days, it is devoted to the topic of revealing the secrets of man and the universe. The main roles were performed by Nikolai Gorshkov, Sergey Losev and Julia Herocha.

At the same time, the next director's work Konchalovsky (the play of the Moscow Theater named after the Mossoveta "Cherry Sad") was demonstrated in Italy in the program of the Festival of Russian Culture "Russian Seasons". At the same time, the Russian film director held at the Roman International Film Festival master classes for young produced.

In 2019, Andrei Konchalovsky became the guest of the author's program of Vladimir Posner. The interview was friendly and interesting. The director and journalist talked to the themes of art, psychology, democracy, history.

Personal life

The personal life of Andrei Konchalovsky developed no less bright and violently than his creative activity. Favorite women are a special chapter in the fate of celebrities. Almost every regular work on the film from the screenwriter was associated with a new love novel.

In the life of the legend of Russian and foreign cinema was officially married 5 times. With the first wife, young ballerina Irina Kandat, Konchalovsky was combined with a marriage in 1957, the Union lasted 2 years.

The second wife of the director became Natalia Arbasarov, who gave birth to him in the 1966th Son of Egor. Egor Konchalovsky also became the famous Cynokartin Creator.

After that, the heart of the female beauty fan won the Polish film actress Beata Tyshkevich. Roman with Polka caused the divorce of Konchalovsky and Arbasarovar.

In 1969, a talented director was married to Vivian French Frenchwoman. She gave birth to the director's daughter Alexander, but during the official marriage of Konchalovsky had novels with other actresses - Liv Ulman and Shirley McLeene.

In 1987, Andrei Konchalovsky married the fourth time. His wife became Irina Martynov, a speaker on television. She gave birth to two daughters - Elena and Natalia.

In addition to official marriages, the Mature of Russian Cinema had many novels. One of the beloved gave him an extramarital daughter Daria. Konchalovsky also participates in its fate.

With the fifth wife Yulia Vysotsky, the director met in 1998 at the Kinotavr Film Festival. Wedding lovers played in the same year. Despite the difference at the age of 36, as well as impermanence in the director-screenwriter, the marriage of Yulia Vysotsky and Andrei Konchalovsky is called a model of family life. A woman gave birth to her husband for two more children - the daughter of Maria and the son of Peter Konchalovsky. The older children of Konchalovsky presented the father of eight grandchildren and granddaughters.

In October 2013, a terrible misfortune happened to the family of Konchalovsky. The daughter of Maria Konchalovskaya seriously suffered in an accident in France. The accident occurred due to the fault of Andrei Sergeevich himself, since, being driving a vehicle, he did not cope with the control, and the girl was not fastened by a seat belt. Only to May 2014, Konchalovsky's daughter filed a chance for recovery and return to a full-fledged life. After a successful operation in March 2015, she began to breathe independently.

From the latest news about Konchalovsky's daughter, it can be concluded that all the same Masha has a prolonged recovery process. It was transported to the parental house, where in the native walls is trying to defeat the consequences of a terrible accident under the constant supervision of doctors that make a bet on youth seriously affected by the patient. The family does not yet provide official comments on the state of health of Masha. There is slow progress. It is known that now she did not come out of the coma.

Andrei Konchalovsky and Julia Vysotskaya are considered one of the most durable couples in Russian cinema. According to the actress, both spouses work on relationships so that they develop, and not Gasli.

The director reverial applies to all the initiatives of Julia. In 2017, the opening of the first points of the networked shops of the network "Eating like at home!", Whose face became Vysotsky. The project was launched as an alternative to foreign fast food. And in 2020, Andrei Sergeevich suggested that Yulia play a major role in the film "Dear Comrades". The spouse justified the expensive of the director and perfectly reincarnated into the image of the party workers.

Konchalovsky has a generic nest - a house on Nicolina Mountain, which is 30 minutes from Moscow. It passed the childhood director, and now he spends a lot of time with his family. The interior of the terme is modern, but there are ancient-Russian motives in it.

Andrei Konchalovsky leads microblogging in Facebook, but he has an account and in "Instagram". On social networks, the director posts photos and video devoted to new projects.

Andrei Konchalovsky now

In November 2020, Andrei Konchalovsky presented a new job with a wide audience - the film "Dear Comrades", the budget of which amounted to 150 million rubles. This is a historic artistic picture, which tells about the shooting demonstration of workers in Novocherkassk in 1962. In the center of the plot - a party worker, a communist and the former Frontovichka Lyudmila, whose role was performed by Julia Vysotskaya.

The film "Dear Comrades" was a great success. It was rated at the Venice Film Festival, where he was honored with a special award. Also Konchalovsky received the prize "Silver Hugo" at the 56th International Film Festival in Chicago. In addition, the film was nominated for Oscar. He will compete within the framework of the nomination "The best film in a foreign language". In 2021, the picture entered the BAFTA Long List. In the same month, she was also awarded the Award "Best Directory" on the film "Golden Eagle".

The director himself initially doubted the success of the picture at the international level.

"This is such a specific picture of Soviet people, about Stalin, about Stalinism. I don't think they could understand something, "Andrei Konchalovsky shared his opinion.

In connection with the recognition of the film in Russia and the world, Konchalovsky gave an interview on the radio "Echo of Moscow". As part of the interview, the leading Ksenia Larina and Vitaly Drymarsky also touched upon the topic of politics, in particular, talked about French-Muslim conflicts.

Also in 2020, Andrei Sergeevich in Tandem with Ekaterina Dwarve and Evgeny Grigoriev introduced the documentary "Neckless Man". Picture heroes are ordinary people who lead the usual life and day from day to day. The film is responsible for eternal questions: what is the meaning of life, what is happiness, why love your homeland.

On February 8, 2021, an interview with Andrei Konchalovsky was published for the Yutyub-show Ksenia Sobchak "Caution, Sobchak!". In it, he told the journalist about his film "Dear Comrades". The topics of politics, censorship, fascism and idealism were affected.

Also in an interview came about Russia and Vladimir Putin. Andrei Sergeevich called President Liberal:

"Putin is an absolute liberal. Another question is that the form of the Board, which was created, was not created by Putin. It is created by the Russian cultural genome. "

According to him, it is precisely because of this in Russia there is a high level of corruption.


  • 1961 - "Boy and Pigeon"
  • 1969 - "Noble Nest"
  • 1970 - "Uncle Vanya"
  • 1974 - "Romance about lovers"
  • 1978 - "Siberiad"
  • 1989 - Tango and Cash
  • 1990 - "Homer and Eddie"
  • 1994 - "Ryabina" chicken
  • 1997 - "Odyssey"
  • 2007 - "Gllyan"
  • 2010 - "Nutcracker and Rat King"
  • 2014 - "White Nights Postman Alexei Ragjitsyn"
  • 2016 - "Paradise"
  • 2019 - "Sin"
  • 2020 - "Dear Comrades"
  • 2020 - "Neckless man"

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