Sergey Shakurov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Sergey Kayumovich Shakurov - Russian Theater and film actor, owner of the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" and the cavalier of the Order of Honor.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Shakurov was born in the 1st day of the new 1942, in the midst of the Great Patriotic War, in the center of Moscow, on Arbat. His parents, Kayum and Olga Shakurov, worked together at the Research Institute.

Also, the father of the future artist Kayum Taffitovich, Tatar, by nationality, was a hunter known in the capital. He kept Crane on 16 dogs and devoted his hobby free time. Therefore, the mother of the boy was engaged in the mother of Olga Sergeyevna and the older brothers and sisters of the future star of the screen. The difference between the youngest semen and other children in the family was 10 years or more.

Sergey Kayumovich Ros Zadiy. He often participated in the Arbat street fights "Wall on the wall". In 10 years, the future actor seriously carried away by sports and signed up in the section of sports acrobatics. Persistent classes, patience and perseverance allowed the guy for 18 years to obtain the title of Sports Master and Excellent Figure (height 187 cm, 80 kg weight). And in his youth, he even managed to conquer the title of the champion of Moscow.

In the 7th grade, the schoolboy began to attend a drama under the leadership of Valentine, the former artist of the central children's theater troupe.

When it was time to be determined with further prospects, Sergey Kayumovich, despite all the coach's persuasion, sacrificed the sports career for the scene. It is noteworthy that he never got a school certificate. Not wanting to waste time and depart in a secondary school, in 1961 Shakurov entered the studio at the Central Children's Theater. Recommendation to act in the Central Committee, Dramaturg Victor Rosov gave him, who found a considerable acting talent in the young man.

Personal life

Sergey Kayumovich's personal life has repeatedly been actively discussed in the press. He was married three times. It is rumored that he had a novel with Larisa Guzeyeva. He recommended the young beauty of Eldar Ryazanov on her star role in the "cruel romance". But the girl allegedly chose Nikita Mikhalkov. However, there is no confirmation of these rumors.

1st Wife Shakurova, Natalia Oleneva, studied with him at the Studio School at the Central Children's Theater. The son of Ivan Shakurov, born in this marriage, made a career of the photo chopper and presented the father of three grandchildren: Elena, Maria and Ivan.

In the 2nd time, the actor married a young colleague Tatiana Kochhemasova, from whom he met in 1984 during the filming of the film "Parade Planets". After 2 years, the spouses were born daughter Olga, in the family of which 2 children had already grown - Mikhail and Anastasia. But this marriage collapsed. Shakurov divorce survived hard. He even got into the hospital.

Today, the artist loved by millions is happy again. He married the theater producer Ekaterina Babalova. The third wife by the nationality of Armenian, for 30 years younger than the spouse. In 2004, the boy was born - Marat Shakurov.

Junior Son Sergey Kayumovich tries to instill craving for a healthy lifestyle and love for creativity. Together with Marat, the artist rushes every morning a familiar song repertoire, in his free time visits the pool.

Shakurov dislikes communication with the press, and the media considers the enemy of the creative process, so the actor has no personal profile in "Instagram" or other social networks. Fans created an unofficial site of the artist, where his interviews, film reviews and theatrical works are laid out.


After graduating from the Studio Studio, Sergey Kayumovich served in the theater troupe on a small armor. Then Director Leonid Heifetz invited the young actor to the Central Academic Theater of the Soviet Army. When the play was closed, "two comrades" and Hakefez forced to leave, Shakurov followed him, hoping that the Small Theater would put on the service of their creative tandem. But the calculations of the artist were not justified, and he remained without work.

Only in 1971, after a 3-year break, Shakurov was taken to the Dramteater DramaTheater troupe of Konstantin Stanislavsky. Here the actor served 16 years. The most notable ones in this period were the roles in the performances of Masquerade on the work of Mikhail Lermontov and Sirano de Bergerac, which became the legend in the theater world.

In different years, Sergey Kayumovich participated in the productions of Moscow Tyuza, Mkat, "Contemporary" and the modern theater of Antrepurza.

Often Shakurov can be seen in the entrepreneurial productions. So, in 2013, the play was put on the "bad habits", in which Igor Galnikov and Daniel Svivakovsky were put on the scene partners.

The 1st work of the actor in the cinema was the role of the stubborn recruitment of Peganov, the main character of the artistic film "I am soldier, mother" of the Greek-Soviet director Manos Zacharias. He came out on the screens in 1966. This picture begins the creative biography of Shakurov.

The glory of the nationwide idol came to the artist after 8 years and 10 movies, together with the character of the squadron squadron Andrei Rabelin in the masterpiece of the domestic cinema "His among others, someone else's among their" director Nikita Mikhalkov.

5 years later, Sergey Kayumovich, Sergey Kayumovich, was awarded by the State Prize of the RSFSR for the main role in a major role in film. Kinokarttina went out at the same time with the publication of the book of Leonid Brezhnev "Coleno" and, by virtue of its "virgin" orientation, was considered by many as a kind of illustration for the work of the Secretary-General of the CPSU Central Committee.

Shakurov itself among numerous cinematic works highlights the famous comedy melodrama Peter Todorovsky "Favorite Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov", in which he played the beloved heroine Lyudmila Gurchenko. It is noteworthy that Vladimir Vysotsky was also tried to this role. By the way, in 1971, the actors had to be filmed together in the film "Land Sannikov", but the participation of Vysotsky refused at the last moment.

In the 80s, the artist created an extensive collection of cineguards, among which the main roles in the films "Portrait of the artist's wife", "who knocks on the door to me ...", "The term of limitations", "Planet Parade". Heroes of Shakurov became artists, scientists, artists, workers. In the middle of the decade, Sergey Kayumovich starred in the political thriller "Foots of the Werewolf", as well as in the popular detective "Visit to Minotaur", where she appeared in the image of the investigator and Master Antonio Stradivari.

According to the actor, he was always interested in conflicting, dramatic, wide images. A series of such characters Shakurov presented to the audience in the 90s. His filmography was replenished with the work in Drama "Disintegration", the tragicomedy "suicide", the eccentric melodrama "God's creature". In the film "Dogger Pier" Sergey Kayumovich appeared in the acting ensemble with Natalia Gundareva and Larisa Udovichenko.

The historic milestone in the biography of the artist was the role of Prince Menshikov in the TV series Svetlana Druzhinina "Mystery of Palace Dobor". The shooting continued for 5 years in the interiors that fully meet historical reality: the halls of the palaces in Kuskovo, Pushkin and Oranienbaum. During the project on the project partners of Shakurov on stage, the stars of the movie Nikolai Karachentsov, Inna Churikova, Vladimir Ilyin, Alexey Zharkov and Natalia Egorova.

In 2005, the audience saw the favorite artist in the historical biographies "Brezhnev" Sergey Snezhkin, in which Shakurov reincarnated in the general itself.

Sergey Shakurov in the film

This series was a project of the first channel, so the casting for the role of the Secretary-General was tough. Two dozen artists were tried on it, among which Bogdan Mortar, Yuri Stoyanov and Rodion Nakhapetov. But even the lack of necessary centimeters of growth (special 5-centimeter cats were created for the work of the actor) did not prevent Sergey Kayumovich to create a powerful way and Harizme image.

Konstantin Ernst personally approved Shakurov to the role. The artist justified the trust and in the image of Brezhnev turned out to be very convincing. He managed not only to accurately recreate the appearance of the hero, but also transfer the inner drama of the character, not rolling into a parody.

Until now, spectators surprises the similarity of Sergey Kayumovich in makeup with the photo of the elderly Secretary General. Moreover, according to the actor, we needed only "branded" Brezhnev eyebrows. For this role, Shakurov received the Thafi Prize in 2005. In Ribe, the artist played Leonid Ilyich in his mature age, and Sergey Dolinsky embodied the young Brezhnev.

Soon there were several notable projects with his participation. In 2007, the historical drama "Paragraph 78" was published, in which the artist played a member of the Military Tribunal. In the "Fresh" screening of Roman Mikhail Bulgakov "White Guard" directed by Sergey Snezhkin Shakurov reincarnated in the hetman of the Scoropadsky.

Sergey Shakurov in the film

The historical drama came to the screens in 2011 and was warmly accepted by the audience and film critics. In the same year, the actor starred in the project "Vysotsky. Thank you for living, "fulfilling the role of Father of the Great Bard. Soon the repertoire of Shakurov was replenished with the works in the series "After school", "Love for love", "Grandmale 005".

In 2015 - again a historic project, this time about Catherine II. The series "The Great" scored high ratings. Sergey Kayumovich here reincarnated in Alexey Petrovich Bestumev-Ryumin.

And in 2016, actor's talent fans welcomed new projects with his participation. This is the detective series "Investigator Tikhonov" and film-catastrophe "crew" of Nikolay Lebedev.

In 2017, Shakurov turned 75 years old. But the artist is still active and in demand both in the theater and in cinema.

In addition to acting talent, Sergey Kayumovich has one more - musical. Songs performed by the actor could be heard on the Victory Day of 2005, at the concert, which was held on Red Square. Shakurov sang penetrating the well-known composition "From the heroes of the former times." In 2012, the touching composition appeared "fascinating" Igor Nikolaev in the execution of the artist, which was shot by the clip.

The actor is known for acute statements and is not always restrained when he has what is called, "boiled". So, in 2012, he was quite sharply spoken of Russian national football team, criticizing athletes for a sluggish and urgent game.

The artist himself calls the main title of theatrical layouts. On the cinema, according to Sergey Kayumovich, he spends less strength and energy, perceiving shooting in film projects as his hobby. Nevertheless, the heroes of Shakurov turn into bright and original images that excite the imagination of the audience. The actor is accustomed to their work qualitatively, so often refuses projects that considers second-rate.

In 2017, Shakurov played a secondary character in the criminal series "Torgsin", where Alexander Bortich, Grigory Antipenko, Alexander Nosten, Sergey Gorobchenko, Ekaterina Klimova also starred.

In 2018, Shakurov appeared in the main acting composition of the melodramatic series "Birch" on weekdays of the popular Soviet dance ensemble.

In the fall of 2018, the actors were invited to the project of the CTC "Molodechka". In the 6th season, Shakurov performed the role of the main candidate for the coaches of the Hockey Club in Metalist.

In 2019, the artist took part as a judge in the 4th season of the program "Three Chord" - on Shakurov Show performed a song from the film "Generals of Sand Quarries" in the "Accident" team.

Sergey Shakurov Now

In 2020, the filmography of the artist was replenished with the drama "rebellion", the historical film "Pass Dyatlov" and the "Filatov" melodrama.

In the 8-Series Costume Drama "Reminance" plot tells the story of Lisa Zhuravlev, which in 1921 he delays the CC. The investigator of the Voronov accuses it in the organization of Yaroslavl rebellion, the girl at interrogations tells the whole history of his life. Against the background of the civil war, the history of love and hatred, loyalty and betrayal is unfolding. Together with Shakurov, who played the mother of the main character, Lyubov Aksenov, Yuri Chursin, Alexey Bardukov, Vasily Simonov, Pavel Tabakov, Sergey Nikonenko participated in the filming.

The acting of the 21-serial melodramas "Filatov" devoted to the difficult profession of doctors is impressive. Fyodor Bondarchuk, Shakurov, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Alina Bulynko, Maria Aronov, Galina Polish, Emmanuel Vitorgan Brilliantly recreated a working atmosphere in the women's clinic, in which hundreds of women come with their problems every day.

In the "native" actru got the image of the Father of the family, who once decided to fulfill the dream of all life: sing his song at the Human Festival. In the auto desk with a man in a compulsory, the whole family is sent. A long way, full of different tests and adventures, will become for their relationship test. Sergey Burunov played in the roles, Irina Pegov, Semen Trescunov, coin, Katerina Becker.

In 2020, the actor is involved in the Comedy "Little Comedy", "Craid", "bad habits", the drama "Red Mozart", on the scenes of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

And the 2021th was pleased with the fans of the actor with a sports drama "Master" and the vampire fantasy "Footers".


  • 1966 - "I am soldier, mom"
  • 1971 - "Month August"
  • 1974 - "His among others, someone else's among their"
  • 1978 - "Siberiad"
  • 1981 - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova"
  • 1984 - "Parade Planets"
  • 1987 - "Visit to Minotaur"
  • 1995 - "Cranberries in Sahara"
  • 2002 - "Antikiller"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2007 - "Paragraph 78"
  • 2011 - "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"
  • 2012 - "After school"
  • 2015 - "Great"
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2018 - "Birch"
  • 2018 - "Youth"
  • 2020 - "Mount"
  • 2020 - "Dyatlov Pass"
  • 2020 - "Filatov"
  • 2021 - "Master"

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