Leonid Yakubovich - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, daughter, barbarian, son, Artem Antonov 2021



"Moscow. Ostankino. Yakubovich "- these three words were enough to ensure that the" field of miracles "came to the field of letters. Leonid Arkadyevich did not see a single release of a program that goes on the air since 1991. He considers his role to be a secondary, designed to retire the main goal - the mood. And the term "popularity" of EMU does not like, it is more correct to say "recognition."

Childhood and youth

Leonid Arkadyevich was born in the summer of 1945 in Moscow. On the Jewish nationality of the TV presenter, individual Internet media concluded, pushing out the names of parents - Rimma Shenker and Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. As its membership in the Russian Jewish Congress charitable organization is regarded as a kind of confirmation.

From the small years, his father killed his son to independence and responsibility for actions. He never checked the school diary - believed that Leonid himself had to decide how to learn. Yakubovich then adhered to this position in relation to his own children.

In the 8th grade, Lenya was excluded from school: the guy decided to earn money, tested mosquito nets and returned to study only at the end of the first quarter. I had to do in the evening school, and the day to work the electromechanics at the Tupolev plant.

Having received a certificate, Yakubovich passed the exams immediately in three theatrical universities. But the father demanded that the Son acquires a specialty "suitable", and only then went where he wishes. So the electronic engineering institution became the first stage in the formation of the creative biography of Leonid. In the university, he signed up in the theater of student miniatures and soon his debut on stage.

Then the young artist threw the machine-building, preferring to him engineering and construction. There was a strong team of KVN "MISI", in which Yakubovich perfectly "fited". The guys toured across the country, they collected applause in the most distant corners, found new friends, fell in love. According to Leonid Arkadyevich, it was the happiest years of life.

Carier start

Ten years of the TV presenter worked at the Likhachev plant and all this time wrote humorous stories and scenarios. Before the public, Vladimir Vinokur and Evgeny Petrosyan. On theatrical layouts put his plays. And in the early 80s, Yakubovich himself became an actor, starring with Natalia Gundareva and Viktor Svakurin in the picture "Once 20 years later."

In the youth, Leonid Arkadyevich became famous as a screenwriter of programs "And well, guys!" And "And well, a girl!", As well as the leading beauty contest "Moscow Beauty", on which the first 2 places went to Masha Kalinina and Oksana Fander.

"Field of Dreams"

In 1991, Leonid Arkadyevich was invited to the "Field of Miracles". Now Yakubovich is primarily associated with this show. The famous "black box" and bouquets for women are the idea of ​​a TV presenter.

The head and author of the project Vlad Lisvest at one time approved the organization of the museum where numerous gifts from participants were sent. There, Leonid Arkadyevich, by the way, has never been.

Crown phrase showman "Come on!" Attracted so much attention fans, which became meme. On Youtube platform is popular not only short videos, where Yakubovich pronounces the famous phrase, but also a ten-hour video, which repeats the phrase that sounded in different releases of the show.


Over time, the "Analyzes of the Week" and the talent show "I can!", The game "Wheel of History" and "Guessyka" appeared on the screen stars of the screen. He pronounced the introductory and final word in the "Channel Channel Collections", "together with Alexander Strezhenov led the program" Star to "Star".

The artist's cycling energy is enough for replenishment of the filmography, writing plays and participation in the production of the Millennium theater. The artist's favorite works call a role in the play "Be healthy, Monsieur" and the role of grandfather in the film on the author's story "My Dream Grandfather", where he acted as a producer.

In 2019, Yakubovich removed a film about the pilots, but not about the usual, but about the legendary "night witches" who served in the bombardment regiment during the Great Patriotic War. The basis of the documentary tape was the episode of the liberation of Belarus. Hence the ancestors of Leonid Arkadyevich from the Father.

In the same year, Russian animators made it a hero of the game Mortal Kombat. The main boss of the Fighting in the final refuses to fight with Yakubovich and runs away, grabbing prizes.

The network still popular Joke "Yakubovich is upset", which has begun from the advertising video, which was based on the concept of the concept telling about the unbearable torments of Leonid Arkadyevich, tested from the fact that the audience still overpays for satellite television.

In 2020, he saw the light of the artist "plus-minus 30: incredible and truthful stories from my life", on the pages of which he spoke about many, including his help as a pilot by the military during the Afghan and Chechen wars.

Personal life

With the first wife of Galina Yakubovich, Artem Antonov's son raised. The young man hardly survived the divorce of the parents and took the last name of the mother. Heir to the celebrity received higher economic education at the Academy of Foreign Trade, but the genes won: a man works on television. Artem knows two foreign languages, has a black belt on karate, gave the father to his granddaughter Sofia.

2 years after the appearance of the girl, Leonid became his father again. Daughter Varvaru Yakubovich gave birth to the second spouse Marina Vioso. Varya, too, polyglot, learned on a linguist, was keen on horseback riding, but the profession chose also related to television - she is a TASS correspondent.

Personal life The head of the family does not exhibit a deposit, but not hide. Photos with loved ones TV presenter publishes in the Instagram account along with news and photographs in a professional environment.

The health of the showman has repeatedly caused concern from fans. Yakubovich attributed a serious illness when he lost 30 kg (now, with a height of 168 cm, weight is 75 kg) to "keep up with beautiful and slender wives and daughters."

In the press regularly pop up rumors that showman died. One day, the leading and truth was on the cemetery, but his "funeral" fited into the plot of a pre-scheduled for the program "Advertising pause". Leonid Arkadyevich was so accustomed to the role that passers-by in his death believed and was not surprised when he sat down in a coffin.

The notorious question about Usakh Yakubovich is not yet tired, but now for the most part missed. He says, this is the tradition of a family, taken from grandfather and, oddly enough, grandmothers. Without the mustache, which became the symbol of the "Miracles" symbol, he does not imagine. The contract with the first channel prohibits the TV presenter and shave.

Leonid Arkadyevich is still experiencing about the tragedy that happened in 2001, as a result of which he killed a man. The artist on the car knocked down a drunken pedestrian road, which in a few days spent in the hospital broke up with life. According to the lead, after the incident, for some time, he could not get behind the wheel at all.

Public position

Leonid Arkadyevich consists of the Party "United Russia". He twice - in 2012 and 2018 - played in the election campaign company Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

In the circle of interests of Showman includes charitable activities. Yakubovich helps children's homes and hospices. He came up with the action "arrive suddenly a wizard", in which on the present blue helicopter, together with other pilots, brought ice cream and other pleasant gifts to children.


In the early 1990s, Leonid Yakubovich, thanks to a friend Yuri Nikolayev, carried away by piloting the aircraft, graduated from the aviation school and received a license with the right of control of the second pilot on the Yak-40 aircraft. Later, mastered three more types of helicopters and several types of aircraft. About how many years he is, the TV presenter reminds 3 stents in the heart, but he does not intend to part with the sky. Even in the touring Rider, the main requirement is the presence of an airlub.

The stars have many other hobbies: mountain skiing and preference, cooking and numismatics, auto racing on safaris and collecting reference books.

Leonid Yakubovich now

Now, despite respectful age, the artist retains an active position both in the profession and beyond.

The TV presenter still appears in the Studios "Fields of Miracles" and at least once in a couple of weeks - at the airfield.

In the spring of 2021, Leonid Arkadyevich took part in the program "Live Great!", Where he discussed with Elena Malyshevaya Questions of longevity.


  • 1991 - present - "Field of Miracles"
  • 1996 - "Week Analyzes"
  • 1996-1999 - "History Wheel"
  • 2002 - "Dikanka"
  • 2004-2006 - "Washing per million"]
  • 2005-2009 - "Last 24 hours"
  • 2010-2011 - "Clean Million"
  • 2014 - "Island of Crimea"
  • 2016-2018 - "Star on the Star"
  • 2017-2018 - "I can!"


  • 1980 - "Once twenty years later"
  • 1992 - "Let's do without focus!"
  • 1994 - "Miami Groom"
  • 1995 - "Moscow holidays"
  • 2000 - "Accelerated Help"
  • 2002 - "Okay!"
  • 2002 - "Russian Amazons"
  • 2003 - "Do not get used to miracles"
  • 2003 - "Russian Amazons 2"
  • 2004 - "Timur and his Commando"
  • 2005 - "Clowns do not kill"
  • 2005 - "Kill Carp"
  • 2006 - "Paparaza"
  • 2012 - "Fathers, and children"
  • 2014 - "My Dream Grandfather"
  • 2019 - "Happiness is ..."

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