Chulpan Hamatova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Children, Husband, Series 2021



Biography Chulpan Hamaya, her amazing acting skills, charitable activities, many ranks and awards, undoubtedly worthy of applause. Today, the actress is rightfully remained one of the most sought-after performers both in the cinema and on the theater scene.

Childhood and youth

Her name is translated as a "Morning Star", which fully corresponds to the essence of the girl - as bright and tender, charming and smiling. Chulpan Hamatova was born under the sign of the zodiac scales on October 1, 1975 in the capital of Tatarstan, the city of Kazan.

Parents Chulpan were far from the acting lot: Marina Khamatova and Nail Hamatov worked as engineers. In addition to Chulpan, there is also the younger son in the family - Shamil Hamatov, actor theater "Contemporary".

The acting talent of Hamataya manifested itself from childhood - she adored to dance and sing. Chulp's child was distinguished by amazing sensitivity and impressionability, but at the same time the character of the girl remained closed enough, and the parents did not even think about the acting care of his daughter. It was assumed that Chulp will go in the footsteps of the older generation of the family and will become an engineer.

In the 5th grade, in the lesson of literature, Chulpan played in the play "Dead Tsarevna" Alexander Pushkin, the role of stepmother, surprising the teacher and the audience with his talent. In the eighth grade, the future actress plays the role of a small prince in the play of the same name in the theater mug at the school camp.

Visiting the physico-mathematical school in high school classes, Chulp was fond of music (Beatles), not wanting to communicate with peers, went hiking with students, wore ribbon jeans.

After graduating from school, Chulpan Hamatova entered the Financial and Economic Institute. Nevertheless, the creative nature of the girl won - threw the institute to devote himself to the theater.

By enrolling in the theater school and earning in it a year, Chulpan and mother go to Moscow, where Alexei Borodin noticed her and picked up for his course in Gitis.


Theater Chulpan Hamatova gives preference more than cinema, explaining that there is no wall between the audience and the scene. List of theaters whose scenes conquered Chulpan Khamatov, great: youth (rant), "independent entrepreneurs", theater Anton Chekhov, "Theater of the Moon", Central Children's Theater.

Since 1998, Hamatova has been cooperating with the Sovremennik Theater, where to this day is the leading actress. Debuted in the role of Patricia Holman ("Three Comrare" Erich Mary Remarika). Further followed the roles in the performances "Three sisters" (Irina), "Mamapassinskabak" (Andria), "Thunderstorm" (Katerina), "Naked Pioneer" (Masha Mukhina), "Anthony & Cleopatra" (Cleopatra), "Two on a swing" (Pitel Mosca).

When in 2008 the theater of Nations poses the play "Schukshina stories", Chulpan plays in 9 stories out of 10. The debut of Hamataya in the choreographic novel "Poor Lisa" on the story of Karamzin took place in 2009.

In February 2011, the actress plays one of the main roles at the premiere of the play "Enemies: Love Story" in the theater "Contemporary".

On June 14, 2011, Hamatova held a creative evening in St. Petersburg, the funds from this event actress sent to the treatment of Girl Katya Yermolayeva, who suffered the second bone marrow transplantation.

Chulpan Hamatova is known for participation in poetic actions, choreographic and musical productions. Together with the musicians, Polynaya Kondrachkova and Veronica Kozhevarova participated in the creation of "Hour, when you go to the soul - as in the hands." In collaboration with the pianist Catherine Scanavi spoke with the Charitable Program "Children's Book of War", from which he left for tour to London.

In 2017, the actress introduced the audience the next literary and music program, which was called the "dotted line". To create it, Chulpan Khamatova appealed to the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova, Bella Akhmadulina.

In 2018, Galina Volchek told about his quarrel with Chulpan Hamaya. Because of the big nervous exhaustion, the actress asked the Khuduk "Contemporary" vacation for a period of six months. At that time, the play was successfully opened with the performance of the performer, where Kirill Safonov came to her partner.

The director agreed to wait for the artist, but he soon learned that Hamatov rehearses in other theaters. The wolf regarded such a behavior of Chulp as a betrayal. The role in the production was given to Christine Orbakayte.

The latest theatrical projects with the participation of actress include the production of "Tower" on the work of Yuri Levitansky, the "music lessons" monospectacle, which goes to the MMDM and the Baltic House, as well as the premiere of Gorbachev's premiere, where Chulpan plays with Evgeny Mironov.

Another work in a duet with a famous partner is the play "Ivanov", in which Hamatova appears to the seriously ill wife of the Hero Mironov. The artist goes to the scene bald, in a special wig, imitating the complete absence of hair.


Already in the first courses, Chulp tried to act in the cinema, but not the first time successfully. On the third year of study, happiness smiled at the girl - Hamatov receives an offer to play in the film "Dancer time". It was the first success - the nomination for the Nika Prize for the best female role.

In 1998, in Drama Valery Todorovsky "Country Deaf" actress was filmed as Rita. For this role, Chulpan learned the deaf and dumb language.

For the role of workers, teahouse Mamlakat in the tragicomedy "Lunar Pope" Chulp was awarded the "Brigantine" premiums, "Kinotava" and the second "nickname".

Chulpan Khamatov was often invited to act in German productions: "Tuvalu", "England", "Viktor Fogel - Advertiser", "Good Bai, Lenin". The last multitude of international film festivals was adopted by "Hurray" and received several awards.

Then the filmography of the Artist was replenished with the works in the Austrian Drama "Sukin Son", the film "72 meters" about the tragic events of the Kursk submarine, the main female role in the historical TV series "Children Arbat".

In 2005, in the adaptation of the novel, "Dr. Zhivago" director Alexander Pokhina actress plays Laru Gishar. Then the central roles were followed in the paintings "Casus Kukotsky", "Love in Kaliningrad", "Laughty", "Summer Madness".

In addition to Russian cinematographers, the actress collaborated with the directories from Germany, Austria, Brazil, Spain. In 2008, in Drama, Alexey Hermann Jr. "Paper Soldier" about the first flight of a person in space was reincarnated to the main heroine of Nina.

2010 was marked by the appearance in the repertoire of the actress of works in the Drama Garik Sukacheva "Sun House" and in the biographical series Vladimir Khotinenko "Dostoevsky". In the second picture, Evgeny Mironov became a partner of Chulpan Hamaya, with which the actress works tightly on theatrical stage. Later they appeared in the screening of Dina's novel rubbing "Parsley Syndrome". Here the actors played a married couple of Peter and Lisa.

On the set, Chulpan Hamatov remains an infinitely deep, emotional, "with the sickness", this is her trump card and the path to success.

In addition to filming the cinema, Chulpan followed the role of the TV presenter in the talk show "Other Life", and also advocated how coordarent "Wait for me" and "Look". And in 2007, in a pair with the Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov won the show "Ice Age".

In 2007, in a pair with the Olympic champion Roman Kostomarov, she won the "Ice Age" show. Together with Diana Arbenina Chulpan performed the song "South Pole". Previously, the actress starred in the clip "Night Snipers" "Go to me", where I embodied the improvised dance on the screen.

On March 21, 2012, Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the assignment of Chulpan Hamaya title of People's Artist of Russia. In the piggy bank, the actress has many prestigious awards and premiums. The actress name was called an asteroid.

At the Olympics in Sochi at the opening ceremony, Chulpan Hamatov, together with Lydia Skoblikova, Valentina Tereshkova, Nikita Mikhalkov, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Alan Elinleev, Valery Gergiev and Anastasia Popova, carried the Olympic flag.

At the end of 2017, the arthouse drama of Alexander Shain "Vamikovsky" was released on the screens of cinemas of Russia, in which Chulpan Khamatova performed the main female role in partnership with Yuri Kolfolnikov.

The premiere of the film accompanied the scandal about the assignment of 20 million rubles. The contributions of the film Foundation by the Producer Company Shane. But the director managed to settle the conflict, without bringing the case to a trial, and in 2018 this amount was returned.

Reporters tried to tie this scandal with the name of Chulpan Hamaya, but the actress turned out to be absolutely not involved in the incident.

Chulpan Hamatova became one of the Russian stars, who participated in the filming of the drama about the life of Rudolph Nureyev "Nureyev. White Raven "British director Raif Fayns. Oleg Ivenko also played in the film, Sergey Polunin, Ravshan Kurkova.

In 2019, shooting Dramatic tape "Dr. Lisa" about the fate of Elizabeth Glinka, in which the main role got Chulpan Hamaya. The director of the painting was Oksana Caras. Later, the artist was sampled in the project Kirill Serebrennikova "Petrov in Influenza".

Another significant work of this period is the series "Zuulikha opens his eyes" about the life of the Tatar peasant, which in the 30s was sent to Katvoa to Siberia. The author of the novel of the novel Guzel Yakhina when writing a book focused on the game of his famous compatriot.


Charity occupies one of the central places in public life Actress. Meeting with doctors, whom Chulpan considers fireflies fighting for the life of children, gave in the heart of Hamaya desire to be involved in the healing of children.

On June 1, 2005, on International Children's Day, the first charitable concert at the Contemporary Theater took place. Then several shares followed and the need to systematize help appeared.

So in 2006 the Foundation "Give Life" appeared, whose founders were Chulpan Hamatov and Dina Korzun. More than 500 million rubles gathered a charitable foundation for 4 years. Organizations are posted on the official website.

Communication with children and their parents, doctors and volunteers, as Chulp said, made it more open and at the same time completely immune to "problems" and empty bustle. The most important actress considers the health of the surrounding people.

Charity delivers the actress pleasure, fills with love, does not allow to stop and gives a realization of his mission in life. A low fragile actress (with growth 164 cm its weight does not exceed 51 kg) exhibits amazing resistance in the struggle for the lives of young patients and enjoys each saved life.

On the eve of the presidential elections in 2012, Chulpan Hamatov became one of the participants in the election campaign of Vladimir Putin. The actress starred in the campaign video "Why am I vote for Putin?". In an interview, Chulpan noted that he supports a candidate from sincere motives.

The actress participates in projects and other funds aimed at helping sick children. In April 2017, the poetic action of the "Exit" Foundation, which is engaged in the problems of autistic children.

The actress participates in projects and other funds aimed at helping sick children. In 2017, Chulpan appeared in the program "Best of All!", Where he came to support the young Chtitsa Hope Klyushkin.

At the same time, the poetic action of the Foundation "Exit" was held, which engaged in the problems of autistic children. The works of Osipa Mandelstam, Alexander Vertinsky, Nikolay Zabolotsky sounded performed by Ksenia Rappoport, Ingeborgi Dapkin, Konstantin Khabensky, Chulpan Hamaya and other stars of Russian cinema and theater. The action was called "Incoming Poems".

Chulpan does not cease to repeat that the Foundation "Give Life" constantly needs the help of benefactors. In 2018, together with Katerina, Gordeeva actress released the book "Time to pricking ice" about the work of a charitable organization.

Chulpan has repeatedly attracted attention from TV screens, participating in such programs as the "Evening Urgant", "School of Crossing". In 2019, the action # senioleg was launched, in which Ksenia Sobchak, Vladimir Pozner, Emin Agalarov and other media persons took part.

Personal life

Personal life Chulpan Hamatova does not seek to make public the public. In 1995, learning in the second year with Ivan Volkov, a student secretly registered marriage. The famous actress Olga Volkova became the famous Cellpore. We lived in a three-bedroom apartment of Olga Vladimirovna in Moscow in Moscow, together with the artist Vladimir Khovralov - her spouse.

The relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-laws were friendly, "My Chulpushka" - the affectionate of Olga Vladimirovna. The first long-awaited daughter of Arina was born in 2002.

The second daughter Asya, after a relationship with Ivanov, the artist took the baby from the house of Baby. When she took the girl from the Morozov hospital, he felt a dismissive attitude of the leadership of the medical institution.

In addition, when Hamatova also visited Syrota, she was talked about numerous child diagnoses, including heart disease. Therefore, despite the legal right to pick up Asya, I had to contradict the police so that finally bring her home. Subsequently, it turned out: the adoptive daughter of the actress is absolutely healthy.

On tour with the "contemporary" in Germany, Chulp met with a ballet dancer Alexei Dubinin, an emigrant from Russia, at that time unemployed and officially married to Larisa Mergulanova ballerina (only on documents).

Hamataya Return Return to the Motherland gave fruit, and the actress did everything possible to find Alexey work. Civilian marriage of Hamaya and Dubinin broke up in 2007. Later, Chulpan undertook a third attempt to build family relations with the director and producer Alexander Shein. In 2010, the pair had a daughter's daughter.

Soyne and Chulpan Union stopped existence. In 2017, the parents of the AI ​​broke up, although for a long time this news appeared at the level of rumors. In instagram account, the actress did not share the details of his personal life, laying out photos related to creative and social activities.

Later, the actor's role of Dr. Liza gave a short comment, saying that they had different moral landmarks with Alexander. Today, Hamaya fans are building guesses, there is a man in the fate of the mother's three children. However, in March 2021, she opened in an interview with the hope of Sagittarius and reported that he was in love. True, the one did not call the name.

Children Khamatova children know what grief and love for near. She tries to educate them not isolated from real life. The truth of reality is not always good, and, understanding this, the children will truly learn to appreciate life. Chulpan is proud of its children and considers them special.

In one of the interviews, Mom, three daughters told that one of her requests did not use the Internet was enough for children to humble and voluntarily remained not tightened by the World Wide Web. They read, one daughter is engaged in tennis, the second music, and the younger mother often takes with him at the rehearsal. Interestingly, for the first time with Arina Volkova Hamatova appeared in the public in the program of Regina Todorenko "Friday with Regina" at the end of 2019.

In 2015, the actress acquired a plot with a house in the Amattsiems village, not far from Riga. The locality has a unique natural landscape: roasted roasted in the forests, and carps and trout are found in artificial lakes. Reporters suggest that over time the actress will receive the citizenship of Latvia, but the Chulpan's comments itself did not give anything.

In 2018, rumors were to be mututed that Hamatov immigrates to Latvia, but surrounded by the actress refuted the information. Star scene has never been going to change citizenship, it still remains in Russia.

Chulpan has already proven itself as a big lingerie haircut. The actress prefers a kara, but sometimes appears in public with short hair. In 2019, she surprised fans, rebuilding in a blonde.

Chulpan Hamatova now

In 2021, the Actress Charitable Foundation overstated a 15-year-old line of existence, however, from a large festive concert on television, the founder refused. The reasons for such a decision actress revealed in a large interview with Ksenia Sobchak, which came out on Yutubeub on April 5.

So, Chulpan shared that in the context of restrictions due to a coronavirus infection, it will be difficult to make it difficult. Instead, the executor of the role of Zulechi chose to organize a meeting at the "Contemporary" theater. By the way, in a conversation with a journalist, the actress also explained why he refused to lead a senior position in him: she understood that she simply had no resources for this work.

As for the creative career, Hamatova in 2021 he joined the acting of the debut project Alexey Smirnov "Feat". Her companion on the set spoke Fedor Bondarchuk.


  • 1997 - "Dancer time"
  • 1998 - "Country of Deaf"
  • 2001 - "Lion share"
  • 2004 - "72 meters"
  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Sukin Son"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2005 - "Casus Kukotsky"
  • 2006 - "Dr. Zhivago"
  • 2008 - "Paper Soldier"
  • 2010 - "Sun House"
  • 2015 - "Parsley Syndrome"
  • 2016 - "Mysterious Passion"
  • 2018 - "Vamikovsky"
  • 2018 - "Nureyev. White Raven"
  • 2020 - "Zuuleika opens his eyes"
  • 2021 - "Petrov in Influenza"
  • 2021 - "Feat"

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