Ilya Lyubimov - Biography, Personal Life, News, Film, Photo, Actor, Filmography 2021



Ilya Lyubimov - actor of the theater and cinema, which today is among the most sought-after artists of Russian cinema. The favorite role of the artist is a villain, intrigued, cynos, but Ilya appears in romantic comedies. Attractive appearance and charisma made Ilya a real star of the Russian screen and the idol of millions of television viewers.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Lyubimov was born in Moscow in the family of the aircraft designer Peter Yakovlevich Schlesinger. Mom Natalia Nikolaevna Lyubimova was an excellent linguist, perfectly owned English and French. Oleg's elder brother also chose an acting career in the "Workshop Peter Fomenko".

In childhood, Ilya changed 3 schools. It was due to the fact that already at 11 years old the talent of the boy manifested itself, and he was invited to work in the theater of the young Muscovite. Parents picked up an educational institution closer to the theater.

However, despite such an early start of the theater career, after the 9th grade Ilya, I decided to still acquire the profession of the programmer for the Safety and began training in a lyceum with Mehmat Moscow State University. But after a year, the future actor learned about the set of a course in Peter Fomenko's workshop. Ilya got a free listener in Gitis for his course and later graduated from school.


During training at the Director of the Faculty of Gitis, Ilya Lyubimov began to work in the theater of his mentor. In the "Workshop Peter Fomenko", the actor took part in various productions, among which you can select the classic "Wedding" plays Anton Chekhov and the Winter Tale of William Shakespeare, the modernist production of the "Fools". Also, Ilya played Sergey Pararty in the "Nadridnian" and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky in a play based on "War and Peace".


The debut work of Ilya Lyubimov in a cinematic biography was an episodic role in the detective series "Citizen Head". The second film, in which the artist starred, brought him a reward and recognition in the film industry. Already from the first roles behind the actor, the role of the intellectual, representative of the creative profession, was entitled.

In 2005, Adedia released the Russian adaptation of the Columbia TV series "Dunshushka Batty" called "Night is beautiful." In the film Ilya played the charismatic villain by Alexander Voropaeva, building ambitious plans for the corporation, which is headed by the protagonist, part-time the groom's sister. After the exit to the television screens, "no beautiful" loved ones, it became famous in overnight.

The first major role got loved in 2007. The actor played in the comedy "20 cigarettes" of the young employee of the advertising bureau, which in one day there is a rethinking of life values.

From the filmmaster, the audience love received comedy melodrama "Inadequate people", shot in 2010 by the director Roman Karimov. This film won the five nominations of the Film Festival "Window to Europe".

Also Ilya took part in the filming of the medical telenovella of 2012 "Diary of Dr. Zaitseva", in which Yana Krinnov made his partner. The role of Dr. Majorov in the series stuck the next wave of the popularity of Lyubimov.

At this time, the detective series "Outdoor Observation" was also included in Ilya Lyubimov filmography, the melodrama "If you love - forgive," comedy "Women's Day". In each of the paintings, the artist looked convincingly and brightly. In 2013, together with Catherine Guseva and Gosha Kutsenko played in the New Year's fantastic comedy "invisible."

In 2016, the repertoire of the artist was replenished with a role in the cash comedy "classmates". In the film Ilya Lyubimov starred with his wife Ekaterina Vilkova. Together, the actors played a married couple raising two children.

At his account, 2017 rating projects are a criminal film "Big Money", Medical Drama "Dr. Richter", Historical Detective "Hunt for Devil", Thriller "On the other side of death", Family Saga "Sosnovy Bor".

The actor has an interesting hobby - Ilya writes music. He also starred in the clips of said from the group "Caste" "Sister" and "Comprehensive Dreams".

Personal life

Ilya is a deeply believer man, strictly observing the canons of Orthodoxy. Therefore, with his wife - actress Catherine Vilkova, she kept chastity until the wedding, which was held in the Church of the Sacred Martyr Agrippa.

Before marriage and baptism, which took place when the actor was 28 years old, he was by no means "painka". Ilya frankly admitted in an interview that he tried everything in the entertainment industry - from gambling to drugs. However, at one point I realized that all this was tired of him. And then, quite by the way came friendship with actor Andrey Shubnikov, who was ordained to priests.

Before the acquisition of faith, the actor did not have a personal life. According to him, he lost hope to meet his love. Faith became the first step towards finding real happiness. Soon after baptism, Ilya broke up with the first wife, with which she lived for several years.

According to the actor in an interview, he met his soul mate at the gas station. The first acquaintance could end in anything, if soon, Catherine did not appear at Easter in the temple, where Ilya served as a pionary. According to the artist, the future spouse did not flirt with him, and he did not win her. Already at the very beginning of relations, young people understood that everything would end in marriage.

Today Ilya Lyubimov and Ekaterina Vilkov - parents of two children. They will grow up the daughter of Paul and Son Peter. The names of the children were chosen through the soles. Interestingly, the unusual name that daughters was given was Paul Kochetkova, heroine Vilkova. The actor still did not start an account in "Instagram", so family photos of Lyubimov appear only on the Catherine page.

Now the pair of Lyubimov and Vilkova is considered one of the strongest in the actor's environment. Increasingly, spouses act as experts in family matters, giving joint interviews in telecasts or for glossy magazines.

Ilya loved now

In 2018, Lyubimov appeared in two rating TV projects - the criminal comedy "Dinosaur" and the militant "Yellow Eye Tiger". And in 2019, the actor started shooting the "City of Tyne" detective and the 2nd part of the romantic comedy "inadequate people." The premiere of the latter took place in the winter of 2020. In the program Ivan Urgant "Evening Urgant" Ilya and his partner in shooting Ingrid Olerinskaya revealed some details of the shooting process.


  • 2003 - "Boomer"
  • 2005 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2007 - "20 cigarettes"
  • 2010 - "Inadequate People"
  • 2011-2012 - "Dr. Zaitseva Diary"
  • 2014 - "Ship"
  • 2015 - "Invisible"
  • 2016 - "Classmates"
  • 2016 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2017 - "Devil Hunt"
  • 2017 - "On the other side of death"
  • 2017 - "Big Money"
  • 2017 - "Dr. Richter"
  • 2017 - "Sosnovy Bor"
  • 2018 - "Dinosaur"
  • 2020 - "Inadequate People 2"

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