Valery Fokin - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Director, Alexandrinsky Theater 2021



In his youth, Valery Fokin mastered a number of creative professions. He made a successful career as director, screenwriter, teacher and actor. The owner of prestigious state premiums, now heading "Alexandrinka", pleases to produce Europe and the native densely populated country.

Childhood and youth

Valery Vladimirovich Fokin was born in early 1946. The early biography of the future director was closely connected with Moscow.

In the family where the child was brought up, respectively treated art. At an early age, the boy who loved parents learned to read and draw.

Wanting to develop revealed abilities, representatives of the older generation gave the Son to Art School. Among the peers Valera became famous as a talented schedule and landscape. The fascination with creativity did not prevent the secondary educational institution and enroll in the metropolitan school of 1905, complete creative minds.

Valery Fokin in youth

A specialist diploma in the field of visual art allowed Fokin to join the miniments to miniments. Decorators artists in that period were required by the staged plates.

Having worked on the origin of performances on the stage of the Studio of the Zueva Culture Studio, the young designer understood that he was fascinated by people who dedicated the theater's life. He decided to enter the famous "Pike" in the mid-1960s.

I studied at the course of Boris Evgenievich Zakhava and Marianna Rubenovna Ter-Zakharova, Fokin made his debut in student productions under the guidance of experienced professors.

Together with his colleagues, he worked on such performances as "Alien wife and husband under the bed", "From the evening to noon", "The time of good intentions", "paddy" and "nose".

Theater and films

In 1970, Fokin came to the Moscow Theater "Contemporary". As a director, he instantly won the respect of colleagues.

Each premiere created by a graduate of the capital school named after Boris Vasilyevich Shchukin became a bright cultural event. The performances of the native of Moscow were distinguished by the originality of the interpretation of classical images, a unique copyright style and individual directorial skills.

In the productions of Valentin and Valentina, "do not part with loved ones", "Auditor" and "Provincial Jokes" The audience felt professional maturity and since childhood brought up a delicate taste.

In Perfomans based on the works of Alfred Dy, Mussy, Julian Semenovich Semenova, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky and other classics attended the novelty of perception and artistic experiment.

Galina Borisovna Volchek, who studied Fokina at the initial stage, was called the theater guru and a vertex of professional fate. Indeed, a woman who took the post of artistic director of the Sovremennik, cared for a talented subordinate. She participated in working on the scenic embodiment of the creations of playwrights of different nationalities and was a co-author of such productions as "Weather for tomorrow", "risk" and "Search 891".

The actors who collaborated with Valery Vladimirovich, sincerely loved him for the realization of the need for knowing the world and the embodiment of the most bold ideas. The public enthusiastically took the performances "Monument", "Hamlet", "Shinel", "Taste of Cherry", "Lorenzacho" and "Do not shoot white swans."

In the 1980s, Fokin became a full member of the creative elite. He worked with the troupes of Studio Oleg Tabakov and the Satirikon Theater. Having received popular recognition, Moskvich headed the Drama Man named after Maria Nikolaevna Yermolova. Thanks to the director, there were performances "Invitation to execution" and "Speak!".

Parallel Valery Vladimirovich worked in commissions on creative heritage and art. In the early 1990s, a professional was taken by the post of artistic director and director general of the theater center named after the Vsevolod Meyerhold and got the opportunity to work with the best artists of the country.

The ideas accumulated over the years, Fokin implemented in the "Mystery", "More Van Gogh ...", "Transformation", "Air City" and "Arto and his Double". The USSR native was invited to Europe: Germany, Finland and Poland. During the travel, he worked on his own scenarios and material for future journalistic and autobiographical books.

Foreign colleagues highly appreciated the experience of a talented cultural worker. Abroad, Russian led master classes in the mid-1990s. In 2000, a graduate of Schukinsky school became the artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Responsibilities forced to exchange the life of the traveler and the resident of the capital to the image of the St. Petersburg Informal.

Reincarnation in the Frenchman Jean Renault stopped the actors who preferred classic productions. In an adequately configured team, Moskvich presented a new life with the play "Hamlet", "Auditor" and "Marriage". The production of "Liturgy Zero", "Live Corpse" and "Double" also enjoyed popularity.

Personal life

The personal life of the artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater was associated with the representatives of Bohemia. His legitimate wife was Ekaterina Praddina - the reception daughter of the actor Zinovia Gerdta.

Valery Fokin with his wife

Children of Orest and Kirill appeared in marriage, which preserved Fokin's name. The granddaughters of Maria and Tatiana were born in the mid-2000s.

Valery Fokin now

In 2020, during the abolition of submissions in connection with the spread of COVID-19 infection, Fokin and colleagues from St. Petersburg have established an original online project. For the "other scene", the writer Boris Akunin created a multi-fan work "drama on the highway", which gathered hundreds of thousands of fans of an interactive perfusion, who know what crime and real theater.

After removing restrictions in "Alexandrin", the performance of Stalin's birth was successfully restarted. Spectators who have rebuilt on mass events during a pandemic of coronavirus infection, tickets reigned in advance and provided a full allocracy.

The death of Valentina Gafta is an outstanding Soviet and Russian actor, forced Valery Vladimirovich with longing to take a look at 2021 and revise far-reaching plans. The director noted that the scene gradually loses the best representatives, cultural workers should think about the upbringing of a new generation and on what will be in the future the cinema and theater.


  • 1971 - Valentin and Valentina
  • 1972 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 1975 - "Do not shoot in white swans"
  • 1982 - "Love and Pigeons"
  • 1983 - "Auditor"
  • 1984 - "Who is afraid of Virginia Wolfe?"
  • 1989 - "Invitation to execution"
  • 1991 - "Baby"
  • 2004 - "Shinel"
  • 2006 - Living Corpse
  • 2008 - "Marriage"
  • 2010 - "Hamlet"
  • 2011 - "Your Gogol"
  • 2014 - "Masquerade. Memories of the Future "
  • 2018 - "Sewing. Return"
  • 2019 - "Birth of Stalin"
  • 2020 - "Drama on the Escons. Trial"


  • 1974 - "Dombe and Son"
  • 1976 - "Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his Turatka"
  • 1978 - Cousin Pons
  • 1982 - "Transit"
  • 1982 - "Tambov Treasury"
  • 1983 - "Basni"
  • 2002 - "Transformation"
  • 2003 - "Numer in the hotel NN"
  • 2020 - Petropolis

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