Nikita Mikhalkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Director 2021



Nikita Mikhalkov - People's Artist of the RSFSR, a popular Russian director, laureate of many prestigious cinema premiums. In addition to creativity, now Oskaronosets takes an active public position. He is the president of the Russian Culture Foundation, a member of the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Culture and Art.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Sergeevich was born on October 21, 1945. Sergey Mikhalkov became the father of the director, the author of the famous Children's story "Uncle Stepa" and the anthem of the USSR and Russia, Mother - the writer Natalia Konchalovskaya. By nationality Nikita - Russian. In the Mikhalkov family there are still eldest son Andrei Konchalovsky, who is currently also famous film director.

At 7 years of age, Nikita became a student of special schools with a mathematical bias, in which after the end of the initial course could not continue training, since it did not cope with the assimilation of the material on the exact sciences. When parents became clear that the child could no longer solve any task independently, he was transferred to a simple school.

In his youth, Nikita showed creative abilities, which did not surprise relatives, because the boy is a descendant of the most famous creative dynasty, leaving the roots in the XV century. Nikita visited a music school and theatrical studio. In the youth of Mikhalkov, he dreamed of acting career and comprehensively developed in this direction.

In 1963, the future legend of the Russian cinema was enrolled in the Schukin theater School, from which on the 4th course was deducted for shooting in the movies, which at that time was not encouraged in an educational institution.

This circumstance did not greatly upset the guy, and he did not change his mind for a minute to continue his studies in theatrical universities. Immediately after the deductions from "Pike", Nikita entered VGIK to the 2nd course, which by the time he graduated from Andrei.

After the end of VGIK in 1971, Nikita Mikhalkov called on the service at the Kamchatka Fleet on board the cruiser Mikhail Kutuzov. Even in the Army years, a creative young man did not miss the opportunity to show talent, so he participated in concerts of military artistic amateur activities.

Personal life

With the first wife Anastasia Vertinskaya Nikita Mikhalkov met in his student years during training in Pike. By the time Nastya has already managed to gain great popularity, playing in the main roles of the "Scarlet Sails" and "Amphibian Man" movie roles. For this beauty, the Smoktunovsky and Andrei Mironov was cared for this period.

The daughter of the singer and actor Alexander Vertinsky at first, accustomed to male attention, did not pay attention to Nikita Caring. The young actor accounted for a long-term guy "Guttleire" in its entrance with bouquets of flowers. Finally, the girl answered Nikita reciprocity. Young actors weaned the relationship in 1966, when their first pilot Stepan was half a year.

However, the personal life of two young actors did not work out. Anastasia wishes glory, she wanted to make a brilliant career in the cinema, and Mikhalkov needed a faithful wife, standing at the slab and giving birth to children. Therefore, in 1971, the spouses broke up. Later in an interview, Vertinskaya repeatedly emphasized that this decision was correct and helped them to stay friends.

The second wife Nikita Mikhalkov became Tatyana Solovyov, with which the actor tied life without special wedding pomposals on the filming of the film "His among others, someone else's among his". Before marriage with the director, the lady managed to visit his wife's status - Alexander Shigayev, a specialist in sports psychology became her spouse.

Before the acquaintance with Mikhalkov, Tatiana worked as a mannequin in the house of clothing models on Kuznetsky Bridge, Vyacheslav Zaitsev's favorite was considered. But for the sake of love for Nikita left a profession. The wife gave birth to the director in marriage for more than three children: in 1974 - Daughter Anna, in the 1975th - Son of Artem and 1986 - daughter Hope.

Nikita Sergeyevich's family looked exemplary, but rumors about the director and his women were rarely stopped and mostly turned evidence and details. The loud scandal broke out in 1994, when Mikhalkov met Alice Prompnis. The girl accompanied the director everywhere, in society it was called his beloved assistant. But even then the bond discussed what Alice actually meets.

Mikhalkov became the second threat to Mikhalkov, with which he met in 2000. A young journalist fascinated Matra, appeared with him in many photos. In 2011, Lemeshheva reached the decret. Some discussed the lady gave the director of the extramarital child. This information did not find this information.

Nikita Mikhalkov's biography was often associated with conversations about novels on the side, and his wife philosophically closed his eyes. Nevertheless, the fans were not surprised when they found out that the director and Tatiana Mikhalkov began to live separately. Nikita Sergeevich settled in the center of Moscow, and Tatiana remained in the manor on Nikolina Mountain in the suburbs.

At the same time, the spouses did not comment on this event, there was no official rupture of relationships either. It is possible if it did not reach the divorce, then it is only a temporary disorder in relations and a way to relax apart.

On the Internet, one time went rumors that the director is sick with cancer, but no confirmation of this information Nikita Mikhalkov and his family did not give. In 2016, Nikita Sergeevich first missed the opening of the Moscow International Film Festival. This excited the public even more. As it turned out, the director really was unhealthy. He had inflammation of the lungs, but he overcame the disease, arrived at the closure of the festival, smiled to journalists and posed for the photo in an embrace with Catherine Vilkova.

It is known that all four children of the director went at the footsteps of the Father and did not return from the family tradition of the family of Mikhalkov. They all were in some way or another in Russian cinema, starring in the paintings of the Father and other serious authors.

Stepan Mikhalkov became not only an actor, he works in the restaurant business. Anna Mikhalkov is often removed in the independent film and became the producer of the film "White Square", took up the director. Artem Mikhalkov is more famous as a TV presenter, but I tried myself and as an actor, and as a scenario, director.

The youngest of the heirs of Nikita Sergeevich, Nadezhda Mikhalkov, became the actress. In 2016, he made his debut as director. Currently, the actor and director Nikita Mikhalkov also appeared grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Films and director

The acting career Mikhalkov began at the age of 14. The debut was an episodic role in the film "The Sun shines to everyone", followed by a few more work in the cinema. Nikita played in the paintings of the "Adventures of Croša" and "clouds above the boric". The first serious role of a young talented actor took place in the film "I walk in Moscow", which brought him popularity in the audience.

SERGEEVICH also began to engage in Nikita Nikita. In 1974, the first film Mikhalkov "His among others, someone else's among his" came out on the screens. After that, the novice director began the fruitful period, which lasted 10 years. Then almost every year he shot pictures that have repeatedly honored the prestigious cinematic premiums.

Nikita Mikhalkov also continued to be filmed into the cinema and loved the Society for the roles of the film "Station for Two", "Siberiada", "Cruel Romance". The latter became a marked film for the actor and for the famous TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva. In 1984, for the contribution to the Soviet cinema, Aktera and Director Nikita Mikhalkov appropriated the title of "People's Artist of the RSFSR".

In the late 1980s, the actor already known at that time created the producer studio "Trite", the first work of which was the triumphal picture of "Urga - the territory of love", which received "Nika" and "Oscar". The subsequent films of the film of cinema were also created on this studio. In 1992, Nikita Mikhalkov entered the Presidium of the Russian Culture Foundation, and in 1993 he headed him.

In the same 1993, Mikhalkov's film called "Anna: from 6 to 18" was released on the screens, in which the director-screenwriter spoke about the life of the eldest daughter. For the growth of the future actress, the opportunity was able to observe the audience. A year later, Nikita Sergeevich removed popular until today the film "Burnt by the Sun", which won many prestigious awards, including Oscar and the Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix.

In 1998, Master became the head of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, without stopping creative activities in the acting and directorial directions. In 1999, Mikhalkov "Siberian Barber" film was released on the screens, in which Oleg Menshikov starred, and Western actors were involved - Julia Ormond and Richard Harris. In 2007, the screens came out the screens "12", in 2010 - "Burnt by the Sun 2", in 2013 - "Alien Earth", in 2014 "Sunny Punch".

Pictures were marked by honorary nominations and prizes. The director's filmography consists of 16 full-length films, each of which left its mark in the history of Russian cinema. The bright acting works of Nikita Sergeyevich became the roles in the pictures of "Zhmurki", "I do not hurt", "Stat advisor".

In 2008, Nikita Mikhalkov could lose the post of head of the Union of Cinematographers. The next congress chose his head of Marlene Huziev. The claim to the director was the opacity of the financial activities of the Union and disrespect for the decisions of congresses. Mikhalkov called the elections with illegitimate and collected emergency re-election. This allowed Nikita Sergeyevich to stay in his post.

In 2018, the state of the health of the director again caused an alarm from his fans. In May, during a trip to Nizhny Novgorod Nikita Sergeevich received a hip injury. For help then I had to turn to doctors. But the consequences turned out to be more serious than it seemed at the beginning. In the fall of Mikhalkov, there were 2 planned operations, after which his condition stabilized. Later, the Master of Russian Cinema has already appeared in secular events.

Health problems did not affect the creative plans of Nikita Mikhalkov. The director, together with the brothers Presnyakov, has already created a script for the new film "Chocolate Revolver". The film will be discussed in the film, the daughter of which dies during the terrorist attack arranged in the French resort. Maestro himself falls under the investigation - he is accused of organizing this sabotage.

There is in the piggy bank Nikita Mikhalkov and theatrical work. His formulation of "Metamorphosis" experienced the third edition. For the first time, the performance on the works of Anton Chekhov and Ivan Bunin was shown in 2017. His creation participated graduates of the Academy of Cinematographic and Theatrical Art, founded by Mikhalkov.


Since 2009, the director has become one of the organizers of the wine-made business in Italy, in the production areas of which the Mark of elite wine is manufactured under the name "DODICA", which translated from Italian means "twelve". This wine is named after Mikhalkov Mikhalkov "12".

In addition, the film director owns the forestry "Temino-Forest" and "Temino-Pavlovskoye", where timber and furniture are processed. Nikita Mikhalkov is also a co-owner of one of the largest diamond processing plants in Russia (TM URALDIAMOND), in respect of which in 2013 the FSB of the Russian Federation, a criminal case was established on the fact of illegal trade.

Social activity

The most famous filmmaker and the actor also conducts active social activities. Loud public resonance with his participation occurred in 2007. Then the three cultural figures, among whom Nikita Mikhalkov entered, wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin, where he was expressed by the call to the Russian president to continue political activities and remain on the third presidential term. Critics counted a similar act with blatant, as the authors of the letter expressed in it allegedly the opinion of all Russian actors and artists.

In 2011, the director began to master the Internet. He registered on the "Live Journal" platform and "Yutube". The man began to conduct a video blog under Nikita-Besgon, hinting at his heavenly patron. In this video trade, Nikita Mikhalkov fought with untold, in his opinion, information on the Internet, demonstrated political views. The channel was advertised numerous video blocks. The blog quickly gained popularity and got a lot of subscribers. From this grew up the author's website "BesgonTV".

There was no cultural figure as side and from the Ukrainian question, who was given several issues of the author's transfer "Besgunv". In them, the director shared with the audience about the situation in Ukraine, spoke about the fascists and banderovtsy, and also expressed regret for the fanaticism of the inhabitants of the Western region of the country from Stepan Bandera.

The authorship of Nikita Mikhalkov owns several books. For many years, the director led a personal diary and only in adulthood presented his literary works to the reader. These are biographical and journalistic books "Territory of My Love", "Public Loneliness", "Right and True. Manifesto enlightened conservatism "," Besame. Russia between the past and the future. " A separate publication was released by Memoirs "My Diaries".

In 2015, the brothers Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky created a project of the Russian catering network "Eat at home!", Which was supposed to become an alternative to foreign McDonald's. The official of the network of healthy nutrition has become the wife of Andrei Konchalovsky Julia Vysotskaya. The first outlets appeared in 2017.

Nikita Mikhalkov now

In the spring of 2020, Nikita Sergeevich turned out to be involved in history with Metropolitan Tikhon (in the world - Georgy Shevkunov). Hackers hacked the correspondence of the minister of the Church with the strong world of this, and also published Tikhon's conversation with the director. Mikhalkov offered to close the production of Konstantin Bogomolov "The perfect husband", calling the wife of Ksenia Sobchak "the bare and provocateur".

The series of transmission of "progress" continued. In the midst of a pandemic coronavirus infection, the director decided to share with the public with his vision of the events occurring in the world. In particular, Mikhalkov suggested that under the cover of a pandemic Bill Gates, the planet's population is chipping. The release was banned, did not turn onto the ether.

Later in the same project Nikita Sergeevich "responded" to the situation in Belarus. Since August, the country has covered the unrest caused by distrust of residents to the results of the presidential election. The mass clashes of citizens with law enforcement agencies began. Mikhalkov suggested that the photos from protest shares are unreal. People in the crowd of protesters were, according to the director, were drawn with the help of computer graphics to strengthen the impression of the mass of the "rebels".

It was not ignored by the author "tired by the Sun" and the situation with the poisoning of the oppositionist Alexei Navalny. In the September issue, Mikhalkov, Mikhalkov drew the attention of the audience to a number of "untrue" details in this story, noting that no convincing evidence of an intelligence of the policy was granted.

Surviving about the fate of Russian culture, in an interview, the director stressed that Russia is rich in thin, smart people who understand what is happening, and can change something. But to achieve these goals it requires a change of elite. Mikhalkova has no account in "Instagram", but it leads profiles in other social networks.


  • 1974 - "His among others, someone else's among their"
  • 1975 - "Slave of Love"
  • 1977 - "Unfined play for mechanical piano"
  • 1979 - "Five evenings"
  • 1979 - "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov"
  • 1981 - "Rodna"
  • 1987 - "Black"
  • 1991 - "Urga - the Territory of Love"
  • 1994 - "Burnt by the Sun"
  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2007 - "12"
  • 2010 - "Tired by the Sun 2: the upcoming"
  • 2011 - "Burnt by the Sun 2: Citadel"
  • 2012 - "After school"
  • 2014 - "Sunflow"


  • "The Territory of My Love"
  • "Public loneliness"
  • "Right and truth. Manifesto enlightened conservatism "
  • "Besgun. Russia between the past and the future "
  • "My diaries"

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