Ildar Gendrev - biography, personal life, photos, news, TV presenter, Boris Berman 2021



Ildar Gendrev could make a career in the construction sphere, but in the end I realized that his vocation is journalism. He began working on television, where she conquered the audience by the ability to lead a conversation, a sense of humor and charm.

Childhood and youth

Ildar Gendrev was born on January 3, 1966 in the Russian capital Moscow. The TV presenter's surname points to his national origin, he is Tatar on his father's line.

Ildar Gendrev in youth

The boy grew in the family of a candidate of chemical sciences and a construction engineer. Although the professions of parents were far from creativity, they from an early age instigated the son of the love of reading, which helped expand the horizons and self-improvement.

Since the father wanted the heir to go to his footsteps, after graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute named after Valerian Kuibyshev, but at the time of the student, I understood that it did not want to work in the specialty. The young man became increasingly fascinated by creativity, so in his free time he wrote poems.

One day, a friend called the celebrity to be a volunteer. It was necessary to pack printing products in press boxes, for which voluntary assistants promised tickets to the Moscow Film Festival. Since Ildar was a movie lover, did not refuse such an opportunity.

There, the young man met Boris Bermann, who then worked at the news agency "News" and helped the student to start his way in journalism. In his youth, Gendrev was a freelance employee of the APN, wrote notes for him, and then moved to the "Screen and News" newspaper.


In 1991, Ildar first appeared on Russian television, where he began to work in a pair with Berman. Together they created the programs "paragraph", "Kiss in a diaphragm" and "plot", which were produced by the Studio "K-2" and won the love of viewers.

A few years later, journalists accepted the invitation of Evgenia Kiselev and moved to work on NTV, where they had the transfer of "interesting cinema". But soon after changing the manual, the TV presenters changed the place of work on TNT, and then on TV-6. They created the program "Without Protocol", in which interviews have celebrities using cross-interrogation technique.

But from the work of Ildar Wilhelmovich was delighted far from all. In 2001, unknown people attacked the journalist who beat and robbed him. According to the star, during the application of beatings, the bandits admitted that the crime was "customized".

Soon after that, Gendrev completed the work on TV-6 and moved to TVS, where he continued to cooperate with Berman. They then received an invitation from the first channel manual. There the TV hosts began to lead a new show, which was called "at night looking", as the show was closer to midnight.

From the first issues, the transfer received the approval of the public. Its format is close to "without protocol" - leading talks with star guests, seeking to learn as much as possible about their life and work. According to the recognition of Ildar Wilhelmovich and Boris Isaakovich, they invent all the questions themselves, control the process of filming and editing. Gerendev usually takes more uncomfortable topics, for which he was called "bad police."

In different years, there were actors, musicians, choreographers, directors and representatives of show business. In 2019, TV hosts took an interview with the poets of Faith Polinkovakov, the release with which the audience was especially remembered.

Personal life

Gendarmev prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life, which is why rumors and speculation do not subscribe in the network. Some sources argue that Ildar Wilhelmovich has unconventional sexual orientation and lives for many years with Berman. TV hosts have repeatedly denied this information. They call themselves long-standing friends, and in public appear together only because of the fact that they can no longer know them.

In 2006, Gendrev gave an interview for radio "Echo Moscow", where he told that he was happily married. Chosen by Anna, she is above him a few centimeters and is also interested in creativity. But it was not possible to get a photo of a woman.

Ildar Gendrev now

In 2020, the TV host continued to work on the first channel, pleaseing the public with the new issues of the program "For Night Looking", along with his unchanged partner Boris Bermann. Now he leads a page in Facebook, where it is divided into reflections with fans.


  • Program "Paragraph"
  • Program "Plot"
  • The program "Kiss in a diaphragm"
  • The cycle of films "Interesting Cinema"
  • Program "without protocol"
  • "Serial Department"
  • Program "Interesting Cinema in Berlin"
  • The program "For Night Looking"

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