Alexander Iliachevsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Newton drawing", writer, poet 2021



Alexander Iliachevsky - Russian writer, poet and publicist, laureate of prestigious literary awards. In his works raises the themes of science, religion, spiritual search, love and loneliness.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Viktorovich orchevsky was born on November 25, 1970 in Sumgait, Azerbaijan. Rose in Moscow, in an intelligent family.

In childhood, I read encyclopedia, the aircraft engines designed. Due to poor performance in mathematics, his father said Alexander that he was waiting for him. To prove the opposite, the guy began to solve problems with round days.

The primary education was received in the 18th Physical and Mathematical School named after A. N. Kolmogorov, then graduated from the Faculty of General and Applied Physics of the Moscow Physics and Technological Institute with a degree in theoretical physics.

Engaged in scientific work in Israel and the United States. In 2000, returned to Moscow.

During the trip to California, Alexander went to the market, and saw the collected works by Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov in English. Selling his high black man. When Ilchevsky said that I emigrated from Russia, the seller exclaimed: "Why did you go out of such a great soothed?".

In his youth, Alexander realized that creativity is much more interesting to science. The search for meanings in the works of Joseph Brodsky was as severe and pleasant as the study of the course of theoretical physics.

For eight years, he wrote a "desk", without showing the results of his works.


His first novel "Oil", created in 1998, Iliachevsky sent to the review of the poet Alexei Maksimovich to Parytchikov and was happy when he gave a positive assessment. The work was published by Alexander Davydov as part of the publishing house "Comments". There, in 2000, a collection of poems of a beginner writer came out.

A special place in the bibliography of the writer is occupied by the Roman "Matisse", which in 2007 brought him a "Russian Booker" award and became the beginning of the tetralogy "Soldiers of the Absheron Regiment". The second part of the cycle, PERS, in 2010 won the "Big Book" award. Later novels "Mathematics" and "Anarchists".

The cycle did not have a general plot, only one way of existence of the hero: A unlucky man decided on self-immolation. And at that moment reborn for a new life.

In 2009, a novel "Ai-Petri" appeared, where the hero went on a journey, enthusiastic like stranger with the disfigured face and her frightening satellite, carrying death.

In 2013, the author moved to Israel, and gradually the literary earnings came to not. Then Alexander got a job at the Department of Radiotherapy of the Jerusalem Hospital Hadassah. As a physicist, he was developing plans for treating oncological diseases and served three linear accelerators who were irradiated with patients. Photos of these unique devices, the writer posted on his page to Facebook.

In 2016, Iliachevsky published a collection of essays and memories "right to left". Journalists were interested in why not the next novel, because for the stories have ceased to pay for a long time.

The author replied that now they do not pay for novels. The profession of the writer became nominal, and the text switched to the category of goods, the protection of the rights to which they were more expensive. Only prose from English-speaking countries can live on fees, in Russia and Europe it is impossible to feed the pen.

At some point, the writer interested in what state is the science and religion. Ilchevsky wanted to write the text in which they are in the position of mutual addition, and not a contradiction. So in 2019 the novel "Newton's drawing" appeared.

Above the book by the author worked for five years. The final version decreased twice in comparison with the first draft. Some chapters, Alexander allocated in the second Tom, who called "the disappeared stars."

The work summed up the reflections of the writer about metaphysics. Without her, according to Ilchevsky, life is boring and deprived of meaning. He believes in the resurrection of the dead and believes that the main goal of civilization should be a victory over death. If you come to terms with it, it will collapse all, starting with ethics and ending with beauty.

The essay book "Imagination of the World" reached in the publishing house Ivan Limbach, because AST is not interested.

Personal life

In an interview, the writer confessed that the first reader and the most stringent criticism of his works is the wife from whom he met in the first year of Fiztech. There were a lot of workers around the girl around, besides, she was married. It was refused to go to America, since Russia worked as a designer of covers in a prestigious IT company. So at first Alexander loved at a distance, although he himself did not complain about the lack of personal life.

When Iliachevsky returned from the USA, the future spouse has already divorced. In 2000, they got married. Two children appeared in marriage.

In Facebook, the author spoke about a funny case from his biography. Prosaika was invited to meet with the head of the state in Novo-Ogarevo, stating that his career depends on this. Ilchevsky replied that he had no career. And heard: "We better know, you have a career or not." But Alexander still refused.

Parents of the writer and other relatives live in California.

Alexander Iliachevsky now

In December 2020, the official website of Iliachevsky appeared the news that the author won the Big Book Prize (for the "Newton Drawing"). The second prize received Timur Kibirov with the Saga "General and his family." The third prize went to Shamil Idyatullin with the book "Former Lenin". Mikhail Elizarova became the best on the results of the reader's vote.


  • 1996 - "Case"
  • 1998 - "Oil"
  • 1999 - "Non-vision"
  • 1999 - "House in Meschchery"
  • 2004 - "Volga Möday and Glass"
  • 2005 - "Ai-Petri"
  • 2006 - "Matisse"
  • 2008 - "Oslay Jaw"
  • 2009 - PERS
  • 2011 - "Mathematics"
  • 2012 - "Anarchists"
  • 2013 - "Offika"
  • 2018 - "Feeding of clouds"
  • 2019 - "Newton Drawing"
  • 2020 - "Iceland"
  • 2020 - "Dew Point"

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