Andrey Chadov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Andrey Chadov is a famous actor and movie actor, whose career is now at the peak of popularity.

Andrey Chadov

He receives many suggestions about the shooting in TV shows and movies, and numerous fans of the artist are looking forward to the exit of these paintings.

Childhood and youth

Andrei has a younger brother Alexey Chadov, also no less popular actor with whom Andrei often plays in joint films. Chadov often offered to play on-screen relatives. The actors brothers are outwardly similar, they have almost the same features of the face, similar to the facial expressions and even the same height (176 cm with weight - 72-74 kg). Many consider them twins, but this is not the case: Andrei and Alexey are not even twins, they are weather.

Andrey Chadov with younger brother and parents

Andrei Chadov was born on May 22, 1980 in Solntsevo, on the outskirts of Moscow. Andrei's childhood was not cloudless. When he was 6 years old, and his brother 5, their father, who worked by the builder, died due to an accident.

For the family, difficult times came. Mom, education engineer, had to work in 2 shifts: in the yard were "dashing 90s". Grandfather was engaged in the education of boys.

Andrey Chadov (left) with brother in childhood

Brothers from an early age peculiarly joined acting. In grocery stores during a shortage of buyers with young children, more product was supposed. Entrepreneurial visitors have found a way out: they paid a small amount of boys, and they were played out to sellers "Etudes". After each "exit" had to go home to change clothes.

The area where Chado lived, was considered unfavorable. At school, the brothers had often often fight, but the traction for creativity, laid down by the Father, won. In addition to the educational institution, Andrei visited the choreographic studio, where he learned to dance Break Dance, Hip-Hop. Thanks to persistent training, he was able to teach dancing and make money on life before he entered the theater university.

Alexey and Andrey Chadov with Mom

Soon after school, the Chadov entered the theater school named after Schukin. However, after studying there only a year, I was transferred to the Higher Theater School named after Schepkin (Workshop Vladimir Seleznev), where his younger brother studied. Chado together graduated from the theater faculty. They were real pets at the Institute. Despite the fact that the guys were local, they were taken for visitors - talented and shy. The brothers became friends with many fellow students and left behind good memories.


The acting biography of Andrei Chadova began while studying at the theater school. On the 2nd course "Slice" challenged in the cinema. It was an episodic role of a second plan in the melodraman of Ivan Solovov "Avalanche".

Soon the young actor received an offer to be held in the film "Russian" director Alexander Vodysky. For the work in this tape, Andrei Chadov received a prize of the Moscow Premiere festival in the nomination "Best Actor of the Competitive Film", and criticism recognized in him a talented artist.

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The recognition of Andrei Chadov helped and work in the television series "Cadets", where he played the role of young Peter Todorovsky. The film is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory and received a lot of laudatory reviews and audience sympathies.

In 2005, the "Live" film was released on the screens, where Andrei Chadov appeared on the set along with his brother. Andrei was nominated for the best male role for the Nika Prize. After working in such an interesting project, he sat for 2 years without work. The actor wanted to play in the standing film, but the scenarios offered to him did not suit him. At this moment, a man pays attention to foreign film companies.

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In 2008, the screens came out the British film Susie Hayylwood "More Ben". Interestingly, the challenge was approved for the role of photography. According to the creators of the painting, seeing the artist, they realized that it was an ideal hit in the image. Together with Andrei Chadov in the film "More Ben" played Ben Barnes.

Returning to his homeland, the artist changed tactics. He stopped abandoning the proposed scenarios, but decided to make them with his real masterpieces. In his filmography appeared paintings "Limousine", "open space" and "quiet outpost". For work in the last Andrey, the Awards of the FSB of Russia was awarded.

Alexey and Andrey Chadov

Chads often work on the set along with his brother. It so happened in the large Russian-American international project "Slove: right in the heart." This is a fighter, thriller and melodrama at the same time. Immediately after this film was followed by the series "Care", in which the Chadov brothers again played together. Work on the picture went year. The series was broadcast on the first channel at the beginning of 2014.

One of the notable paintings by Andrei Chidov is the serial "provocateur", where he has a bright role of an agent under cover, which constantly changes images and masks. The picture was published on the TV channel "Russia" in 2015.

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Shortly after that, Andrei Chadov starred in the fantastic film "Mafia: a game for survival", which was released on January 1, 2016. In the center of the plot lies a popular game for Mafia parties, which in the fantastic future has become a world famous fatal television show. Andrei played a young man with cancer, who hopes to win the prize fund to pay for the treatment.

The film was negatively met critics. The press marked the weak plot, banal dialogues and non-clinging characters. The main advantage of the film called its visual effects and computer graphics.

Andrey Chadov in the film

In 2017, a number of films with the participation of Andrei Chadov came to the screens. This is a criminal drama "Pelona", the Russian adaptation of the American series "Shamelessnniks", melodrama "I will love you, you can?", Where all the heroes are pronounced poems instead of prose.

Personal life

In 2005, the personal life of Andrei Chadov became interested in many admirers of his talent. The ascending star of cinema attracted the attention of journalists by Roman with actress of musicals Svetlana Svetikova. Young people met on the set of the show of the first channel "Big Races". They met for 5 years and were one of the most romantic star couples. But in the spring of 2010, Chads and Svetikova unexpectedly broke up for everyone.

Andrey Chadov and Svetlana Svetikova

Later there were rumors about the relationship of Chadov and Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. Young people appeared together in secular events, played lovers in the video for the song of the Zadororal "Conditional Reflex". As often happens, the relationship on the screen fans immediately interpreted as the possibility of novel and in real life.

In 2014, the artists together came to the opening of the Festival "Kinotavr". Andrei's costume approached the dress of Anastasia, which brought journalists to the idea that they were going to the event too together, but the challennas explained this to the coincidence and the fact that he had long been friends with Nastya, they had a lot of general traits. Pare nice to spend time together. The actor assured that Anastasia is not his girlfriend and it is unlikely that she will become in the near future, a debris of a serious relationship with Figist Sergey Slavov.

Andrei Chadov and Nastya Zadorozhnaya

Later, Andrei Chadov often noticed in the company of the former wife Andrei Arshavin and Moms of three children of Yulia Baranovskaya. In 2013, Chadov and Baranovskaya conducted a joint holiday in Florence.

Soon the couple appeared at the premiere of the film "Love in the Big City 3". Julia was also invited to Andrei to celebrate his birthday in 2014. The actor rarely commented on rumors about himself. Celebrities argue that they are only friends.

Andrey Chadov and Julia Baranovskaya

In 2015, the press spoke about the new Roman Andrei Chadov with a model Alena Shishkova. The girl published in his "instagram" pictures with Chadov. First, the fans were confident that romantic shots are only fragments of Andrei's new acting project. But subsequently, they saw a couple together at the concert of the group "Spleen" and other events.

Chadov does not comment on rumors about these relations, and Alena reported that they were "good," but refused to discuss whether their communication was passed into the romantic sphere or not.

Andrey Chadov and Alena Shishkova

Andrei Chadov sincerely believes in the true friendship between a man and a woman, which often declares to journalists trying to attribute to him another novel. But at the same time, he tells in an interview with this, which wants to make a family and children, preferably two: a boy and a girl. He claims that at his age, the parties and club life are already tired, you want a calm and serious relationship.

The star of the screen remains a romantic. He is interested in childhood with space, astronomy, and also dreams to learn how to drive a yacht. In his free time, Andrei and brother leaves for fishing. One day, Chadov was fortunate enough to pull out a 50-kilogram sturgeon. Photo of caught fish Actor posted in his "Instagram".

Andrey Chadov Now

In the summer of 2018, a joyful event was held in the life of Andrei Chadov. The actor acquired an apartment in Moscow, before that he constantly filmed housing in the capital. Apartment artist of 120 square meters. M are in the elite area in New Riga. Among the current sector neighbors are many celebrities. According to Chudov, he recreated an interior in the style of High-tech. Andrei is confident that the new apartment fell along the four-legged pet - the dog of the Chihua-Hua breed is named Chadik.

Andrey Chadov

Now the artist continues to appear in new projects, where he gets the roles of complex contradictory characters. In the autumn there was several prime ministers with the participation of Chadov in high roles.

In the melodraman of the Melody of Love, he is reincarnated in a successful businessman who plays in his free time on the streets of Rock and Roll. And in the comedy of Dominica, the actor got the image of a stingy on the emotions of the architect, in whose life an unusual girl appears. After each manifestation of anger or joy of the main hero of Dominica becomes older. In the film, Svetlana Ustinova, Elena Yakovlev, Ekaterina Vasilyeva became partner of Andrei.

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The repertoire of the artist was also replenished with work in the spy film "say goodbye, whose action takes place in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Andrei Merzlikin, Egor Beroev, Arthur Vaha, Sergey Gorobchenko performed by Kadru's colleagues. An interesting role went to Andrei in a detective tape "Estimating Life", where he transformed into a psychiatrist doctor who helps the main heroine of Albin (Glafira Tarkhanov) to unravel the ballot of the tragic events of her life.

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In the work of the artist, roles remain in the series "Bailiffs", where the challenge will shine in the foreground, and the Criminal film "Reik" on the activities of the metropolitan underground casino.


  • 2001 - "Avalanche"
  • 2004 - "Russian"
  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2006 - "Live"
  • 2008 - "More Ben"
  • 2011 - "Slove. Right in the heart"
  • 2015 - "Provocateur"
  • 2016 - "Mafia: Survival game"
  • 2017 - "Shamelessness"
  • 2017 - "I will love you, you can?"
  • 2018 - Dominica
  • 2018 - "Extralling Life"
  • 2018 - "Melody of Love"

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