Frunzik Mkrtchyan - biography, personal life, photos, movies and cause of death



Universal favorite of the audience Frunzik Mkrtchyan - an outstanding Soviet actor who has played in the paintings, subsequently named by the Soviet classics, People's Artist of the USSR and the winner of the USSR State Prize. The actor played many characters whose words quickly became aphorisms and firmly entered the speech of viewers.

Mkrtchyan Frunzik Mushegovich was born in Armenia, in the city of Gyumri (then Leninakan), in 1930. The full name of the artist - Frunze (MER) Moshegovich Mkrtchyan: Mkrtchyan had two names. His house called MERGE (translated from Armenian "light"), and officially Frunze.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in youth

The Father of the Artist Musheg Mkrtchyan worked as a tabler at the factory, the mother of Sanam Mkrtchyan - dishwasher factory dining room. In addition to Brother Albert (now works by the artistic director of the Yerevan Theater of Mkrtchyan), Frunze had the sisters of Ruzanne and Clara.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan from the young age showed acting talents. At the end in 1945, the FRUNZE school immediately went to work. At first he worked in the club at the textile plant, fulfilling the duties of the Assistant of the Cynechanics. During this period, he gladly played in a local dramatic circle. Then, throughout the year, Mkrtchyan studied in the studio at the Leninakan Drama Theater. In 1947, the novice artist was credited to theatrical troupe.


In 1956, after the end of the Yerevan theater university, Mkrtchyan became an actor of the Sandukian theater troupe. The same year was the year of the debut of a novice actor in the cinema. He starred in a tiny role in the painting "Mystery of Lake Sevan." As a result, the montage in the frame was only a foot Frunzik. But if Mkrtchyan film engineer just started, then in the theater of his business was brilliantly. At that time, the audience went to the performances of "at the ICRTCHYAN".

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film

A full-fledged artist's debut in the movie happened in 1960 in the film "Guys of Museum", in which Frunzik played Arsena - a funny musician. Then the five-year break was followed when the artist was not filmed at all. In 1965, Frunze starred in the comedy Georgy Deltera "Thirty-three". With the role of Mkrtchyan coped perfectly, but "Upstairs" was banned by the picture, as ideologically harmful.

But Glory already stood on the verge of artist. A year later, the legendary film comedy "Caucasian captive" Gaiday appeared on large screens of the country. Viewers perfectly remember Frunze as uncle's main character - Jabrail. Interestingly, the role of his wife Jabrail then played the second spouse of the artist - Donara.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film

The same 1966, I gave Mkrtchyan another remarkable role, which brought additional fame to the actor. Frunze played one of three pretty gangsters in the picture of Rolan Bykov "Aibolit-66". Now Frunze Mkrtchyan was famous for the whole country and was considered the best comedy artist of the country.

The first half of the 70s became not the best in the career of the artist. Due to the illness of his wife, Frunze refused many good roles. But here the second half of the 70s pleased the fan of the talent of Frunzik. A new comedy of Deltera Mimino came to the screens. Wonderful, bright and bright picture, where Mkrtchyan with Vakhtang Kikabidze played a duet. Many phrases from the film become covered, and the painting itself collects huge queues from the cinema halls. Romantic artist with comedy talent and sad eyes loved everything without exception. He was adored and colleagues in the workshop.

Also, the biography of the actor was replenished with a piercing and largely metaphorical film "Soldiers and Elephant". The plot of the paintings is based on real events and talks about how Soviet soldiers during the battles already in German territory found an elephant hijacked in Germany. It was decided to return the animal to the Yerevan Zoo, so the soldier who was given an order to deliver the animal, and the elephant go to a long journey through the destroyed war and village. The simple road plot became a way to show a lot: horrors of war, humane side of soldiers, the heroism of Soviet soldiers, mercy for people and animals. The film participated in the All-Union Film Festival in Yerevan, Frunzik Mkrtchyan received the first prize for the best acting work.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan in the film

In the late 70s, another actor sign was released on the screens. Mkrtchyan starred in the drama Alla Surikova "Justa fuss." Like many films of that period, "Justa Women" showed an ordinary family, faced with household problems, which gradually pushed out love from marriage. The main character, whose role to execute Frunzik Mkrtchyan, left his wife, who played Galina Polish, but began after that, it would seem, the uncomplicated adventures convinced him that he loses too much by leaving the family.

In 1978, Frunze Mkrtchyan received the USSR State Prize, and in 1984 he became a national artist of the USSR.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan

In the mid-80s Frunze, Mkrtchyan is no longer removed. He is offered good roles, but he invariably refuses, jokingly arging that at his age no longer playing movies.

And in the early 90s Frunzik Mkrtchyan leaves the favorite theater. He offended the decision of the team, who chose the main director not him, who gave it 35 years of life to this theater, and Horagramyan. The artist took up the creation of his theater, but fate took him not so many years to the last act.

Personal life

FRUNZIKA MKRTCHYAN's personal life was tragic. All three marriage ended sadly. The first wife of the actor was his classmate of Knar, but the marriage collapsed almost immediately.

With the second wife, Donara Pylosyan Mkrtchyan met in the mid-50s. The girl came to enroll in the Leninakan Teatral University. Young artists got married and started working together. The first they had a daughter Nune, and Son Vazgen was born soon. And when it seemed that a young family had improved and you could live happily and work, Donara got sick. Doctors discovered the incurable mental illness that was inherited.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan with wife Donara

Frunze showed his wife to famous specialists, but those help could not. The wife began to grow terribly jealous of Mkrtchyan, it seemed that he had mistresses everywhere, and he was not leaving about tour, but from the family. The personal life of the actor turned into hell. These problems at some point were reflected in the career of the actor - he had a major break in significant roles and major projects.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan and Son

Donara's condition gradually worsened. Mkrtchyan had to agree to hospitalization of his wife in a psychiatric hospital in France without the right to exit from there. Mkrtchyan remained one with two children. Soon the daughter went to Argentina, and the son of the doctors found the same disease as the mother. All efforts of the ICRTCHYAN cured Vazgen turned out to be in vain. The son was hospitalized in the same clinic as his mother. They said that they, meeting in the corridor, have never recognized each other.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan with his wife Tamara

Personal life Frunzik Mkrtchyan briefly played with light colors when he married for the third time. His wife became the daughter of the Chairman of the Union of Writers of Armenia Tamara Oganesyan, but this marriage soon collapsed. It was during this period that the artist, according to the press, began to abuse alcohol. I went first from the movies, and then from the theater.


Diseases of the closest people and major problems at work handled the artist. Alcohol to which, according to rumors, the actor addressed the consolation, most likely, and caused the death of Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Because of alcohol, the actor had already happened one clinical death, but the doctors managed to pull him from the world. But the version of the press about the alcohol dependence of the actor members of the Mkrtchyan family does not confirm, although they mention his preference "to guilt and tobacco".

Subsequently, a brother Albert began to take care of the actor, who was worried, having learned that he did not communicate. Later, Albert recalled that Phunzik's phone was broken, you can only call him, and there is no calls - no, but some kind of hopeless premonition did not give my brother calm down. When Albert came to check his brother, then found him dead.

Monument Frunzik Mkrtchyan

Frunzik Mkrtchyan did not grow on December 29, 1993, when he was 63 years old. The official cause of death was called a heart attack. It was a real tragedy, many believed that the actor could play a lot of star roles. On December 31, despite the festival day, the whole Yerevan gathered, thousands of people were gathered for the coffin of the artist to the grave in the Pantheon of the Geniuses of the Armenian Spirit in Yerevan. They grieved about the beloved artist not only in Armenia, but also in the entire former Union. He really loved himself.

The daughter of Frunzik Nune Mkrtchyan died from cancer in 1998, only for several years survived the Father. Granddaughter Gayane (Irene) lives in Argentina. The son of Vazgen Mkrtchyan, who brought the Father so much silent experiences, died at a 33-year-old from the cirrhosis.

Frunzik Mkrtchyan with her daughter and granddaughter

Now the actor is devoted to a total of five monuments - four of them as part of the compositions on cult films with the participation of Frunzik Mkrtchyan, and one personal. In Gyumri, at the small homeland of Mkrtchyan, the museum of his name is open. In 2006, a postage stamp dedicated to the actor was issued in Armenia.


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