Natalia Gundarereva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



Natalia Gundareva is the legend of the domestic theater and cinema, leading the actress of the theater. Mayakovsky, People's Artist of the RSFSR, the owner of the prestigious Award "Nika".

Gundareva Natalia Georgievna was born on August 28, 1948 in the family of engineers in Moscow. The childhood of the future actress passed on Taganka, in a communal apartment. Young Natasha's parents were avid theatrons, and Mom even repeatedly participated in the competitions of amateur-in-law.

At the age of five, the girl first fell into the theater for the "Blue Bird". The magic of theatrical act fascinated her, and, having come home, Natalia said to parents, which will certainly become an actress or ballerina. In the school years, the future star of the theater and cinema attended the mugs of reading, singing and dramatic art in the local pioneer house. In the 8th grade, the girl for the first time came to a large scene of the theater of young Muscovites, playing the role of Mom in the play "Wild Dog Dingo".

Despite the infinite love of the girl to the theater, Natalia Gundareva's mother did not allow her to enter the theater university, as a result of which she decided to become a construction engineer. At the time of passing the exams in the engineering university, the old buddy on the theater of the young Moskvich persuaded the girl to enter the theater school named after Schukin. With its extraordinary appearance, the lush forms and the mothers, the robe of Gundareva struck the strict commission "Pike", she brilliantly passed the entrance examinations and was credited to the actor Katina-Yartsev without any problems.

All the years of study, the student was responsible for studying, literally wrote down lectures and for three hours he spent daily in the ballet class. In 1971, Natalia Gundareva received an invitation to work at once from several theaters, but preferred the theater them. Mayakovsky, the scene of which was her home until the last days of life.

Films and theater

The first few years of the theater career actress played mostly roles in the states of the current repertoire of the theater. The first significant role of Natalia Gundarere took place in 1974 in the play "bankrupt". Then the audience, and critics spoke about the actress in the form of stickies. Then there were "Run" and "I stand at the restaurant", which, thanks to Gundarere, were always an event in society and collected stormy and collected.

In the cinema Gundareva began to be taken back since 1966 and played her first role in the painting "Chmur". At the same time, the triumph in cinema of the young actress brought the role of buffets in the film "Hello and Farewell". After that, Natalia Georgievna starred in many films, in particular, "Autumn", "Pranma", "Autumn Marathon", "Sweet Woman." After a stunning game in the "Sweet Woman", where the actress simultaneously displaced the images of three women and their fate on the screen, in 1977 according to the survey of the Journal of Soviet Screen, Natalya Gundareva was recognized as the best actress of the year.

In 1979, played a major role in the play "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County". Director Andrei Goncharov wanted to make this production back in the 50s, but the idea failed. Later, Goncharov said that only because in the 50s he did not have Gundarere, and no other actress would stretch the role of Katerina Lvovna. This performance brought a special success Natalia Georgievna, became a sign and for her, and for the theater. Mayakovsky. The play regularly walked for 13 years.

Already in early 1980, Natalia Georgievna became a demanded and popularly beloved actress. Each role completely opened the audience all the verge of talent and conquered the heart of the audience with naturalness and mentality.

In 1983, Natalia received a major role in the painting Samson Samsonov "Lonely a hostel is provided." Gundareva played a lonely woman who became the "Swash" for all his girlfriends. Despite the fact that Gundarere's heroine forgot about his personal life, the film was waiting for the romantic final, and the woman found her future husband, whose role was played by Alexander Mikhailov. The film touched the important social theme of female loneliness.

In the same year another film actresses - "Mistress of the orphanage". In it, the director raised an even more serious topic - the question of abandoned children. The actress began to receive many letters and thanks from the audience from all over the country.

In the early 1990s, colleagues and acquaintances began to notice from Natalia Georgievna health problems that manifested in regular hypertensive crises. This, of course, was reflected in the creative biography of Gundarere, as it became difficult for her to work in such a rhythm. But the actress did not quit work.

In the 90s, the actress was no longer a simple Russian woman, but a high-ranking noble. Natalia played Lady Hamilton in the formulation of "Victoria? .." and Princess Shadur in the Master Series "Petersburg Secrets". And in 1991 it appeared as Elizabeth in the picture "Vivat, Martemarina!".

In 2001, Natalia also played the last role in the cinema, appearing on the television screens in the image of Vasilisa Savvichna in the TV series "Salome". In the same year, the actress received a role in the Kabaloe Svyatosh on the MHT scene. Chekhov. Natalia was very glad to play an interesting character in the famous team, but still rejected this proposal, deciding to preserve the loyalty to his native theater.

Gundareva could not betray the director Goncharov, discontinued and polished her acting talent. According to another version, the actress first agreed and seriously approached rehearsals, but was not able to reconcile with the orders of theater and, in the end, refused the role.

The last work of the Gundarere in the theater was the role of Lettis in the "Love Drink" formulation.

Personal life

Natalia Gundarere's personal life, as well as creative career, was bright and rich. The actress was married three times, she did not have children. Later in an interview with the familiar Natalia Georgievna, with bitterness, noticed that all her men were absolutely not reached up to her level.

The first husband of the legends of the domestic film and the theater appeared in her life in 1973. They became a famous director Leonid Haifets, who was older for 14 years. But full-time employment in the theater and high demand did not allow Natalia Georgievna to cope with family life, against the background of what, after six years, the marriage collapsed.

In 1979, immediately after the divorce, Natalia again fell in love with Viktor Koreshkov's actor, for whom he soon married. But the marriage turned out to be unhappy - according to the press, Victor openly changed Natalia with the famous singer.

Knowing about the betrayal of the spouse, the woman did not show a hands-on jealousy, as she was also passionate about the actor Sergey Nasibov. The consequence of the bright novel Nasibov and Gundareva was two divorces: Sergey, without thinking, left his wife, and Gundareva divorced Korehkov. Their union was fleeting and soon collapsed due to extinct feelings.

Mikhail Philippov, Mikhail Filippov, with whom they got married in 1986 became love of the life of Natalia Gundareva's life. At that moment the actress was already "recent" and began to think about family happiness. According to rumors, after several unsuccessful attempts, the actress found out that he could not have children because of an unsuccessful abortion made in youth.

A strong and volitional woman never mentioned in society or mentioned this problem. She always answered the questions of journalists about children that he had no need for descendants, she completely replaced the theater.

In the same period, Natalia got acquainted with Irina Degteva, which became a Gundarer's closest friend. Natalia's husband in his memoirs called Irina "adopted daughter", but Natalia herself never appealed to his friend. Degteva also considered Natalia Gundareva his girlfriend, although he recognized that she talked with her rather as a mother with an adult daughter, which actresses are most likely, despite all the power and resistance, still lacked.

With the Third Husband, Mikhail Filippov Gundarerev lived until the last day of his life.

Disease and death

In July 2001, Actress Natalia Gundareva sharply felt badly and was emergency to be taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of "brainwatching". Doctors feared for the life of Natalia Georgievna and decided to redirect it to the Sklifosovsky Institute. Two days later, the actress fell into a whose cause was the ischemic stroke. For 10 days, the doctors fought a woman's life, and their efforts were crowned with success - on August 1, the patient came into consciousness and went on amendment.

In the summer of 2002, the legend of Russian cinema was discharged home from the hospital, where she continued to undergo a course of rehabilitation and re-learned to walk. At this time, Gundareva took up charity and as part of the action "In the Name" helped in treating many actors.

There is a version that the cause of a stroke of Gundarere was not only the exhausting pace of work, but also a plastic surgery that actresses did in 1999. Then the physicians categorically prohibited the actress to lie down on the operating table and undergo anesthesia due to its chronic hypertension and vessel problems, which could end fatly.

Four years of doctors and actress herself tried to overcome the disease. Her patience, excerpt and will amazed all - she cried from pain on physiotherapy sessions, but did not stop attempts to get out of the stroke trap.

On May 15, 2005, Natalia Gundareva died in the clinic of St. Alexy. The cause of death actresses was repeated hemorrhagic stroke. Gundareva's funeral was held on May 18 at the Moscow Cemetery of Moscow.


Natalia Gundareva filmography has more than 70 films. Movies with Natalia Gundareva have always been greatly popular with spectators and critics:

  • "Hello and goodbye"
  • "Sweet woman"
  • "Feedback"
  • "Leaving go"
  • "Autumn marathon"
  • "Sold by laughter"
  • "Mistress of the orphanage"
  • "Children of the Sun"
  • "Vivat, Marthemarines!"
  • "Associated heaven"
  • "Gigolo"
  • "Personal life of the queen"
  • Petersburg Secrets
  • "Paradise Apple"
  • ""
  • "Salome"

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