Alena Omovich - biography, personal life, photo, news, model, blogger, plastic, "instagram" 2021



Details of the biography of the Ukrainian Instagram model Alena Omovich remain a mystery, but it does not prevent her from being popular on the network. The celebrity attracted the attention of users at the expense of a bright appearance, which did not leave anyone indifferent.

Childhood and youth

Alena Omovich was born on November 22, 1994 in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. The real name of the blogger is not known, some sources indicate that she is Bogdanova, others - Purchasashvili.

Alena since childhood was striving for a self-expression, in adolescence she ranked herself to Emo, and already at the age of 15 began working the model. But the popularity came to the girl only after in 2013 she began to blog in "Instagram".


Already at the first publications, Omovich demonstrated to subscribers a slim figure in a swimsuit, a photo of loved ones and moments from everyday life were shared. Alena managed to conquer the public with sincerity and natural beauty, but gradually she began to change their appearance.

Alena Omovich before and after plastic

In subsequent years, the celebrity made rhinoplasty, increased her lips, chest and buttocks. She willingly shared with the subscribers with details of plastic operations and cosmetic procedures, told about the recovery process, which allowed her to attract new subscribers. The main audience of the model was the girls who are with interest to be followed by its transformations and write enthusiastic comments on the style of Omich.

Already in early 2018, more than 1 million people were signed on a blogger account, and the rapid growth of the audience attracted the attention of fashionable brands that wished to advertise on its page. This not only gave celebrities to regularly please the public with new outfits provided by stores, but also allowed income income.

But not everyone believe that Omovich earned on the luxurious life itself. The rumors do not subside in the network that the girl is engaged in an escort, and on telegrams-channels regularly appear supposedly merged photos. But Alena repeatedly denied this fact. And the spicy pictures were taken from the closed Channel of Beauties, access to which opens at an additional cost. There it is divided more frank, but aesthetic frames, avoiding full exposure.

Another problem with which Ukrainka had to face was accused of abuse of procedures to improve appearance. Comparing the photo of the model before and after surgical interventions, users noted that it became a completely different person. They believe: Previously, Omich looked natural and more unique.

In addition, the girl had to hear criticism due to excessive thin. Against the background of bulk breasts and the bean, the waist looks quite thin, which brings thoughts on anorexia. But the blogger does not pay attention to non-useful reviews and the advice more is there, because she loves himself and does not consider the problem to be the desire for their ideal. In addition, the fans of Alena are much more than unfriendly.

Personal life

The model does not hide a personal life from subscribers and willingly divides a photo with its guys, but does not call them names. In 2020, rumors appeared that Alena broke up with a chosen one, with which was about 3 years in relations. According to rumors, the girl even wondered about marriage and the creation of a family. The fact that the blogger deleted almost all joint pictures is indicated.

Alena Omovich now

At the end of the autumn of 2020, the model was in the hospital with a suspicion of a stone in the kidney, but in the end, it was diagnosed with bilateral inflammation of the kidneys. Fans expressed concern about celebrity health and advised her no longer be photographed half-subsided in cold weather. But soon after the discharge, the girl shared a frank picture made on the open balcony.

Lying in the hospital, Alena published an old photo in "Instagram", where she eats pasta, but immediately criticized due to the use of photoshop. The model was previously shown in the desire to look better at the expense of filters and editors, but here it became too obvious. Wanting to make the waist thinish, Omich did not notice how her big finger became unnaturally thin and long. Network users rose blogger, calling it "Humanoid" and "aliens".

Despite all the difficulties, now the model continues to delight fans with new publications. In addition to the blog, she has its own store, where the girl lays out a photo of fashionable images, clothing for the creation of which can be purchased.

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