Svetlana Kryuchkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, health, movies, age, illness, cancer 2021



Svetlana Kryuchkova - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, which managed from the first days of acting career loudly declare themselves. The talent of the performer is unique: it is subject to images in any role. Large luggage of bright roles provided it by the love of the audience, which today belong to the artist as their native soul.

Childhood and youth

People's Artist of the RSFSR Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova was born in Chisinau in the family of counterintellor, Major Soloch. Mother worked there, in the personnel department. Become an actress daughter officer never dreamed. She dreams about the romantic profession of geologist or thought to devote her life to books, becoming a philologist.

The future actress was red-haired, and her teased children in the yard. She felt unbearably lonely, but at the same time it was never shy to publicly read poems, and then sing. Light came to the school ensemble and even became a soloist.

After graduating from school in Chisinau, Kryuchkov arrived in Moscow to storm theatrical university. In the first year, the girl went to the Shchepkinskaya school, where "cut off" in the entrance finals. For the second year, the failure was postgraduated on exams in Schukinskoye. And at the Studio School, MCAT looked at the apprentice and gave her a chance to become an artist. Here, light came to the course of Vasily Markov.

Theater and films

At the 4th year of Svetlana received the first role in the cinema, immediately made her star. Young actress played Nellie Lednevoy in the film "Big Change" Alexey Korenev.

The completion of the filming of "big change" coincided with the end of the MHAT Studio. The star graduate was invited by 5 theaters of Moscow at once. But theatrical biography of Crochek, of course, began with Mkat. At the famous scene, the actress went out for two seasons.

Moscow Theater Life Svetlana turned love. The actress threw everything and left for Leningrad to the future famous Soviet film operator, Winner of the USSR State Prize, Yury Waxer.

In Leningrad Svetlana soon gave birth to a son and entered the service in a large dramatic theater, where he still plays. The first work, which George Tovstonogov suggested Kryuchkov, was the role of a schoolgirl in Luba in the play "Fantasy Fickieva".

Kryuchkova played Aksinhu in the "quiet don" Mikhail Sholokhov, Vasilisa in the Drama Maxim Gorky "on the bottom", Ranevskaya in the "Cherry Garden" Anton Chekhov and many other serious dramatic roles.

Svetlana Kryuchkova - actress outside the amplua. Her talent forces the role of any dramatic complexity and psychological depths. After a romantic Nelli Introduction in "Big Change", she reincarnated in the "marriage", and then in the mysterious Elza Barrymore in the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson".

Parabe with the Great Nonaya Mordyukov Svetlana Kryuchkov played a thin tragicomedy "Rodney". The scenario was specifically for Mordyukov wrote Victor Merezhko, and Nikita Mikhalkov spoke by the director.

In 1994, Svetlana was again lucky to work with Mikhalkov: she starred in his famous painting "Burnt by the Sun". Her work was highly appreciated, and in 1995, the actress received a prize at the Constellation Film Festival for the best female episodic role.

Twice Kryuchkov played Empress Catherine the second. Especially for this role actress learned to speak Russian with a German accent. One of the most characteristic images of celebrities was the role of the wife of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU Leonid Ilyich Brezhneva Victoria Petrovna.

Kryuchkova also embodied the psychologically heavy and multi-layer character of the grandmother Sasha Savelyev Nina Antonovna in the film "Bury me for the plinth" on the novel by Pavel Sanaeva.

Bright page in the filmography of artists Spectators consider the series "Liquidation". Svetlana performed the role of a Jewish mother, aunt pests. The picture was created in Odessa, the scenes with Hooked were filmed in one of the city courtyards, whose atmosphere reminded her distant childhood.

Personal life

The first husband Svetlana was a poet and actor Mikhail Starodub. They studied together at the MCAT studio school and met in the youth at one of the noisy student parties in the hostel, where Svetlana lived. Newlyweds dreamed of a strong family, children and happy old age together. But the personal life of the artists did not work out, this marriage did not exist and years.

The husband called Svetlana the talentless actress, besides, "terrible, like a stove." The latter drop was the jealousy of the spouse, and the professional. Starodub was tried to the role of the main character of the film "Big Change" Grigory Gangzhi, but did not take it.

The second time the actress married the famous Soviet film operator Yuri Veksler, the Jew for Nationality. They worked together on the film crew of the film "Senior Son". As Cooookov admitted in an interview, it was love at first sight. According to her, Jura played a huge role in her spiritual and creative formation. Finding in love, a decisive woman threw Moscow, MCAT and moved to his beloved to Leningrad.

For six years, they lived in a civil marriage while Svetlana was not pregnant. At the 5th month, Svetlana almost lost her husband: the ventirak had a heart attack, the man himself needed help. Hooks managed, according to physicians, impossible: she managed to give birth to a healthy baby and leaving his spouse.

Son called Dmitry, today he lives in France. A man is married to the Frenchman Sheriff Liz Margaret, and they have already made a crochekov twice grandmother. In 2010, the grandson Anton was born, and in 2016 the granddaughter of Polina.

Waxler and Kryuchkov lived together for 14 years, but due to the permanent claims of the spouse Svetlana could not stand and agreed to divorce. Yuri did not live and a half years after parting with his wife. By the time of his caring from life, Svetlana had another man, but the actress could not detain his emotions about untimely loss.

With the third husband, Alexander Moltsov, the artist met at the bar, which came along with his girlfriend Larisa Guzeeva. The man was younger for 12 years. Svetlana is happy with his chosen one. Alexander Moltsov Today is the decorator artist. In May 1990, the actress gave him the Son, who was called Alexander.

Health status

In 2019, the news about the problems of the actress with health struck fans. True, the terrible happened much earlier - Svetlana Nikolaevna in 2015, doctors diagnosed the lung cancer. It turned out that the tumor is at the 4th stage of development. But I decided to tell the actress about this press already when I was confident in the stability of my health.

Later, the actress on the broadcast of the "Fate of Man" admitted that it made it forced her a strange behavior of the cat. A homemade pet went to the sore place, grievously growl and ripped his claws. She expressed the assumptions about the causes of deadly ailment. Once the celebrity found near his door almost half a million mercury.

When doctors put a disappointing diagnosis, the artist appealed to the German clinic. The colleagues of Nikita Mikhalkov and Evgeny Mironov were huge help - they paid an expensive course.

After a long treatment abroad, the health of the Hooked has improved. In November 2017, she was present at a concert dedicated to the director Eldar Ryazanov and his work. The event took place in the Moscow Philharmonic. Then the singer Zara posted a photo from the dressing room in "Instagram" on which it is captured with Svetlana Crochet.

The disease influenced the appearance of the performer - one time with a height of 170 cm it looked lost weight. Today, the weight of hook is approaching the mark of 90 kg.

Svetlana Nikolaevna regularly undergoes medical examinations. In 2021 she had to hold hormonal therapy twice in order to remain in remission. However, the star does not disappear and looks at the future with optimism.

Svetlana Kryuchkova now

In 2020, the tour with the participation of Crochek was canceled due to a coronavirus infection pandemic. With great joy, Svetlana Nikolaevna announced the release of the scene - the start date of the tour of the Bolshoi Dramatic Theater named after G. A. Tovstonogov coincided with the birthday of the stars.

The actress was involved in two performances of the director Roman Marholia. In the "Player" layout, she played 2 roles at once - Grannye and croupier. And she was lucky enough to demonstrate from the scene of a singing talent, fulfilling the composition of Mein Herz Brennt of the famous German Rammstein team.


  • 1972 - "Big Change"
  • 1975 - "Can't Be!"
  • 1977 - "Marriage"
  • 1980 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
  • 1983 - "Scarecrow"
  • 1984 - "Olga and Konstantin"
  • 1986 - "Courier"
  • 1989 - "It"
  • 1990 - "Tsarist Hunt"
  • 1994 - "Burnt by the Sun"
  • 2000 - "Old Klyachi"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "Burry me for the plinth"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes


  • 1976 - "Fantasy Fickieva"
  • 1977 - "Silent Don"
  • 1980 - "Wolves and Sheep"
  • 1983 - "Sisters"
  • 1985 - "On all sages of pretty simplicity"
  • 1987 - "At the bottom"
  • 1993 - "Cherry Garden"
  • 1997 - "Moma Courage and her children"
  • 2015 - "Player"

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