Sergey Bondarchuk Senior - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Sergey Bondarchuk - actor and director, screenwriter and teacher. Years of life: 1920-1994. On the account of Sergey Fedorovich 40 acting and 9 directories. Bondarchuk-actor received recognition of Stalin and the right to act abroad.

The audience remembered Bondarchuk-director as masters of mass battle scenes and the author of the shields of two signs of the Russian Romanov-epics "War and Peace" and "Quiet Don". The works of Bondarchuk received recognition and abroad: Sergey Fedorovich - Winner of the Oscar premium.

early years

Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk - Ukrainian by origin. The future artist was born on Kherson region, in the village of Belozerka. Date of birth: September 25, 1920. Children's years Bondarchuk passed in Yeisk, and her youth - in Taganrog, where the passion for theater and cinema led Sergey on the scene of the local drama theater. The desire to choose the profession of the actor did not support the father-engineer, who considered the acting craft with a frivolous occupation. But he had to compete with the choice of his son, as Sergey was unshakable in this desire.

In 1938, Bondarchuk entered the Rostov Theater School, which did not have time to complete due to the start of the Great Patriotic War. Bondarchuk - participant of war and soldier of the Red Army. Sergey Fedorovich passed the whole war and only after her ended completed training. Bondarchuk entered Vgik Gerasimov by choosing the acting faculty. He graduated from the university in 1948.

Personal life

The first wife Sergei Bondarchuk was Eugene Belousov. It is certainly unknown whether the spouses were painted officially, or marriage was civil. After the war, Bondarchuk and Belousov diverged. The director went to the capital, she remained in Rostov. From this union, the first son of Bondarchuk - Alexey appeared.

The second wife of the director was an actress Inna Makarova, with which Bondarchuk met on the set of the "Young Guard" paintings. In this marriage, Natalia's daughter was born, who became the director, like his father. When Sergey found out about the existence of the eldest son, he divorced inna and entered into a fictitious marriage with Evgenia Belousova - the wedding was needed in order to recognize the Son under the laws of that time.

The divorce with the newly-handed wife was long, Eugene simply did not appear in court. Immediately after the necessary legal registration, Bondarchuk married Inna Makarova again. The couple received a huge public pressure, spouses sent anonymous, retell gossip. When Inna Makarova talks about relations with Bondarchuk, she curses with bitterness: "We were divorced."

The divorce was postponed, despite the actual finals of relations, Bondarchuk did not want to part. After the official divorce, the director continued to go on rapprochement, but Inna did not meet reciprocity, Sergey Fedorovich continued a novel with a young film partner.

At the end of the 50s, Sergey Bondarchuk married Irina Schetseva, with which he lived 35 years old. With a young actress, the artist met during the filming of the film "Othello". Two children were born in this marriage - Alena Bondarchuk (died in 2009) and Fyodor Bondarchuk. An unpleasant rumors went about Irin, the actress was reproached in marital infidelity. Sergei's colleagues believed that the young actress was "surrounding" director from mercenary and career motivations. In the actor, Alena was confident that Bondarchuk's rude daughter.

Sergey Fedorovich removed his spouse in all the paintings, which was directed after acquaintance with Irina. In the film "Velvet Season", Alena joined the married tandom, which was played by the daughter of the heroes of the parents, and the creative family appeared in Boris Godunov in full.

Actor career

Immediately at the end of the theater Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk was hired to work in the Mosfilm film studio, but in parallel he served in the studio-studio of the film actor at the cook.

Sergey Bondarchuk's acting biography began with the role of the Underbreaker Andrei Valko in the film "Young Guard". Soon, the novice artist appeared in the tape "Cavalier of the Golden Star". Bondarchuk's fame brought the main role in the painting "Taras Shevchenko".

The film approved Joseph Stalin, as a result of which Sergey Bondarchuk received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. The case is unprecedented not only because such a honorable title was awarded to such a young artist, but also because the actor "reroxed" a mandatory step - the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

In the Soviet period, Sergey Bondarchuk was hardly the only film actor who was allowed to play in foreign paintings. So Bondarchuk appeared in the Italian picture "In Rome was Night" Roberto Rossellini and the Yugoslav tape "Battle of Nonterv" Velko Bulayich.


The director's biography of Sergey Bondarchuk started in 1959, when he was appointed director of Mosfilm film studio. In the same year his directorial debut took place: the painting "The Fate of Man" was reached on the screens, where Bondarchuk also appeared as the main hero of the ribbon, where he played with Hellen Bystritsky. The film was very warmly met by the spectators of the country and won the Leninist Prize, the Great Gold Prize of the International Film Festival in Moscow and many other awards.

Often Sergey Fedorovich was filmed in films that directed himself. The artist was remarkably conveyed by the character of the hero of Pierre Besuhov in the film-epic "War and Peace" in 1966.

But critics note that the most successful roles of Bondarchuk - the 1970s paintings. It is Astrov in the "Uncle Vana" Andrei Konchalovsky, Academician Kurchatov in the tape "Choosing a goal", Father Sergius in the same film, Montanalli in the film "Wood".

The unconditional achievement in the world of Russian cinema becomes the film-epic Sergey Fedorovich "War and Peace". The screening of the Great Work of Leo Tolstoy brought the director worldwide glory. By this work, Bondarchuk devoted 6 years of life. The first series "Andrei Bolkonsky" reached the screens in 1966. Then every year - three more series. The "war and world" of Bondarchuk brought the director Oscar Award and the clerk of the film festival in Venice. The film was shown in 117 countries of the world.

Soon the master put the film "Waterloo", where he confirmed his talent productions of grandiose battle scenes in combination with thorough psychological working hours. Another masterpiece of the director was the picture "They fought for their homeland", published in 1975. For the first time in Soviet cinema, Sergey Bondarchuk showed bitterness and drama of the retreat of the Soviet Army. This did not like many officials, but the film was so good that I won the State Prize of the RSFSR.

In 1978, Sergey Fedorovich was able to realize his dream and shielded the story of Anton Chekhov "Steppe". And in 1982, a new film of Bondarchuk "Red Bells" on the works of John Reed appeared. For this work, the director was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

In 1989-1990, Bondarchuk, together with the producer of Italy, Enzo Rispoli worked on the formulation of the epic picture "Quiet Don". It was the last film director. Unfortunately, in life, Sergey Fedorovich never saw the output of the "quiet don" on the screens. Only in 2006 the picture managed to finish and voice. In late autumn 2006, the 8-serial tape was first shown in one of the cinemas of the capital, and then reached the large screens of the country.


The last acting works of Bondarchuk were roles in the paintings of the "case at the airport" and "Thunderstorm over Rus." The last film was released on the screens in 1992. After 2 years, Sergey Fedorovich did not.

The cause of the death of the actor and the director was the cancer of the stomach. The disease developed rapidly, pulmonologists argued that the urgent operation is required. But instead of waiting for the operation, Bondarchuk was written and flew into Italy to hurt the "quiet Don." Any delay threatened the penalty and threatened the existence of the picture.

In Italy, Sergey Fedorovich also had a chance to cure. The Italian colleague, who also suffered from cancer, led Bondarchuk to his doctor. But foreign paid medicine turned out to be directed by the pocket.

Close and friends of Bondarchuk are confident that timely treatment would save the director life.

Bondarchuk burned down from the disease in two months. The great director did not become October 20, 1994. Two hours before the death of Bondarchuk confessed with Hieromonach Tikhon. Sergey Bondarchuk buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The last love director, Irina Skobseva, died on October 2020. The actress died in 93 years.

Filmography (actor)

  • Taras Shevchenko
  • Fate of man
  • In Rome was the night
  • War and Peace
  • Battle on nonrevy
  • Uncle Ivan
  • Father Sergiy.
  • Gadfly
  • Boris Godunov
  • Case at the airport
  • Thunderstorm over Rusy
  • Silent Don.

Filmography (director)

  • Fate of man
  • War and Peace
  • Waterloo
  • They fought for their homeland
  • Steppe
  • Boris Godunov
  • Silent Don.

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