Mikhail Gorbachev - biography, personal life, photos, news, age where he lives, President of the USSR 2021



Mikhail Gorbachev is the state and public figure of the XX century, which entered the political world in Soviet times. The Winner of the Nobel Prize of the world became the first and only president of the USSR, the results of which left a deep mark in Russian history, and also became important factors in the development of the rest of the world.

Childhood and youth

Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich was born on March 2, 1931 in the Stavropol Selo delivered. Father Sergey Andreevich and mother Maria Panteleevna - Peasants, so the childhood of the future president was held without wealth and luxury. Later in the family, the young man's brother, Alexander, who dedicated life to the military case appeared.

According to the media, grandfather Gorbachev on both lines was first repressed, but then relatives returned to ordinary life. Andrei Moiseevich refer to Siberia for the sole farm, and the father of Mother Panthery Efimovich Gopkalo, Ukrainian by nationality, was accused of trotskyism in 1937. After 14 months, a man was released, and soon he headed the Kolkhoz "Red October".

In 10 years, Mikhail had to survive the German occupation of Stavropol, which imposed an imprint on the character and political position in the future. Heavy blows for Gorbachev and "Funeile" with the name Sergei. But, fortunately, the message was erroneous.

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From 13 years old Gorbachev helped parents, combining school school with work in the collective farm: first worked on the mechanics and tractor station, and later became an assistant combiner, the fulfillment of the duties of which was extremely difficult for a teenager. Mikhail Sergeevich in 1949 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for over-fulfillment of the Cereal Cleaning Plan.

The next year, Gorbachev with a silver medal graduated from a local school and continued to education in Moscow State University at the Law Faculty. Mikhail's University took without exams, thanks to the state award received in youth.

In the university, the talented community was headed by the Komsomol organization of students, where he charged the spirit of freedomiff, which influenced the further worldview. In 1952, Mikhail Sergeyevich was accepted by the CPSU member, and 3 years after the successful end of the educational institution Gorbachev received the post of first secretary of the Golkom Vlksm Stavropol.

Career and politics

Career Mikhail Gorbachev developed rapidly. In 1962, the official is appointed to the post of parsing of Stavropol territorial and industrial agricultural management, on which Gorbachev during the reforms of the Soviet chapter of Nikita Khrushchev earned a reputation as a promising policy.

A good organizer did not possess special charisma or memorable external data, so he pierced the road only by skills and working qualities. Against the background of the growth of crops in Stavropol, Mikhail Sergeevich has established itself as a leading expert in the field of agriculture, which subsequently allowed to become an ideologue of the CPSU on the development of this sphere.

In 1974, Gorbachev was elected to the Supreme Council of the USSR, where the community headed the Commission on the problems of youth. In 1978, the policy was transferred to Moscow and appointed secretary of the Central Committee, which initiated the former leader of the USSR Yury Andropov, who considered in Mikhail Sergeevich highly educated and experienced specialist.

In 1980, Gorbachev came into the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Under his leadership fell numerous reforms in the field of market economy and in the political system. In 1984, Mikhail Sergeevich at a meeting of the CPSU Central Committee read out the report "Live creativity of the people", which became the so-called "prelude" of the country's restructuring. The report with optimism was perceived by colleagues and the Soviet people.

Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee

By won the support and creating the image of the global reformer, Mikhail Sergeevich in 1985 was elected to the position of the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee, after which the global process of democratization of society began in the USSR later called the restructuring.

Becoming the leader, perhaps the most powerful power in the world, Mikhail Gorbachev began to pull out the country that fell into the stagnation. Without a clearly formed plan, a number of changes in the external and domestic policy of the Soviet Union, which over time led to the decline of the state.

At the account of the Board of Gorbachev "Dry Law", the exchange of money, the introduction of Hosrat, the termination of the war in Afghanistan, the completion of the long-term cold war with the West and the weakening of a nuclear threat. Also with the arms of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who then had complete power over the country, in the USSR, the liberalization of the Company and the weakening of censorship were carried out, which allowed Gorbachev at that moment to gain popularity among the population.

First president

Political scientists believe that the main mistake of Gorbachev is inconsistency in conducting economic reforms in the USSR, which led to a sharp deepening of the crisis in the country, as well as to reduce the standard of living of citizens. In that period, the Baltic republics took a course to distance from the Union, which did not prevent the Soviet leader to become the first and only president of the collapsed state. He was elected to his position in 1990 according to changed legislation.

From positive moments, experts identify the establishment of diplomatic relations and the exchange of embassies with the Vatican. After meeting with Pope John Paul II, Mikhail Sergeevich changed the attitude towards Christian values. In January 1991, Orthodox Christmas declared a day off.

Also, for the first time in half a century, the head of the USSR has developed a warm relationship with the American leader, who at that time was George Bush-senior. After the conclusion of the trade agreement on the shelves of Soviet stores, frozen chuck appeared, which are nicknamed in the "legs of Bush". Before that, Gorbachev tried to establish contact with Ronald Reagan.

At the same time, internal politics softened. However, the weakening of control over society led to the dwellestice in the Soviet Union, the country covered the wave of strikes, and the economic crisis led to a total deficit and empty attacks in stores. At that time, the 10th part of the country's gold reserves was "eaten", the situation in the USSR approached the critical point. Mikhail Sergeevich could not prevent the collapse of the Union and his own resignation from the post of president.

In August 1991, the former Allies of Gorbachev, which included a number of Soviet ministers, announced the creation of the GCCP (State Committee on Emergency Regulation) and demanded the authority from Mikhail Sergeevich.

The official who was then in the Crimean Foros did not accept these requirements, provoking the Armed Gosperary in the country, who called the August Putch. Then the RSFSR leaders were supported by the RSFSR leaders, including Boris Yeltsin, Alexander Rutsk, Ruslan Khassbulatov and Ivan Silay.

In November, with respect to Mikhail Sergeevich, a criminal case was opened for treason. So the senior assistant to the Prosecutor General regarded the recognition by the leadership of the country's independence of the Baltic republics. But the Prosecutor General Nikolay Trubin himself completed the consequence for the reason that the decision took the State Council, and not Gorbachev personally.

In December 1991, the 11 Allied Republics signed the Belovezhskaya Agreement on the establishment of the CIS, which was evidence of the cessation of the existence of the USSR, despite Gorbachev's objections. After that, the President resigned and pulled away from politics for some time.

After the resignation

The assessment by the society of Gorbachev's role in the fate of the country is ambiguous: some believe that he brought more benefits to the people than harm, while others are confident that the politician committed a betrayal, ruined the USSR and caused all the faces of modern Russia. But Mikhail Sergeyevich's indifferent person leaves no one. Only a birthmark on the head of the reformer is a kind of brand.

Anyway, in life-lifelong use of the former leader of the country - the State Catering with the state of servants in a closed complex on Rublevo-Assumption Highway and the car. In addition to the Moscow House, a man lives in the Moscow apartment. Protection of 4 FSO officers is pressed to Gorbachev.

According to the portal "Pedar", in 2018, the genes pension exceeded 700 thousand rubles. Vladimir Putin did not forget to congratulate him on his birthday, noting that the birthday officer "is actively involved in expert discussions, contributes to a significant contribution to the dialogue on the most important problems of modernity."

Mikhail Gorbachev's opinion is interesting to contemporaries, politics invited such TV hosts as Vladimir Pozner. At the same time, he revealed other faces of the person. For example, received the Grammy Award for the voicing of the musical fairy tale "Peter and Wolf".

Back in March 2014, Mikhail Sergeevich approvingly reacted to the referendum in Crimea and the accession of the Peninsula to Russia, condemning the sanctions of the United States and the European Union. After 2 years, the Security Service of Ukraine banned Gorbachev entry into the state, but he missed that he did not plan to visit the country in the near future.

In 2015, it became known that health policy went to the decline. Mikhail Sergeevich began to suffer from a severe form of diabetes, which is impossible to be called stable, since the patient often had crises. At the same time, he continued to conduct creative activities, releasing new scientific work and publishing memoirs. So, in 2014, the light saw the book "Life after the Kremlin", and before that the community released the memories of "alone with him".

When in the summer of 2019, Gorbachev was in the hospital, the message appeared on the yellow pages again, as if Mikhail Sergeevich died. False news about the coming funerals extend whenever the state of the health of the retired official deteriorates.

Before hospitalization managed to comment on the result of the works of the cable channel NBO - the series "Chernobyl", which by popularity bypassed the cult "game of the throne". Movie Gorbachev did not see, but knows the story canva. According to the former Secretary-General who led the country at the time of the Chernobyl accident, not everything corresponds to reality.

Personal life

Mikhail Gorbachev's personal life was the same "single-room", as well as a political biography. With the first wife, who later became the only one, Raisa Titarenko, met in his student years in the House of Culture on Dance. The girl fascinated the future of the Soviet leader modesty and inner attractiveness, so he decided to brave themselves on the chosen.

Gorbachev lived a long and happy life, and separated them only death. In 1999, Mikhail Sergeevich Ovedel - the wife of Raisa Maksimovna died from leukemia, which became a huge blow for the former president of the USSR. The first lady of the Union gave her husband the only daughter Irina, who is now headed by the Gorbachev-Foundation and happily lives in the 2nd marriage with businessman Andrei Tucachev.

Until 1993, a woman consisted of official relations with the surgeon Virginian Anatoly Olegovich. The Union presented Irina Children, and Gorbachev - grandchildren Ksenia and Anastasia. Both graduated from the Faculty of MGIMO journalism and live with families in Germany.

Mikhail Gorbachev now

Despite the age and health problems, in recent years, Mikhail Sergeevich in recent years appears in the news feed due to an active public position. Gorbachev expressed and about the coronavirus pandemic, and in defense of the Russian vaccine "Satellite V".

Photos and articles are updated on the official website of Gorbachev-Fund. Mikhail Gorbachev also willingly gives interviews. In February 2021, in a conversation with the correspondent of "Komsomolskaya Pravda", she shared that everything was all that he wanted to support and friendship on his 90th anniversary.


  • 1988 - Prize of the International Organization "World without War"
  • 1988 - Gandhi Indira World Prize
  • 1989 - Memorial Medal "Personality of the Year" of the International Jury "Personality of the Year"
  • 1989 - Golden Pigeon Prize for Peace for the contribution of peace and disarmament
  • 1990 - Nobel Prize of the world as a sign of recognition of the leading role in a peace process, which characterizes an important component of the life of the international community
  • 1990 - Albert Einstein World Award for the contribution to the fight for peace and mutual understanding between nations
  • 1990 - Honorary title "Humanist Century" and the honorary medal named after Albert Switzer
  • 1990 - International Prize "Fiugji" as a person whose activities in political and public areas can serve as an exceptional example of the struggle for the assertion of human rights
  • 1991 - International Martin Luther Luther King World Award "For World without Violence" for an outstanding role in the struggle for peace worldwide and human rights
  • 1992 - Benjamin Prize M. Cardoso "For Democracy"
  • 1993 - Prize Sir Winston Churchill as a sign of recognition of the contribution to the world in the Middle East
  • 1997 - Tsar David's premium
  • 1998 - National Freedom Freedom Prize
  • 2005 - Award Patriarch Athenagora in the field of human rights
  • 2010 - Dresden Prize for Nuclear Disarmament

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