Roman Viktyuk - Photo, Biography, Director, Personal Life, Cause



Now, in the era of permissiveness, the audience is difficult to surprise. And once Roman Viktyuk became one of those who brought the share of epiding and scandal into the usual theater. The director had no feeling of fear completely. He was the first to put Ludmila Petrushevskaya, Alexander Vampilov, Edward Radzinsky and many others who were ordered "not to be bred." And at the same time managed to virtuoso bypassing the prohibitions installed at the highest level.

Childhood and youth

Roman Grigorievich was born in October 1936 in the then the Polish city of Lviv. Looking at how the son was led by courtyard friends, putting performances and improvisation with them, the parents guess who he would be.

At the end of the school, Viktyuk became a student of Gitis, he studied at Anatoly Efros and Yuri Zavadsky. In his youth, a novice director managed to work simultaneously in the Kiev and Lviv Tysakh and teach the Franco Theater Studio. The first performances were awarded the first performances "All this is not so simple", "the city without love", "Don Juan".


In the late 60s service, the art of the young spectator in Kalinin was art for the novel. Then he set a number of performances in the theaters of Vilnius, Moscow. Among the most famous - "Black Room", "Princess and Woodrovosk", Valentin and Valentina, "Maria Stewart" and "Love is a Golden Book." Know his creativity in the USA, Italy, Finland and Sweden.

The Americans included Viktyuk to the list of 50 people of the world, influenced the second half of the 20th century. ON The only foreigner, awarded a prize of the Italian drama institute for the best embodiment of modern dramaturgy.

Roman lived and worked on the principle of "the courage of the city takes". True, such a pressure sometimes went sideways. So the MSU Student Theater led by him, in which the student of Roman Grigorievich began on pop-circus school Efim Sifrin. After years with his own vision of art, Professor Viktyuk introduced the student of rati (Gityis).

Dozens of years old have not gone to the famous "servants." The cult production experienced three editorial directions, received world recognition and provided a constant outbill in the hall. The premiere was held in the metropolitan "satyrone", in the first part of the actors shone Konstantin Rikin.

The royal hunt with Margarita Terechova, "Tattooed Rose" with Irina Miroshnichenko, "Old Actress" with Tatiana Doronina, considered to be accurate in the heart of the viewer. Oleg Efremov feared that for "stolen happiness" the entire troupe is simply "transplanted". The critic who saw "Romeo and Juliet" in the formulation of Viktyuk, said that such an interpretation forces to present to the young man not over 19, so everything is fresh and unreal.

Another revolution in the world of entrepreneurs committed "M. Butterfly". The performance caused hot spores because of the abundance of the mouth, eccentric costumes and bright smears. So the novel noted the opening of his own theater wearing his name. Building on Stromanka is the world masterpiece of the avant-garde and a mandatory point for stopping excursions.

In 2019, the Vickyuk Theater released the premiere - the performance of the "small demon" according to the novel of Fyodor Sologuba. It was the third handling of the masters of the director for the work. The first two took place in Tallinn and the Moscow "contemporary". In the lead role - Dmitry Bosin, whom Roman Grigorievich considered as a possible successor.

The same fate - Khuduka - prepared and Igor Nevirovna. Both actors have already tried the forces in the director, putting the plays that Viktyuk chose. The teacher is generally satisfied with the result and confident that the disciples will not betray conscience.

Personal life

Viktyuk willingly shared the details of his biography, but the personal life was an inviolable territory.

The famous director was only married to the Mosfilm worker who did not have a relation to the acting sphere. The name of the former spouse Viktyuk did not reveal, and the marriage himself considered a mistake and sin, a way to control the person by the state.

Not a manifesting interest of the novel in women gave rise to rumors about non-traditional orientation. He was attributed to the connection not just with men, but with artists of his own theater. The director did not comment on his addiction, Yaros denied intimate relationships with the members of the troupe. For Viktyuk, who called actors to children, such connections were akin to incest.

He agreed with the statement that alone.

"The Creator, if he does not create a loneliness aura around him, does not have the environment that feeds it. And you need to fill this emptiness that Heidegger or Yung is the most healing medium. "

In one interview, Roman Grigorievich told that his family was still in the prosaic sense. Daughter lives in Lviv. But he kept him at a distance, so as not to substitute under the blow of the "negative energy, after which people are ill."

The health status of the director himself has repeatedly caused concerns. He fell into the hospital with a concussion after an attack of unknown. The same problem happened to the director of theater Igor Krasnopolsky, and the media decided that all this links of one chain. Microsulte, transferred by Roman in a few years, also tied up with professional activities. Then the theater left Irina Apksimov.

In the mid-2000s, Viktyuk was transformed - he lost up to 65 kg (with a height of 170 cm) and as if she was grinding. According to rumors, he turned to a plastic surgeon from Chelyabinsk, who was operated on opera, and pop stars.

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Roman Grigorievich was a mod. Colleagues were told that the director had almost four hundred suits alone "Versace". The man did not smoke, alcohol also did not respect. Food has been restrained, put the first utility to the fore.

The former owner of the apartment on Tverskaya, where Viktyuk lived for a while, was the grandson of Joseph Stalin. Mikhail Ulyanov helped Mikhail Ulyanov in gaining registration in the house overlooking the Kremlin.

Pages in social networks near Roman Grigorievich was not. He himself joked that he was not able to cope with the phone. But there are the official website and the theater account in "Instagram", where photos of artists are published, the announcements of the prime minister, personnel from rehearsals.


At the end of October, Roman Grigorievich was hospitalized with COVID-19. He fell into intensive care. And on November 17, 2020 Roman Viktyuk died. The cause of the death of the director was complications due to coronavirus.


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