Alexander Kurneda - biography, writer, personal life, photo, cause of death, story, books



Children's writer, the author of numerous humorous stories Alexander Kurneda in his youth did not think that he would be engaged in literature professionally. But his hobby became a matter of life. Thanks to the work of this person, the Soviet viewer met the cult characters - Wolf, a hare, a parrot of casheres and other heroes.

Childhood and youth

Born by the author of a series of cartoons "Well, wait!" On July 1, 1938 in Moscow, there was also early years of life (during the Second World War was evacuated with his family in Sverdlovsk). His parents were people of technical specialty. Father worked as an involuntary engineer, and the mother was a communications technician.

In school, Sasha did not differ in approximate behavior - often strolled classes, was the "start-up" and joker. In his free time, the boy along with a friend of China loved to go to the movies. In winter, I took the skates and rode on pure ponds.

Writing talent began to appear in the school period. So, the student independently published a magazine called "the enema". In essence, it was a notebook with drawings and small texts.

In the publication, which Kurlyandsky distributed himself, there were hurt cartoons for teachers. Once he drew a class teacher, but she did not like the joke. Parents were summoned to an educational institution, and in the evening a serious conversation took place with Sasha. In addition to self-identity, the schoolboy participated in the development of wall newspaper.

Alexander was fascinated by literature - read the science fiction at night under a blanket with a lantern. Despite bad behavior and irresponsible attitude towards study, adored physics and geometry. I dreamed in the future to build a rocket, and in the courtyard with friends even tried to design it from foil.

Having a technical warehouse of the mind and parents-engineers who dreamed that the Son would walk in their footsteps, Kurland entered the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. V. V. Kuibyshev.

Then he did not think that he would connect a professional biography with literature. In the higher educational institution, the future writer easily "Clically" designed geometry, received excellent marks. And in his free time, composed scenarios.

Leaving Alma Mater, went to give duty home. In the army, the guy approached his dream - built rocket sites.


The beginning of the creative path himself calls cooperation with Mark Rosovsky. Theatrical director appealed to Kurlyandsky and his comrade Arkady Heitu with a request to write 2 miniatures for the program "Cheerful satellite".

Graduates of the Engineering Institute for half an hour have composed fun sketches. And after 2 weeks, the first in life fee - 30 rubles. This, as Shared in an interview with Alexander Efimovich, there was a third of his salary as a pro. Then Efim Yakovlevich was surprised - all the time the son joked for free, and now he also gives money for it.

So Alexander Efimovich Kurlyandsky understood: a hobby can bring good income. Subsequently, he spoke by the author of scenarios for children, wrote pop miniatures, books, stories for magazines and newspapers.

Although this person is called Satirik, he himself was another opinion. The only work that the native of the city of Moscow timed to this genre is "the secrets of the Kremlin works."

In an interview with the author, the most frequently asked question concerned the creation of the animated series "Well, wait!". It was an order from Soyuzmultfilm, which came to perform High, Kurland and Felix Kamov.

The team began to create, deciding that the central action will be chase. Thought what animals to use. In the initial ideas, these were a fox and cock, then the mouse and the cat. But they stopped on a hare with a wolf. The latter, so that children were not scared, made a fool's fool.

None of the creators of the legendary duet knew anything about Toma and Jerry, so there was no imitation in the Soviet cartoon. The authors themselves came up with the tricks, and then picked up the plot for them.

Speaking about the work of Kurneda, it is impossible not to mention the parrot Casa. Quotes "You were not on Tahiti?" And "We are not bad for nicely fed," they became covered phrases. And the cartoon itself is not only children, but even their parents looked with pleasure.

By the way, the idea came to the head of the director and writer Valentina Karavaev. Seeing the Sparrow and parrot in the courtyard, he began to fantasize the fate of exotic birds. Then he shared his thoughts with Alexander Efimovich, after which the work was boiled. The first series "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" was published in 1984.

About the characters of this cartoon Writer later published three stories. After books "You were not on Tahiti?" And "And here we are well fed" (about the cat) developed the plot about the crow, calling the story of the beloved phrase - "Charming!".

Another worthy of the work of the writer is the story-tale "My grandmother is a witch." If the screenwriter worked before this preschool audience, now I decided to create a work for older readers. This book, as the fans of the creativity of the author "Well, wait!", Something looks like a famous saga about the wizard Harry Potter. True, Bestseller Joan Rowling saw the light 10 years later.

For his career, Alexander Efimovich published a lot of works: "In the zoo - repair!", "Chuki Cookies", "Last Champion of Earth. Chess story "," City of losers ". Many stories have been the basis of the children's vintage "Elash".

Today, the works of humorist continue to be reprinted, and on the Internet in free access there are audiobooks about the adventures of favorite characters.

Personal life

The spouse of the famous Children's Author - Insessa Denisovna Chukovskaya. The first meeting with the future wife took place after demobilization in the company of general friends. Although they were familiar in absentia much earlier - in Student times, Chukovsky translated his story to German.

About the personal life writer did not like to speak in an interview, and it's hard to find at least one photo of spouses in the network. To the question why he had never had children, answered - too late, they decided to marry Denisovoy with Islessa. But I was pleased to tell about the beloved pet - Cat Suzyka, whom Eduard Asspensky presented them.


On December 21, 2020, the famous screenwriter died. According to his lawyer Svetlana Verkhoglyadova, he died after a long illness. She announced the date of the funeral - December 23.

Rumors about the presence of Cornandovsky coronavirus infection were not confirmed. According to information from the source from the close environment, the cause of the death of the creator "Well, wait!" Fixed oncology.


  • "Mystery of the Kremlin Dungeons"
  • "Sixth Sense"
  • "Chuki Cookies"
  • "Giraffe Sheriff"
  • "My grandmother-witch"
  • "Last Champion of Earth"
  • "Once in the zoo"
  • "In the zoo - repair!"
  • "Adventures of elders and his friends"

A series of Parot Keshe:

  • "Adventures of a prodigal parrot"
  • "About the parrot cache and other stories"
  • "You were not on Tahiti?"
  • "And we are nicely fed!"
  • "Charming!"
  • "Good night, Kesha"
  • "Parrot Kesha flies to Tahiti"
  • "Happy New Year, Kesha!"
  • "Candy for Kechi"
  • "New Adventures of Kechi"


  • 1969-1970 - "Merry Carousel"
  • 1969-2006 - "Well, wait!"
  • 1971-1974 - "For adults only"
  • 1972 - "Around the Light of Light"
  • 1973 - "Cleells"
  • 1976-1983 - "Elash"
  • 1978 - "Thank you, stork!"
  • 1980 - "Baba Yagi against!"
  • 1981 - "Hunting season"
  • 1981-1982 - "Magnificent Gosha"
  • 1984-1988 - "Return of a prodigal parrot"
  • 1984 - "Meet grandmother"
  • 1987 - "In the zoo - repair!"
  • 1991 - "Apple Pie"
  • 2002 - Morning Parrot Keschi
  • 2005 - "New Adventures Parrot Kechi"

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