Lyudmila Gurchenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



Lyudmila Gurchenko is the famous Soviet and Russian actress and singer. Movies with the participation of Gurechenko are known to millions and firmly entered the lists of Soviet classics, and the actress itself became a symbol of a whole era in domestic cinema.

Childhood and youth

Gurchenko Lyudmila Markovna was born on November 12, 1935 in Kharkov. Before the war, Parents Lyudmila Gurchenko, Papa Mark Gurchenko (real last name - Gurechenkov) and Mom - Elena Alexandrovna Simonov, worked in the Kharkiv Philharmonic. The father was a professional musician, he played on the accordion, and Mom sang. Often, parents took a daughter with them to concerts, so Lyudmila had a backstage childhood, she saw the scene from an early age.

From the date of birth and before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Lyudmila lived together with his parents in Kharkov, in a one-room semi-breeding apartment in Morvinovsky Lane. A happy childhood Lyudmila Gurchenko was interrupted by war. Father Mark Gavrilovich, whom his life gently loved and read the actress, went to war. He was not a registered age and also had disability, but decided to fight. The girl remained in the occupied Kharkov together with mom.

On September 1, 1943, after the liberation of Kharkov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, with some delay, went to school, which was in the courtyard of her house. And in the fall of 1944, she entered the Music School named after Beethoven - Parents decided to develop considerable musical abilities of the child.

Since 1953, the capital's biographies of Lyudmila Gurchenko begins. It was this year that the girl went to Moscow and immediately entered VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. She was the brightest and multifaceted in his course, the same good danced, sang and played. At the graduation course, the actress played Keto in the operetta "Keto and Kote" and Imogen in the stage composition on the theodorus "Western" drivester. In these two roles, Gurchenko and sang, and danced, and played on the piano.

Vgik she graduated in 1958. At the end of the university, I played first at the movie actor theater, and since 1964, Gurchenko worked for two seasons in the "contemporary", playing in the producer of the director Oleg Efremova "without a cross", "Elder sister", "Sirano de Bergerac", "Naked King" And "forever alive." Then Lyudmila Gurchenko paid for several years to work at the Theater of Anton Chekhov and the Moscow Theater of Satira.


Lyudmila Gurchenko debuted in his student years. Her first film was the painting "Road of Truth" Jan Frida, released on screens in 1956. "I didn't come here to be silent!", It was the first phrase of the actress in the cinema. The film was noticed, like a beginner actress, the growth of fame of which began on the first picture.

Stunningly popular Gurchenko became after entering the screens of New Year's comedy Eldar Ryazanov "Carnival night". Lyudmila Gurchenko in one moment became a nationwide favorite and idol. Film broke all rolled records, almost 50 million tickets were sold to it. And the song "Five minutes" performed by the main heroine of Lenochka Krylova became a hymn of the New Year, and still the whole country for this holiday argues with the Lenochka whether it is a lot of 5 minutes, or is still not enough.

For the "carnival night" followed the picture "Girl with a guitar", which was written specifically for Gurchenko and in which the actress again received a major role, very similar to the previous one: also in a lightweight, dance genre. This film was less successful, although inertia and gathered full cinema halls of the country. But the success of these two tapes also had the other side of the medal: the role of some ease and carelessness was secured for Gurchenko.


The following events have become a dark strip in the film actor biography Lyudmila Gurchenko. Because of the complex financial position, Gurchenko was forced to earn up in parallel with the shooting, perform with concerts at the factories and arrange creative evenings with the audience. These acting "Haltia" caused censure in the press. Officially, this is exactly what caused trouble in the career. But there is a version that the refusals of the artist in the new roles were directed to "top above".

In 1957, during the filming of "Girls with a guitar", the actress called the USSR Culture Minister Nikolai Mikhailov and, by rumors, proposed to cooperate with the KGB during the VI International Festival of Youth and Students. Gurchenko refused. They say that this was the reason for the etching and some oblivion. For a long 10 years, the actress was not taken to the main roles. Nevertheless, the actress was filmed at least in one, and sometimes in three paintings for the year. Lyudmila even played several main characters, but in the passing films that did not have much success in the audience.

During this period, Lyudmila Markovna tried her strength in a dramatic amplua. In the film "Baltic Sky", Lyudmila Markovna demonstrated that he can play deep, tragic heroines that are experiencing strong feelings. In the same role, Gurchenko played in the "Working" and "Old Walls" ribbons.


The black band in the career of Gurchenko ended. She again became one of the most sought-after actresses of the country and got the opportunity to be removed by receiving bright roles in films. These were musical paintings "Heavenly swallows", "Straw Hat", "Tobacco Captain" and "Mom".

During the filming of the filler "Mom", Gurchenko greatly damaged his leg. She threatened with disabilities: a closed fracture with a displacement, 19 fragments. To dance and walk in high heels, Lyudmila Markovna could only be able to expect many years of workouts.

Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted to play dramatic roles in strong films. Such paintings in the work of the actresses were "twenty days without war", "Siberiad" and "five evenings".

In total, in the account of the Great Actress 96 roles in the cinema. The most unforgettable and bright - "Favorite Woman Mechanic Gavrilova", "Vacation at your own expense", "Flights in a dream and reality", "Station for two", "Recipe for her youth" and, of course, the legendary comedy "Love and Pigeons" .

This eternal film Vladimir Menshova came out in 1984. The painting "Love and Pigeons" is very subtle and realisticly showed a rather common love triangle: the struggle of his wife and mistress for his husband's attention. The main character of the paintings by Vasily Kuzyakin, who played Alexander Mikhailov, lives with his wife and three children. His wife performed by Nina Doroshina is an ordinary Soviet woman tired by children and life. That is why the person who met a man in the resort is a spectacular and exalted beauty, which Gurchenko played, leads Vasily from the family. Vasilya realizes that the resort novel and family life with a new beloved are different things. The kuzyakin family is reunited.

Filming a movie

The film would not be a legend, if he told only one pair. "Love and Pigeons" shows the life of a whole social formation: here and the amateur to drink Uncle Mitya, whom Sergey Yursky played, and his wife, forever looking for her husband, and the daughter of Kuzyakin's daughter, and their juvenile children.


The creative biography of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko is not only the biography of the actress theater and cinema. This woman was extremely multifaceted in his talents. Gurchenko recorded 17 music albums, released three autobiographical books and tirelessly performed in duets with various performers, among whom Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Yuri Solomin, Alla Pugacheva, Andrei Mironov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Ilya Lagutenko, Boris Moiseev, Nikolay Baskov and others.

Lyudmila Markovna starred in 16 video clips on his songs, including those performed by a duet with Boris Moses "hate" and "Petersburg-Leningrad". The clip on one of their signs of Gurchenko called "Prayer" was directed by Fyodor Bondarchuk, known for his works in the Big Cinema.

The last work of Lyudmila became a clip, where the actress quail the song "Want?", Which in the original performed Zemfira. Lyudmila Markovna brought even greater popularity of this song and, according to her, received pleasure from touching the real talent.

Personal life

The life of the actress was complete not only with bright roles, but also with stormy novels. Lyudmila Markovna was six husbands in life. Five official marriages and one civilian. All Men Gurchenko were bright and famous. But every time something prevented them to stay along with such an extraordinary and strong woman.

The first husband Lyudmila Gurchenko became the film director Vasily Ordinsky. This marriage took place when Lyudmila was only 18 years old. Together, the couple lived only a year. With the second spouse Boris Andronikashvili, a screenwriter and historian, the son of the writer Boris Pilnyak, the artist also lived for a short time, but this marriage gave her a daughter Maria.

The third husband of the artist was the actor Alexander Fadeev, the adoptive son of a famous writer, and the fourth - singer Joseph Kobzon. Gurchenko broke up with him in three years. Two stars of this scale could not get along for a long time.

Soon after their parting, rumors of Gurchenko's novel appeared in the press with Vladimir Vysotsky. Lyudmila herself admired the musician, but rather as an outside observer than like a woman in love. Rumors about this relationship Gurchenko did not comment. But together with the musician and accompanion of Konstantin Coverwis, Lyudmila Markovna lived in civil marriage.

Relations with daughter

The actresses had a difficult relationship with her daughter, Maria Queen. Up to three years, the child was brought up with grandparents, thereby allowing Gurchenko to continue the acting career. Girl seriously took the reunion with her mother and even tried to escape back to the grandmother. Despite the secondary series of stepms, the real family at Mom with his daughter did not develop in any way - Lyudmila Markovna was, above all, actress, Gurchenko spent a lot of time on the set, could leave for a tour of the tour. As a result, in the childhood, Maria was quite often granted to herself.

The actress itself, her surroundings and fans hoped that ultimately Maria would follow the footsteps of the star mother, but in the youth of Masha showed that they were very different with Lyudmila. The girl did not show a tendency to music or to the scene, graduated from a medical school, and, unlike the sample of the style and elegance of the mother, wore comfortable clothes and almost did not use cosmetics. Maria married an ordinary person and gave birth to two weather-weather. Lyudmila Gurchenko strongly conflicted with the son-in-law, because of what Mary first even divorced her husband, but then he came together again.

The grandchildren, named after her own parents, loved the actress very much, but even they could not finally reconcile her with her daughter and her husband. The artist pinned great hopes on the grandson and granddaughter, seeing the successors of their acting ventures.

In 1998 there was a tragedy. Mark died suddenly, the grandson of the actress. The young man died of drug overdose. About the illness of the son of Maria knew and long and unsuccessfully fought with his ailment. According to rumors, Lyudmila Gurchenko did not come to the funeral, but in fact the actress was on goodbye and very grieving, just tried not to attract attention to his person.

Soon there was an aggravation of relations between mother and daughter. Lyudmila Markovna once again married. Sixth and last spouse actresses up to her death remained producer Sergei Shenin. The new husband, Gurchenko, could not blame him with a paddle, nor from the mother-in-law. As a result, a protracted conflict occurred, which was aggravated by the section of the property of Mother Lyudmila Gurchenko. Grandma won her apartment Mary, bypassing his star daughter. The actress did not accept it, and it came to court.

In the last years of life, the actress in the press appeared rumor about the Roman Gurchenko with the photo artist Aslan Akhmadov. Lyudmila did said that he was in love with Aslan, but most likely meant the strong friendly feelings and admiration for his work. Ahmadov emphasizes that the love relationship between him and the actress was not. Lyudmila Markovna met a young man at a fashionable show, Ahmadov offered her a thematic photo session dedicated to the myth of Edipe, and later became her personal makeup.


2011 was the fatal for the actress. In February, Gurchenko slipped at his house and broke the thigh. The next day she made an operation. In early March, they discharged, and it was amended. But on March 30, the actress's condition deteriorated. Lyudmila Gurchenko died at home, the cause of death was the thromboembolism of a light artery.

On April 2, a public farewell with all his beloved actress took place in the central office of writers. Gurchenko was dressed in a dress that she herself sewed quite recently. Numerous fans came to say goodbye to Lyudmila Gurchenko. The capital itself was forgiven with the artist: in the Moscow metro on this day every half an hour, the famous song Gurchenko "Team of Youth of Our" sounded.

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Not only many thousands of fans came to say goodbye to the actress, but also friends of family, colleagues and relatives. Throughout the event, Lyudmila's husband Sergei Senin was nearby. But, as journalists noticed, there were no many closest people of artist among the masses of sayingle. The daughter of the actress came only by 11 am with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums - Maria did not take part in the organization of the ceremony, and he learned about the death of the mother from newspapers. The daughter of Lyudmila Markovovna did not join the VIP guests, she defended a common line, put flowers to the coffin and left, without commenting on his act by learning it to journalists. He did not see the granddaughter and lunches of Gurchenko at the press ceremony.

The funeral was the same day. The legendary Lyudmila Markovna was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow. Despite the fact that it was a gesture of respect and recognition, the choice of the cemetery broke the latter will of the actress itself. Lyudmila Gurchenko wanted her grave to be at the Vagankov cemetery, next to her parents and the only grandson.

Six months later, in September, the newspapers achieved permission from relatives of the artist and released the cycles of materials about the last days of Gurchenko, which included suicide records from the personal diary of the artist.

In 2015, the Biographical series "Lyudmila Gurchenko" came to the screens, where the star of Russian cinema decided to play Julia Peresilde. The director of the picture Sergey Aldonin said that he simply fulfilled the promise who accidentally gave Lyudmila Markovna. In the last year of her life, he admitted actress that he would like to relieve the series about her, and Gurchenko approved this idea and practically blessed the director.

In addition, more than two dozen documentaries were filmed about the famous actress, and its memory many stars of the Russian show business were dedicated their own songs and performing famous compositions that Gurchenko sang in life.

On November 8, 2017, Maria Queen died, the only daughter of Lyudmila Markovna. The woman last days complained about malaise and high temperature. On the way to the hospital Mary became bad. The cause of death is heart failure.


  • "Carnival Night"
  • "Girl with a guitar"
  • "Old Walls"
  • "Straw Hat"
  • "Twenty days without war"
  • Siberiad
  • "Heavenly swallows"
  • "Favorite Woman Mechanics Gavrilova"
  • "Train Station for Two"
  • "Love and pigeons"
  • "My sailor"
  • "Old Klyachi"

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