Igor Sklyar - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Komarovo, Films, Actor, In Youth, Wife 2021



Sex symbol of the 80s, singer, theatrical and film actor Igor Sklyar survived the period of incredible popularity, and the dark band of oblivion. But through each of the life tests, he passed with the calm, worthy of a true intellectual. The talent of the charismatic artist is marked by the audience, and colleagues in the workshop.

Childhood and youth

Own birthday for Igor Borisovich is a reason for sadness. On December 18, his parents died with the difference over several years. The actor himself fell into an accident, after which he hardly recovered. But before all this happened, Sklyar lived ordinary life. Like most children, played football, tennis, engaged in boxing and athletics. In the music school he studied in the class of violin and piano and saw himself a popular singer.

Father and mother, engineers by profession, insisted the Son to receive technical education. However, at the age of 14, Igor came from his native Kursk to Moscow to relatives and hit the eyes of the director of the film "Young Northern Fleet". Having played an episodic role, he fell in love with cinema and dreamed only about theatrical university.

The metropolitan institutions of a young man rejected, and Sklyar came to Lion diving in Ligitmik. At the end of study, the entire course was sent to Tomsk, where a new theater was opened. Waying the season, the actor went to the army. After serving, a former teacher invited Igor to a small dramatic theater.

From MDT, the artist went in 2000, when he stopped feeling the former trust and friendly attitude of actors troupe to each other. He appeared in the entrepreneurial performances, and in 2006 he was admitted to the theater "Baltic House".

There is no accurate information about the nationality of the star of the screen. Igor Borisovich talked about the ancestors from Ukraine and Belarus. And the media wrote that Sklyar's surname is peculiar to both representatives of these nationalities and the Jews.


The dream of becoming singer Igor Borisovich realized in his youth. National Glory brought Hit Igor Nikolaev "Komarovo". This composition sounded the movie "Start first", as well as the 16th release of the animated series "Well, wait!".

At the finish of the 80s, the Slawar was offered to make an exclusively solo career, but he refused to change dramatic art to vocal. But songs in his performance sounded in the films "Children of Monday", "there was a dream", "start first", "Diversian. End of war "(Weltmayster composition). The image of the dancer and choreographer Sergei Lifery, embodied in the biographical tape "Anna Pavlov", is connected with music.

The most popular songs of Igor Borisovich, in addition to Komarovo, became the "old piano" in a duet with Olga Pirags and Saturday is Saturday. "

Now, together with the Jazz Classic Community team, SCLEX plays in productions that combine jazz and literature. The artist has its own website and page in "Instagram", where the photo of the artist is placed and you can find out the current list of ensemble concerts.


All-Union Glory to the young artist brought the role of the bone of Ivanov in the film "We are from Jazz" (1983). In the cast, the guy turned out to be by chance: he glanced in mistake in the pavilion and fell to the eyes of the film director Karen Shahnazarov. This tape was watched 17 million viewers, and the actor after the premiere woke up the famous and became a winner of the award for the best acting debut at the Mosfilm youth Festival. "

In 1985, the Military Drama "Battalions asked Fire" was released to the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory in the same name of the Avtobiographical Tale of Yuri Bondarev. Director Vladimir Chebotarev gathered a truly star team of artists: Alexander Zbruyev, Oleg Efremov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Igor Sklyar, and others. In the 2020th of the 75th anniversary of Victory, a digital restoration of the film was carried out.

In the 90s, the artist did not disappear from television screens. In 1991, the main role in the "Simulator" comedy was added to the filmography of Schlara. The story about the use of an unusual gift in not a completely honest business was a hymn beginning era. Although the comedy scenario was written before the restructuring, no one was taken to shoot her. In order for the film to be ragged, an episode inserted into it, in which the central character is bare runs around the city. Ribbon installed cash record.

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Another significant project in his filmography Igor Borisovich considers the Melodrama "Year of Dogs" (1994). The tape did not beat popularity ratings, but the performer received a lot of laudatory feedback from critics, surprised completely uncharacteristic. Also, the kinomans noted what a delightful tandem was formed from the actor with Inna Churikova. Sklyar became a premium laureate for the best male role in the Sochi "Kinotavra" and received a "silver bear" at the Berlin Film Festival.

Having played the role of a runaway prisoner, Igor Borisovich received recognition in the wednesday. But, as he himself admits, attention from this category of fans is not strained. He was already accustomed to that he was perceived inadequately, believing in the image of a merchant and a Balagar, in which the artist appeared on the screen. The SCLEAR itself characterizes its character as a gloomy, reflecting.

The sequel "We are from Jazz - 2" (2010), spirroined by Karen Shakhnazar, remained unattended. In the center of the plot - the grandson of the chief hero from the 1983 movie. The tape was not finished.

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The actor refused to participate in projects with uninteresting, in his opinion, the plot where the logic is missing. He was thinking about whether it was worth filming in the series. And since in the new century this genre is widespread, agreed. The name of Igor Sklaire is in the Titres of Movie "Moscow Saga" and "the death of the empire", "in the first circle", "Sherlock Holmes", etc.

In the 8-serial melodraman "Leaving Nature" (2014), the history of the Russian Cinema of the 70s is described, Igor Borisovich performed the main role in Sergey Kratakova, Maria Shukshina, Alena Babenko. On the set of Shukshina, playing the advanced collective farmer, had to milk a cow.

Critics were compared to the ribbon with a year earlier earlier, Valery Todorovsky. But the artists of "leaving nature" got kinonagrades: Sklyar received a prize of the association of cinema and television producers as the best actor of the second plan in the series.

Personal life

Wife Natalia Akimov Actor has led by a close friend Andrei Krasko. Of those who published after the death of Krasko diaries, fans learned how hard he was worried about the gap with his beloved wife and betrayal of comrade. And Sklyra did Natalia's offer only after 10 years of living together.

Family Igor settled in Pavlovsk near Petersburg. The son of Vasily, born in 1991, was initially not going to continue the dynasty (Akimov also actress) and entered the university at the Faculty of Philosophy. But the genes won, and Sklyar Jr. graduated from the academy of theatrical art, played in the series "Family Album". And at the age of 24, the guy came to the clergy, serves as a reader in the Sofia Cathedral.

In 2000, the personal life of Igor attracted the attention of cinctotes. Ema attributed a novel with a young colleague Oksana Stashenko. The actress has refuted the rumors, saying that, in addition to the kiss, who fell into the chambers of Paparazzi, nothing was.

Igor Sklyar now

In 2021, the creative biography of Igor Borisovich was replenished with a 16-serial detective "under cover". The plot tells about the secret division of the FSB, hunting for the mysterious leader of the criminal group. Pavel Drubiner, Vladimir Ilyin, Andrei Ilyin, entered the cast.

The artist's theater repertoire includes the "emigrants" tragicomedia, the comedy "Soup from Canary", "My wife's husband", etc.


  • 1973 - Jung Northern Fleet
  • 1983 - "Anna Pavlova"
  • 1983 - "We are from jazz"
  • 1994 - "Year of Dogs"
  • 1997 - "Monday Children"
  • 2001 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2005 - "Ratatuu"
  • 2006 - "In the first round"
  • 2009 - "The third is not given"
  • 2011 - "Summer Wolves"
  • 2012 - "Underground Transition"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2014 - "Leaving Nature"
  • 2017 - "Catherine. Takeoff"
  • 2019 - "Catherine. Impostors "
  • 2021 - "Undercover"

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