Tatyana Dogileva - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, age, in youth 2021



Tatyana Dogileva - the famous Russian actress of the theater and cinema, thanks to which came in his youth, after the appearance in the pictures of the famous Soviet directories. Later, the actress found himself in the director, but continued to appear on the screen in the series and full-length ribbons.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on February 27, 1957 in Moscow (Aquarius on the sign of the zodiac). The parents of the newborn were simple workers and did not receive much. At the younger age, Tatiana turned out to be an impressionable child: each film that was viewed by her remained in memory and turned over her worldview.

She liked the image of Airlook from the "hussar ballad", and the future actress she wanted to go and fight for his homeland. Being an older, after watching Romeo and Juliett, Tanya did not understand why people could not be together. The idols strongly influenced a small tanya, distinguished by wounded.

Since the parents of Dogleva did not have higher education, they insisted that the girl with his brother would still graduate with the university. But Tatiana did not too much wanted to listen to the parents, because she also showed himself from school bench in amateur performances. Muscovite studied at school at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, but at the age of 14 he entered the studio of a young actor under the central television, where the acting courses were acting.

In his youth, when it was time to be determined with the institute, Dogleva filed documents to all theatrical universities and eventually became a student of Guityis Course V. P. Otalysky. She graduated in 1978. Being a student of the theater university, the actress led active creative activity, starring in episodic roles. The graduation work of the beginning performer became the role of Beatrice in the play "Many noise from nothing."

Films and theater

After the end of Gityis Tatyana, I went to serve in the Moscow Theater named after the Lenin Komsomol. There she played in performances until 1985. Dogleva naturally behaved on stage, completely given roles. But she wanted more - fame, popularity, recognition. And this could be achieved only by cinematographic work.

After ledge from Lenkom, the artist managed to combine the service in the theater and work in film studios. In the 1980s, Tatiana appeared on the stage of the theater named after M. N. Yermolova, where he played in the production "Speak!", "Sports scenes of 1981", "Shatty equilibrium", "Our Decameron". Then there were roles in the performances of the Theater of the Russian Army, the Theater Anton Chekhov, the Theater of the Mossovet. Actress appeared and in Antenpuriz Mikhail Kozakova.

The first roles in kinobiographies were, mostly episodic, but played Doglev, they are simply brilliantly. Miniature blonde (with a height of 164 cm. The weight of the girl did not exceed 51 kg) was distinguished by a charming smile that could not remember the audience. Tapes "Private Life", "Bee", "One by a million", "Pokrovsky Gate" (where, together with a young performer, Leonid Armored, Oleg Menshikov, Inna Ulyanov and others) gave Tatiana invalid experience of behavior in the frame, and every painting was better and better.

Most of all, the audience was remembered by the role of saleswomen from the film "Blonde around the corner", where her partner for shooting was Andrei Mironov. As in the sensational ribbon, Mikhail Kazakov, here the actress, among others, were scenes in a swimsuit. The image of the mercantile bride of the scientist became a business card of Tatiana, for many years Identify the main role of the actress.

Doglev played and the episodic role of the Inturist's duty officer, along with Oleg Basilashvili and Lyudmila Gurchenko at the "Train Station for Two" Eldar Ryazanov. He also starred with Leonid Filatov in the "Forgotten Melodies for Flute" in 1987. In this piercing picture, the artist got the main role with which it coped brilliantly. The film entered the Gold Collection of Soviet Cinema.

Bright turned out the image of the Dogleva in the social drama "Resentment", which came out on the screens in the same 1987. In the film, the actress played the Selmar Saleswoman, which distributed all the revenue to the debt to fellow villagers, but later the situation that fell into an unpleasant situation due to the gusting revision. Among the works of Muscovite of that period are the role in the popular film "Fitil", where the artist appeared in a miniature "Doctor called?" With the Matcher of the Soviet screen, Zinovy ​​Gerdt.

In 1990, Dogleva starred in the film "Afghan break." The main character in the film played by Michele Plachly, who was in those days on the wave of popularity thanks to the role of Kattan Commissioner in the criminal series "Sprut".

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Back in the late 80s, Tatyana Anatolyevna tried her strength as a director. Then Muscovite was able to put the play "Moonlight, Honeymoon" play on the play of the playwright Noel Kauard "Private Life". The bright debut gave young tool forces and the desire to continue to work on this field. Further, the director put "Loving ..." and "Moscow passions".

All these performances warmly accepted by the audience, only the actress did not like the critics. After their comments, Doglev once and forever decided not to read the criticism anymore, but just to do a loved one. That is why Tatyana Anatolevna boldly took up the shooting of a full-length film. The artist always dreamed of shouting: "Motor!". But to bring the case to the end from the first time failed - the picture was closed due to financial difficulties.

Such failures only fed a strong woman, and the performer still implemented himself as a film director, removing his film "Lera" in 2007 for 12 shooting days. A huge place in the creative biography of the Dogleva-actress took Sitkom "Lyuba, Children and Plant". Every day, 12 hours Tatyana Anatolyevna was in the frame.

It was truly crazy rhythm, who drove the artist crazy: the constant change of shooting partners, large texts and many recommendations of the film crew. Every morning, the exhausted star tried to disconnect from everything and just go under the light of Sofita to demonstrate acting talent and high professionalism there.

There were moments when the lady could not keep everything in himself. Nervous breakdowns, hysterics and tears are the negative side of the popularity that only real sought-after stars know.

In 2007, Dogleva played a bright role in the "Bizhich" film. Her heroine is a 40-year-old teacher - takes a certain amount of money for the surgery of a sick mother, but the mother dies, and unfair people recommend to rent equipment on the street of pies. This idea does not lead to anything good, and the woman literally remains on the street.

In 2012, one of the most loud scandals happened to Tatiana Anatolyevna. The actress resigned from the theater. M. N. Yermolova, where Oleg Menshikov took over the position of artistic director. The former friend of Dogileva, with whom they were filmed together in the "Pokrovsky gate" and together came to this theater in 1985, the godfather of her sole daughter approved this decision, stating that he was paying salary and not to go on stage 20 years - it was wrong. After leaving, the performer gave a number of crushing interviews, where Menshikov accused of snacks, starry disease and the desire to surround himself only by those people who fear him to criticize.

In 2013, Dogleva starred in the New Year's Comedy "Tree-3". Also in its air service list a lot of other films and serials. Tatyana Anatolyevna and on television showed himself. Muscovite became a member of one season of the TV project "The Last Hero". At that moment, when she came to an invitation, the actress had already wanted to escape from everyday problems for a long time, so I would gladly agree to go to a uninhabited island. According to the actress, the impressions received there remained with her for a long time. For some time, this exotic location dreamed at night.

Later, Tatyana Anatolyevna participated in the show "Dancing with the stars" (Ukrainian version). The star almost immediately left the project, her partner on parquet was Pavel Eagle. In 2016, Dogleva starred in the Youth Sitkom "Mommika", as well as in the tapes "Good Boy" and "Babi Boom". In February 2017, the actress celebrated the 60th anniversary. In an interview, the performer admitted that he considers the date the usual age border.

At that time, the artist, as before, rationally approached work on the set. Tatyana Anatolyevna tried not to overload the body, which had a beneficial effect on well-being. In 2018, several paintings appeared on the world with the participation of Muscovites. In the film "Loggy!" Directed by Cyril Plenev Doglev played an episodic role of Elena Alexandrovna Sysoeva, checking in a female correctional colony.

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As part of the presentation of this tape Tatiana Anatolyevna, together with the actress Ingin, Oboldina, who performed the role of the warden, came to the program "Evening Urgant". The actors shared with Ivan Urgant and the public with funny stories about the shooting of this musical picture, which also participated in the young singer Yaroslav Degtyarev, Olga Buzova, Anna Ukolov and others.

In 2018, the shooting of the comedy "What men talk about. Continued, "where Dogleva appeared in the image of the conductor. In the same year, the actress starred in the paintings "Dawn on Mount Adam", "Lost Island", and also participated in the program Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei", dedicated to the anniversary of the transfer of Ilya Oleinikov and Yuri Stoyanov "Town". In the 2020th, Dogileva filmography was replenished by a number of new bright work in the "Sklifosovsky" ribbons, "ordinary woman - 2" and others.

In an interview, the performer shared with journalists impressions from filming in the film "Dr. Lisa". Director Oksana Karas dedicated the project to the public figure Elizavete Glinka, taking as a basis 1 day from the life of human rights defenders in 2012. Tatyana Anatolyevna had to play the role of Tanyuhi, ladies without a certain place of residence. Special makeup looking very naturally, so impressed the actress that, according to her, she was afraid of his own species in the frame.

Personal life

In the first year of the university, Tatiana Dogileva broke out a novel with a classmate Yury Stoyanov. Both remember the novel with warmth, noting that it was, rather, fleeting passion than love. The actress had two official marriage. The first time Muscovite went under the crown at another young age, immediately after the end of the institute. But at that time, the work completely absorbed Tatyana, she did not have time to do his family.

Therefore, after 3 months, the husband decided to give a divorce after 3 months. The second time the artist was the wife of St. Petersburg Satirik Mikhail Mishina in 1990. And in the 1994th, the couple had an adorable daughter Katya. Dogleva herself admitted that he loves his child much, sometimes even overly.

Unfortunately, no matter how happy the Union of Dogileva and Mishin seemed to be together they could not. 18 years of living together ended with divorce. After the collapse of the family, the daughter of Ekaterina Dogileva began anorexia, which was able to defeat only 2 years later. Later, the girl moved to the USA, where he graduated from the American Academy of Theatrical Art and became the actress. Over time, friendly relations recovered between the ex-spouses.

Tatiana Anatolevna's personal life and the relationship between the performer and her husband was devoted to the release of the transfer of Keira Stoutine "Wife. Love story". 2 years before, Doglev had already appeared on television in the Tok show Julia Little "alone with everyone."

The native brother of the artist Vladimir, born with disabilities, in recent years of life is strongly attached to alcohol. The actress helped relative and money, and work. The performer tried to hide the addiction of the man, until the last minute was near the close man.

Ultimately, the artist of anyone from their relatives, except daughter, left. At one period, a father was gone, who could not overcome cancer, brother and mother. The cause of the death of the parent was stroke. This time was the most difficult in the life of Muscovites, and experienced his performer painfully.

Due to the constant stress and the black strip in life, Tatiana Anatolyevna was repeatedly discovered in a drunk, and journalists were torn on the alcohol dependence of the Dogilev. The actress did not hide that she had a river, once she herself went to the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17, where he passed the course of treatment.

Dogleva did not hide what made plastic surgery. In one interview, the actress admitted that for the first time he fell under the Knife Surgeon. A young actress came across this idea of ​​the screen of the screen, which one day "cut her eyes." Having learned about this, Tatiana ran to the surgeon of his colleague. However, the doctor said: before "trim the eyes", a circular face lift is necessary. As a result, Doglev agreed to a number of operations, after which, according to many, changed to unrecognizable.

In April 2018, after the emergence of Muscovite on Master Classm studios, Amedia, fans drew attention to the appearance of the actress. In the photo that were published in the Instagram account of the film company, the star of the screen appeared heavily corrected than frightened fans. Comments appeared with assumptions that the performer has serious health problems. She was attributed to various diseases - diabetes, cancer and even mental illness.

However, Tatyana Anatolyevna itself assured that he just gained weight and feels great. Dogileva admitted that she had to overcome the difficulties associated with the sore daughter, parting with his spouse, an abnormal working day during the filming of the series "Lyuba, Children and Plant ...", which led to nervous exhaustion, but the treatment was helped at one time to restore forces.

Tatyana Dogileva now

In 2021, Tatyana Anatolyevna continued the acting career, starring in new projects - TV series "Vampires of the Central Strip", "Hidden motives", "Vacation" (in the last Doglev received a major role - grandmothers).

In July, the artist fell into the hospital with pneumonia, the defeat of the lungs during hospitalization was 30%. According to media information, a week before that, a celebrity felt bad: the temperature rose, headache and weakness appeared.


  • 1978 - "Warning passenger"
  • 1982 - "Train Station for Two"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1984 - "Blonde around the corner"
  • 1985 - "Do not go, girls marry"
  • 1990 - "Afghan break"
  • 1994 - "Miami Groom"
  • 1997 - "Monday Children"
  • 2005 - "death of the empire"
  • 2005-2006 - "Lyuba, Children and Plant ..."
  • 2007 - "Bomzhich"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2013 - "Treets 3"
  • 2016 - "Babi boom"
  • 2017 - "Loggy!"
  • 2018 - "What are men talking about. Continuation"
  • 2018 - "Lost Island"
  • 2019 - Sklifosovsky (Season 7)
  • 2020 - "Dr. Lisa"
  • 2020 - "Ordinary Woman-2"
  • 2020 - "Attached days"
  • 2020 - Sklifosovsky (Season 8)

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