Dmitry Dyuzhev - biography, personal life, news, actor, photos, movies, "instagram", wife 2021



"The scene is a profession. I do not like attention in everyday life. "So, briefly and concise, says about the matter of life Dmitry Duzhezh - actor whose biography leads as an example as a sample of courage and perseverance in achieving the goal. Now the artist, about which Mark Zakharov said that he probably would come in handy in the theater, no longer need to prove anything. The emergence of the name in film titers is a guarantee that the proposed project is at least not essential and as a maximum full of spiritual meaning and self-analysis.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Petrovich Dügzhev was born in July 1978 in Astrakhan, by nationality he is Russian. His father, Peter Dyuzhez, was an actor. Probably, Dmitry was written on the clan to become an artist, because he has grown behind the scenes of the theater. Dad toured a lot and often took a little son with him, so with life in the work of Dmitry not to be familiar.

The boy went well in school and at first did not dream of acting career. He wanted to become a policeman, a trucker driver, then a traveler's sailor. Especially fascinating in middle and older classes for Dima became shipbuilding. The teenager bought books on a shipbuilding case and even decided that he would enter the maritime school. Fortunately for millions of spectators and fans of the talent of the actor Duzhev, at the last moment he changed the opinion.

The father saw the throw of his son and once, seated in front of him, said:

"Do you want your tale never end? Do you want to create it yourself? So the profession of the actor just can give you everything. "

The cause of such a conversation was the desire to help the heir to decide in life, as well as the desire of the Duzhev-Senior to realize his own dreams about the career of the artist. Peter himself did not manage to break into a big scene and achieve fame. In the 90s, the head of the family went to the business, became the owner of the shopping center. After a conversation with the father, Dmitry turned close attention to the profession of artist. And, as the time has shown, did not lose.

In the late 1990s - the beginning of the 2000s he had to survive a difficult period in life. A little sister Nastya died from the incurable disease. He did not suffer the tragedy Father who blamed himself in the death of the girl. At first he began to drink, and then committed suicide. A year later, there was no mother. The only native man was the grandmother, which for a long time and was supporting and warm harbor for a young actor.

Personal life

Dmitry Dyuzhev - a state man who has always attracted the attention of women. In 2003, he began to meet with the soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Anastasia Meskova. The novel was short, but stormy. The couple even tried to live together, but nothing came out.

Now the personal life of Duzhev is arranged, the artist is quite happy. He met his wife at a young age at the stadium during the concert Madonna. The satellite performer immediately noticed and allocated among the many beauties. True, she at first did not pay attention to Duzheva. Tatiana - a fan of Dmitry as an actor, but doubted whether they could have a successful relationship. Oils in the fire poured a yellow press that constantly talking about the difficult character of the artist, about the filings and other similar things.

Tatiana was magically beautiful 20 years ago. This "fortress" Duzhev had to take long, but he won it. Once the actor acquired tickets to the Emirates and invited the chosen to a joint holiday, asking him to give him a chance. They say this journey has become a turning point.

After several years of romantic courting Tatyana Zaitseva and Dmitry Dyuzhev officially signed. Six months later, the couple was crowned in the church - an artist insisted on it. Dieuzhi twice became parents: in the summer of 2008, the firstborn of Vanya was born, in 2015 - the second son, named Dima. The actor resisted that the siblings were called in honor of him, because, according to his father, it would be immodestly. However, the spouse motivated the choice by the fact that, while the head of the family on the tour, at home with her there will always be another Dima.

Tatiana has 2 higher education. The woman graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of the Pedagogical Institute and received a MBA degree in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. Then she worked in the Marketing Department in the oil company TNK-BP.

Communicating Dmitry and married, she left a career for the sake of the family, and when Ivan went to school, settled there with a psychologist. Tatyana Duzheva, according to the actor, is a sample in the raising of children. "This is my temple to which I am ready to serve until the end of the days." Photo of family members in "Instagram" Dmitry single, mainly there are shots from filming, touring and public events.

In 2011, the performer fell into an accident - he knocked his schoolgirl in his car. The girl who moved the road in the wrong place was to blame. She suddenly jumped out the actor's car, and he did not manage to slow down. Fortunately, the schoolgirl had severe injuries.

In 2017, Dmitry arranged a scandal at the airport. He bought a business class ticket and wanted to go ahead, minimized the line of economy class passengers, but he did not miss it. The serial star was outraged by such an attitude. The artist spoke about the situation on the air of Latvian television. He also noted that he was offended by Russian audience and believes that they are unworthy of high-quality films.

In 2018, a new scandal broke out around the person: the artist was accused of alcoholism and even the use of narcotic substances. Rumors originated after the online ether quiz "Clover", during which the actor behaved strangely. So, he was late in the studio, the words poodured, several times reread the scenario, constantly terrible, laughed without a reason. He also had a strange facial expression and red eyes.

Dmitry left for a long time. But when he began to predict the end of the career and oblivion, came into contact and gave a comment:

"My dear, today in the news the next slander came out at me. Grass continues. And it is useless to fight with a windmill ... Forgive them, Lord. Written that I was sick or drink cocaine. It is not true!"

Dmitry fans are interested in the question whether he does not have a relative of the Soviet and Russian actress Marina Duzheva. There are no blood ties of celebrities: colleagues are just namesakes.


In 1995, at the end of the Astrakhan "School of Gifted Children", Dmitry Dyuzhev took the documents to Gitis and immediately chose the acting group of the Director's Faculty. He was lucky - he was enrolled in the workshop of the legendary artist, director and teacher Mark Zakharov.

In 1999, Dyuzhev received a diploma and replenished the troupe of the Moscow Tyus. The theater immediately skidd off the novice actor in his captivating cycle. The roles proposed by Dmitry turned out to be much, besides very interesting. The artist played in popular performances "crazy to go", "Mad money", "twelve night" and many others. The artist himself considers the most successful work of the role of the priest in the formulation of Boris Godunov.

List all the wonderful works of Dmitry in recent years is difficult - there are many of them. But you can select the brightest. This show Sergey Bezrukov "found a braid to stone." The spectators went to the statement just "on Duzhev".

In March 2015, theatrians had the opportunity to see his director's work - the performance "bench". The premiere took place in the provincial theater of the capital. The main roles were played by Valeria Lanskaya and Anton Khabarov.

In 2017, an actor in the broadcasting "Evening Urgant" told that he was preparing the production of Evgeny Onegin. And in 2018, finally presented the theatras the original project. Dmitry reads from the scene to the poem Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" in a musical frame made up of the works of Sergey Prokofiev. They are performed by a symphony orchestra, and sometimes the piano sounds simply - it all depends on the capabilities of the theater or the concert hall, where Dyuzhe comes with touring.

Dmitry gives viewers the most famous and significant work of the Great Russian poet in a new format, and this is the main feature of the production. Together with the audience, he re-comprehends the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." Musical monospectacle is done "here and now", so each show is a unique setting.


Duzhev's debut on the movie screen took place in 2000. In his youth, the actor appeared in the painting of Alexander Atanesian "24 hours." She was quite warmly adopted by spectators and critics.

Then the performer was lucky to play in the film Robert Zeekis "Izgoy". In the film from the actor there is a small dialogue with Tom Hanks, that's just knowing the Duzhev there is not always - it's painful. Russian was called to Hollywood, but then the conversation did not go.

And the methods of work "Factory Grez" Dmitry like. In the homeland, "people do not know what energy frame is that such an intelligently behave on the set - there is no school, this is not taught. In the Hollywood cinema, even the actors of mass scenes pass rehearsals, have in advance the stoves, and therefore everything happens much more simply and clearly. "

Famous to the whole country of Duzhev made a cult series "Brigade", where he played the cosmos superbly. Sergey Bezrukov, Pavel Mikov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov became partners of the Artist. After the "Brigade" exit, Dyuch woke up not just famous, now he knew the whole country in his face.

Dmitry Dyuzhev - biography, personal life, news, actor, photos, movies,

At first, the young actor was approved by the role of flies. But soon, Dmitry and Sergey Aprilsky rearranged in places: Hochmach and Balagen Space approached Duzhev incomparably more. Although doubts from the authors of the film remained, because against the background of Sergey Belakova almost a two-meter duzu (growth - 195 cm, weight - 85 kg) looked ridiculous. But the charm of Dima took the top, and was approved by his role.

But the artist could not get into the series. Dmitry - a believer man, after reading the script of the film, first very doubting, it is necessary to put the soul in the image of the hero, who kills without thinking. The performer even went to talk about it with his spiritual mentor. He advised to accept an offer and play so to show the younger generation the path of the path for which space went. Supported Dmitry and Father. He came to his son on shooting and even helped come up with some interesting episodes.

Fortunately, the image of the space did not turn the Duzhev to the actor of one role, as often happens after the release of a popular film. He is a diverse artist, with ease of changing role. It becomes clear when you look at the picture "Sonya Golden Handle," where Dmitry appeared in the image of Wolf Bromberg.

Other Duzhev can be found in the Motherwear film "The Second Chronicles" and the Ribbon "is waiting", where he played Nikolai Kovkigina. In the unexpected amplua of the comedy actor, Dmitry appeared in the "listener" of Zaikina.

Critics are also extolled by the talent of the artist in the Black Comedy of the famous director Alexei Balabanova "Zhmurki". For this role, the artist even received a prize at the Sochi "Kinotavra" in 2005. In the film there was a whole constellation of Russian actors: Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexey Panin, Sergey Makovetsky, Viktor Sukhorukov, Renata Litvinova and others.

After successful collaboration in Brigade, Dmitry Dyuzhev and Sergey Bezrukov, friends in life, starred in the series of the first channel "temporarily unavailable" and the family comedy "Vacation of a strict regime". Actor Alexey Kravchenko also took part in the work on the last picture.

The unusual role of Duzhev sang in the film "Pregnant" directed by Sarik Andreasyan. In the plot of his hero so much wanted a child that he himself became pregnant. Sergey's Character's companion played singer Anna Sedokova, who had to be built into the role and father, and the mother at the same time. The image of a friend of the key hero presented to the audience Mikhail Galustyan.

Knowledgeable Duzhev people say that he is checkered to choose the main roles, often refusing to play in Sitkoms and some series. The actor is convinced that after the filming of such projects, the well-known directions will cease to pay attention to it. Dmitry prefers to work side by side with talented people who know the movie. Therefore, the tapes "Burnt by the Sun" and "Hamlet", "Island" and "Hamlet", "Island" and "Courier from Paradise", which have won the love of the audience, are indicated.

Dmitry Dyuzhev - biography, personal life, news, actor, photos, movies,

After filming in the film "Island", in which the actor played a monk, he revised his attitude to religion. She began to occupy an important place in the life of the artist. So, Dmitry was seen in line to the belt of the Virgin, who was in Moscow. It also walked rumors that the artist wants to go into the monastery.

Duzhezh once starred in Mayonnaise advertising. The actor had to explain why he did it. According to the artist, the advertiser convinced him that the video had a pronounced social character and promotes family values. Dmitry starred with his wife Tatiana, and here are children in the frame of others. According to rumors, the artist paid the fabulous fee, which allowed the family to buy an apartment. Duzhezhe was afraid that he was ruined the manufacturer, but advertising gave the desired effect.

In addition to the acting talent, Dmitry also has all the recognized talent of the singer. In this, the fans were convinced by hearing his singing in the music show "Two Stars", where the artist became the winner, demonstrating an amazing voice and a rare beauty timbre. The project partner became Tamara Gverdzitel. The audience remained delighted with the joint numbers of celebrities, including the Argo.

After the show, Dügzov began touring with GverDcitel. At first, I even doubted whether to elect music by the main profession. The performer even recorded the "My Deltaplan" track. However, the acting component turned out, moreover, the artist went to directorial courses. However, the music did not throw, and his songs became popular.

On television, the actor appeared more than once. In the show "Best of All", I read poems together with the young member of Buryatia, and after gave the girl a book. The project "Three Chords" represented its own interpretations of romances, hits from films, sang with the Kuban Cossack choir. Dmitry focused on the "Ice period" jury and appreciated the performances in the transfer "exactly in-point." On the channel "Russia 1" Dyzhev led the liberator program cycle dedicated to the anniversary of the victory in the Second World War. There he talked about the soldiers' of life, weapons and technique of those years.

In 2011, Dmitry Dyuzhev, graduating from the directorial courses in the workshop Vladimir Khotinenko, debuted as director. The graduation work was called "Brathy". The film was so good that he participated in the "Kinotavra" in the short film contest, received many honored awards, among whom - the special prize of the jury of the Moscow Festival "Artkino" and the main prize of the festival "reflection". The work of Duzhev even honored participation in the International Festival in France and Germany.

In the same year, the film "The case was in Kuban". Dmitry played a major role - Grigoria Fedorovich Lutoy. The shooting also involved Karina Andoltenko and Eugene Luta.

In 2012, the "Moms" tape came out on the screens of the country. These are filmalmans from 8 novels of different directors associated with one topic. One of the films is removed by Dmitry Dyughz. It is called "my beloved". Also, the actor appeared in the detective TV series "Odessa-Mom" with Catherine Guseva.

A year later, the audience saw on the screens a military drama "Fighters", in which Dmitry received a major role. The series tells about the military pilots of times of the Second World War. Another picture that came out in 2013 is called "Ivan Son Amir". In it, in addition to Duzhev, A Carolina was starred, Andrei Merzlikin, Bobur Yuldashev.

In 2014, the artist shot the third news tape "Champions". This is a story about love story and sports intrigues, including in the life of Elena Perezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze's skaters.

In 2016, Dmitry became the hero of the program "Alone with all". On the first channel, the actor spoke about his career, as well as about the family.

In the same year, in addition to working on the series "Temporarily unavailable," he starred with Irina Pegova in another multi-sized film - "Paradise knows." Also appeared in the comedy Ilya teacher "Lights of a large village", where he played himself.

Duzhev became the main character in the advertising video of a pharmaceutical company producing the drug "Polyoxidonium". The video is shot in the traditions of foreign film about mafia Italian clans. Don Polio performed by Dmitry is a patron and defender of the sick.

In 2017, the actor gave Boris Korchevnikov interview. As part of the program "The Fate of Man", the artist talked about his childhood, sister's disease and father's death, about a meeting with his wife, scandals in which he was noticed.

In the summer of 2018, Duzhev accepted the invitation to advertise the products of the MPZ "Myasnitsky row". According to the authors of the video, Dmitry Gregory Leps parods and tries to read rap. Noticeable and reference to the scandaling clip Philip Kirkorov "The color of the mood of blue".

In 2019, the filmography of the artist joined the historic drama Tobol on the novel by Alexei Ivanov. Duzhev presented the role of Peter I, and Pavel Mikov - Prince Menshikova, Favorite and the Emperor's companion. Also, Dmitry Nazarov and Yevgeny Dyatlov were involved in the filming.

The producers were seen in the form of the Russian sovereign Alexander Lazarev-Jr., playing dozens of all sorts of nobles, but Duzhev has more external similarities. The actor, as the creators of the painting told, for the depth of entry into role, wished to spend the night on the bed of Peter, stored in the Hermitage. The museum, of course, refused.

Dmitry Dyuzhezh now

In 2020, the filming of the film "Ethics of Dolg" ended, in which Dmitry Duzhev got the main role. The plot tells about the collectors who go to addresses and require money from debtors. Once they fall into a creepy house, it does not work out from which.

The production is the film "Dead Souls". The plot is based on the work of Nicholas Gogol. Dyughza got the role of Manilov. The premiere of the picture is scheduled for 2021.

In October, Dmitry became the guest of the 18th International Film Festival "Meridian Piche", which was held in Vladivostok. The actor held a creative meeting with Primorye, in which he told about the bright moments in his career and shared plans for the future. Duzhev also performed the favorite songs and read the poem of the classics. Upon completion of the film festival, the artist went on a star track and took part in the closing ceremony.

Among other things, the actor starred in Elena North's video on the song "War So War". As a basis of the script, the plot of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" was taken. In addition, it is involved in the monospectacle "Eugene Onegin".

At the beginning of the 2021, the celebrity tried out a new role, taking part in the popular TV show "Dancing with the Stars". His partner and mentor was the choreographer Maria Smolnikova. Together with them, Igor Mirkurbanov fought for victory, Sergey Lazarev, Anton Chagin and other stars.


  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2004 - "Horseman named death"
  • 2005 - "Zhmurki"
  • 2006 - "Victory Day"
  • 2006 - "Island"
  • 2007 - "Cook"
  • 2008 - "Your Alien"
  • 2009 - "Vacation of strict regime"
  • 2010 - "Burnt by the Sun 2. The upcoming"
  • 2011 - "The case was in the Kuban"
  • 2013 - "Fighters"
  • 2015 - "Paradise knows"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2019 - Tobol
  • 2020 - "Ethics of Debt"

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