Mikhail Efremov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Latest News, Children, Son, Wife, Age, Daughter 2021



It would be strange if Mikhail Olegovich Efremov, the son of the legendary Russian actor, director and all the favorite theatrical actor Oleg Efremov and the actress "Contemporary", People's Artist of the RSFSR Alla Pokrovskaya, chose the way of engineer or doctor. In addition to famous parents, Mikhail Efremov can be proud of grandfather Boris Pokrovsky (opera director) and Prapared to Ivan Yakovlev (enlightener and founder of the Chuvash alphabet).

Childhood and youth

Until the 4th generation, the creative family brought up at least the creative heir. However, as Mikhail Efremov himself says, only the first 5 minutes look at you as a descendant of the stars, and then "expect to see what you can offer you personally."

The year of birth Mikhail Efremova - 1963. Moscow city. At the age of 13, he first went on the stage of the performance "leaving, looking back!", And also starred in the films "Days of the Surgeon Mishkin" and the same name "leaving, looking around ...". A year later, young Efremov starred in the tape "When I will become a Giant", which made it popular at such a young age. But after that, the film driver subsided. It was connected with Learning Mikhail at the Institute and Service in the Army.


Higher theatrical education Mikhail Efremov received at the Studio School of MCAT. But after the 1st year, he was called in the army. After the service of Efremov, he continued his studies on the course of Vladimir Bogomolov, and at the end of study in 1987 he headed the theater-studio "Contemporanik-2", in which Nikita Vysotsky was playing, Vyacheslav Innocent Jr. and Maria Evstigneev.

Soon the troupe broke up, and Efremov Jr. came to his father, in MCAT, to the native stage, which remembered him as a child. The actor played 8 years old, but the years of work in the studio were full of disagreements and conflicts with the Father. This was the reason for the care of Mikhail, but he himself noted that this school presented him with many priceless lessons.

At this time, Mikhail Efremov played a few dozen performances, the most famous of which were "grief from the mind" (the role of Chatsky), "Amadeus" (the role of Mozart), "Little Scams of the Big City", "Women's Games", "Duck Hunt" And, of course, "Chaika" (the role of Trepleva).

Mkhat Mikhail Efremov, whose biography began on these stage, left in 1999. Also, the actor worked in one-time productions of the "School of the Modern Play" and Anton Chekhov's Theater, and from the mid-2000 Mikhail began to appear on the scene of the Sovremennik. He played in the production of Galina Volchek "Three Sisters" Vasily Solotnoye, in the performance of Garika Sukacheva "Anarchy" Billy miscarriage, and also put "Sharmann" himself.

The last work on the stage of the theater was the production of "Amsterdam", the director of which Sergey Gazarov spoke. The entrepreneurs of Efremov became the roles in the performances of the "Mouse People", "Little Scams of the Big City" and "Chapaev and Void".


Films with Mikhail brought a constant success, because the actor has always been gripped from directors. Efremov since the end of the 80s was constantly filmed in the cinema. In 1989, he played a major role in the TV series "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky", and in 1991 in the Social Drama "Luke". In 1992, the unprecedented interest of the audience caused a comedy "Male Zigzag".

Many interesting roles brought the actor the second half of the 90s. The artist played King France Charles IX in the popular TV series "Queen Margo". Next followed the work in the Music Comedy Garik Sukacheva "The Crisis of Middle Ages". And in the series "Chekhov and K", Mikhail played with his father Oleg Efremov.

Stunning glory came after participating in the series Alexander Mitty "Border. Taiga novel "in 2000. There, the actor was to play an officer Alexey Zhgut. Hero Efremova - a bombarded, unavomable guy who does not want to serve in the army. The faithful screen companion of the character Mikhail played actress Elena Panova. She got the role of his heroine wife, a strong Russian woman, constantly forced to pull her husband from alterations.

This role caused a lot of reviews, but everyone agreed in one: Efremov played brilliantly, and his hero, despite the dubious acts and wrought-down character, caused sympathy. The actor even said that in many ways it looks like his character.

After the series "Border. Taiga novel "Mikhail Olegovich became increasingly on the screen. He starred in popular projects "Kamenskaya" and "Romanov. Ventance family, "in the films" Antikiller "and" Antikiller-2 ". In general, the richest filmography of Mikhail Efremova has more than 100 films.

Mikhail Efremov in the film

With each new work, the popularity of the artist only grew. Directors often used his comedy gift. The role of Efremova in the Comedy "Listener" and "SuperTasch for a loser" became successful. Not left unnoticed by Mikhail's hero in a detective Nikita Mikhalkov "Stat Counselor".

With all its comedic appearance, Efremov played other roles. In the film "12" Nikita Mikhalkov, the artist played one of the jury. At the beginning of the ribbon, he habitually Hochmil, but then he gave a shrill and dramatic monologue, which in the root changes the attitude towards his hero.

Mikhail Efremov took part in the series "Thaw" (2013), which has become a real event in Russian cinema. Director Valery Todorovsky removed a film about the 60s when his father Peter began his creative path. The series received "Niku" "For creative achievements in the art of television cinema", and in 2015 - the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation.

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Personally, Efremov for the role of director Crivitsky received "Teffi" as "Best Actor of the Television Film / Serial". The main role was performed by Evgeny Tsyganov, and their partners were young actresses of Anya Chipovskaya and Paulina Andreeva, as well as Pavel Derevyanko, Vladimir Gleukhin. In the series, Mikhail played the Soviet director - a talented, shackled, but honest and patriotic "drinking". The son of Efremova Nikita was lit in the film, who played his grandfather in his youth - Oleg Efremova.

In general, Mikhail Efremov managed the comedy roles in which he played merchant, not having to overturn a couple of glasses. The actor himself, unlike many colleagues, has never hidden, which has problems with alcohol, calling them a "black spot for their reputation." Efremova with the filing of Internet bloggers was often compared to the peer of Brad Pitt, hinting not so much on the external similarity, as the fact that, due to the detrimental habit, the Russian actor looks much older than Hollywood colleagues.

However, the actor was not denying a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at himself, what he did, for example, on the air of the Evening Urgant program, where he first announced a planned concert in honor of his 50th anniversary. Efremov called him "Top with Mikhail Efremov", where the word "filing" can be interpreted and as a noun, and as a verb.

It is symbolic that in 2016 it was Efremov who was invited to the 4-serial series "Drunk company", in which his hero is a former doctor - withdraws from the rut of various rich. The film paid attention to the abundance of star actors who took part in the shooting.

In the same 2016, the actor starred in the TV series "Investigator Tikhonov", where he played the head of the operational detachment, which is investigating the loudest crimes that happened to the Olympic Games-80 in Moscow.

TV and show

From November 30, 2009, Efremov, replacing Igor Kvasha, who left television, began to lead the TV show "Wait for me" on the first channel with Maria Shukshina. Mikhail Olegovich Efremov was a member of the Jury of the Higher League of KVN. As a loyal fan of the Spartak football club (Moscow) of Efremov, this and the case spacked in sports programs, reports and, of course, at the Opening-Arena Stadium.

From 2011 to March 5, 2012, the artist participated in the television project "Poet and a citizen" of the Rain TV channel, where he read the poems "on the evil of the day", written by Dmitry Bykov in the manner of famous poets and writers. On March 12, 2013, on the same TV channel "Rain", together with Dmitry Bykov and Andrei Vasilyev, launched the project "Mr. Good".

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Mikhail Efremov, together with the poet Andrei Orlov (Orlush), loved to pretrately descend with the help of reading the modern and last Soviet power of poems. Special resonance had poems about Vladimir Putin, about the presidential policy. The last sketches included a scene called "Ultieu-Shah and an ultima-mat", which was created based on the immortal children's poem of S. Marshak "This is what scattered."

For consupportion, Efremov went on the scene of the Moscow Crocus City Hall in the strait shirt and the Napoleonic tri digrack. The actor spoke of Putin and his relationship with Ukraine.

In the summer of 2018, the actor became a guest of the studio of the popular video unit Yuri Duda. On the air show "Vnty", Mikhail Olegovich shared with the public with little-known facts of his life. He spoke about the tricks of childhood and his youth, about relationships with the current wife. In an interview with a journalist, the actor told that in childhood he studied at school along with the children of the state. He got there after the 4th grade. Mikhail had to quickly navigate in a situation in order not to hear the "White Voronene" among the "Soviet Major", and he succeeded.

In adolescence, the representative of the famous dynasty gentled by currency and so skillfully hid money in the cache that he could never catch the police officers of the special services. Parents dangerous fishery Son did not suit, so the young man rushing was sent to the army.


Artist's speeches with implanting power verses and monologues provoked criticism from Russian officials. After the tour in Ukraine, during which the actor immediately responded about power in Russia, a member of the Expert Council for the Development of the Information Society and the Media at the State Duma Vadim Manukyan proposed to deprive Mikhail's title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" for nonpatariotic statements.

Scandals around the name Mikhail Olegovich did not interfere with him remain popular in cinema. The artist in 2018 appeared in the rating series "Berzka" about the popular Soviet dance ensemble, as well as in the tragicomedy Grigoria Konstantinople "Russian demon".

Personal life

Mikhail Efremova's personal life is just as rich as his creative biography. At the actor 5 official marriages. His wives presented the artist of six children. First spouse - Elena Goljanova, actress. Loved lovers in early youth, but they failed to preserve relationships.

The second wife - Asya Vorobyva, a graduate of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, held the position of literary editor in the Moscow Theater "Contemporary". On May 30, 1988, Asya gave birth to Efremov Parabent Nikita. According to the Son, the parents divorced when he was 2 years old. Now Nikita Efremov - Actor Moscow Theater "Contemporary".

The third wife is the People's Artist of Evgenia Dobrovolskaya. Mikhail and Evgenia got married in 1989. In 1991, Dobrovolskaya gave birth to the actor of the second son of Nicholas. The guy is also an actor, he is famous for the role of Nicci in the film "White Guard".

Efremova's fourth wife - actress Ksenia Kachalin. The actor met her on the set of paintings "Romanovs. Venetian family. " By this time, the artist had already divorced Dobrovolskaya. Mikhail began a new novel ended with marriage. The married couple lived for 4 years, after which Kachalin went to India. The daughter of Anna-Maria was born, who lived with her mother in India, but after a while he returned to his father to Moscow. At the age of 16, the girl made a camining out, confessing in a non-traditional sexual orientation. Now Anna-Maria lives apart from the Father's family, she has his own apartment.

The fifth wife is Sophia Kruglikov, a graduate of the department of sound engineering of the Russian Academy of Music named after Gnesins, sound engineer. Since 2005, he has been taught at the Department of Music Faculty of the Institute of Contemporary Art in Moscow, it works with Garick Sukachev. She presented to Efremov three children: daughters faith and hope and son Boris. In 2016, after 15 years of living together, the couple marked in the church.

Death accident

Not only close actors know about the problems with alcohol, but also his fans, because the artist himself did not hide a detrimental habit. Unfortunately, alcohol was the cause of the tragedy, which unfolded on the evening of June 8, 2020. On the garden ring, in the area of ​​Smolensk Square, the Efremova SUV flew to the oncoming lane and crashed into a cargo car. As a result, the accident suffered a 58-year-old driver-courier Sergey Zakharov. A man squeezed in the car, he received serious injuries.

The artist was in a strong alcoholic intoxication. At the same time, it was reported that the two passengers were allegedly in his car - the actor Ivan Stebunov with his wife Elena Vlasova, but later the information was not confirmed. The surveillance cameras recorded the moment of the accident, and the eyewitnesses removed the video on which the intimensional state of Efremov was noticeably. In the first minutes after the collision, the artist was interested in others, whether everything is alive.

On the morning of June 9, it became known that the truck driver Sergey Zakharov, who received fractures of ribs, and the cranial injury, died in the hospital.

Arrest and court

When purging the Efremov expertise, 1.05 mg / l of alcohol was found - this is 2.1 ppm. This refers to a severe degree of intoxication. He initially presented charges under Part 2 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Violation of the Rules of Road Traffic and Vehicle Operations"). Under this article, the perpetrator threatened from 3 to 7 years. At the time of decision-making, the victim was alive. Later, due to the death of the driver, the article was tightened, and the actor threatened to 12 years in prison. The widow of Sergey Zakharov said that it was not ready to go to the world and intends to seek punishment for the culprit of what happened. As a compensation, the family demanded a symbolic amount in 1 r, and the eldest son of the deceased - 7 million rubles.

It also became known that in the blood of the actor and the traces of the narcotic substances were discovered in the car, which he took earlier. According to the media, the first interrogation of Efremov did not appear, referring to poor well-being, he called "ambulance" twice.

After some time, the artist recorded a video in which he recognized his own guilt in what had happened. However, then, consulted with a lawyer Elman Pashaev, the artist began to deny his involvement. There were numerous rumors about who actually was driving a car. Not without the theories of the conspiracy, according to one of which Efremov was specially substantiated.

Such a rolled atmosphere could not affect the health of the artist. At one of the court sessions, Mikhail Olegovich became bad. The actors immediately took the "ambulance", and after some time there was information that he suffered a stroke. The diagnosis was not confirmed, and the actor went home.

On August 21, Mikhail Olegovich decided to refuse to defend Elman Pashayev, but after three days later returned to cooperation with a shocky lawyer. It, like the other rumors and versions distributed by a lawyer, representatives of the deceased family regarded as a farce and an attempt to escape from punishment.

The final session of the court took place on September 3. During the hearing, Mikhail Efremov recognized the guilt in the tragedy and read the poem, which dedicated to the deceased Sergey Zakharov. The accusation side declared that he insists at least 8 years in prison for artist.

The court decision was made on September 8: the artist was sentenced to 8 years in prison in the colony of the general regime, deprived of rights for 3 years and obliged to pay 800 thousand rubles to the eldest son Sergei Zakharov as compensation. The court took part in the punishment of the time of his home arrest, and the artist was to be held in colony for 7 years and 10.5 months. Efremov could count on parole only after serving half of the term.

After some time, it became known that the court decided to mitigate the punishment of up to 7 years 6 months of imprisonment.

Mikhail Efremov Now

In May 2021, information appeared that the actors brought to Moscow for investigative activities. The fact is that in parallel with the criminal case associated with the fatal accident, investigations began in terms of drugs. As it became known, Efremov agreed to cooperate with the authorities and give testimony about drug deodilers.

This, as explained in various sources, would make it possible to be convicted not only to stay in the capital, visit close and even walk, but also reduce the term for parieties.

However, a little later, the press service of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Belgorod Region refuted information about the stay of the convicted person in the capital. So, according to official information, Mikhail Olegovich was not stupus in the capital.


  • 1976 - "Days of the Surgeon Mishkin"
  • 1988 - "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky"
  • 1992 - "Male Zigzag"
  • 1996 - "middle-aged crisis"
  • 1996-1997 - "Queen Margo"
  • 2000 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2000 - "Border. Taiga novel "
  • 2008 - "Sun House"
  • 2009 - "Antikiller"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2011 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2012 - "Spirieless"
  • 2013 - "Thaw"
  • 2016 - "Drunk Firm"
  • 2018 - "Birch"
  • 2018 - "Russian demon"

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