Valery Leontiev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Singer, Songs, Age, Daughter 2021



Valery Leontyev is the legend of the Russian show business, whose popularity does not fall over the years. Representatives of the 4th generation of listeners are continued to admire the work of the artist. At one time, the singer became the first one who brought the tradition of the tradition of musical and theater shows to the stage, in a short time turning from a modest provincial guy to a star of an international class, which American fans dubbed The One Who Gives Love ("The one who gives love").

Childhood and youth

Valery Leontyev was born in March 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa, in Komi. His family had nothing to do with art. Leontyev lived modestly. Yakov Stepanovich's father was a pan from the Arkhangelsk region, she was engaged in reindeer herding and worked as a veterinarian. Mom Ekaterina Ivanovna Kolez was born in Ukraine. The boy was a late child - he was born when the mother turned 43 years old. In addition to him, the elder sister Maya was grown in the family (died in 2005).

Soon of the Ust-mustache, the family moved to his father's homeland, in the Arkhangelsk region. Early childhood, Valeria passed the top mastigora in the village. When the son turned 12 years old, Leontyev moved again, this time in the Ivanovo region. Stopped in the city of Yuryevts, on the picturesque bank of the Volga.

Many rumors go about the nationality of Valery Leontiev. The network often appears information that it is not Russian, and Mansi.

In the children's and youthful age, Native Valeria noticed that the boy pulls to creativity. He painted well, was plastic and sang well, even solired in school chore. He also participated in school amateurness and gladly walked into the drama. But about making music and become an artist or singer, the boy from a poor family did not even dreamed.

At the end of the 8th grade Leontyev passed documents to the Radiotechnical Technical School in Muromsk, but failed the exams and returned to returned to his native school. Apparently, the Gena Father-Pomper has affected, and Valery is increasingly starting to dream of work related to the sea. In high school, he practically decided at the end of the school to leave Vladivostok and enroll on the oceanologist, but for a modest in the income of the family such expenses were not under power.

At that time, Valery Leontyev realized that there was another profession with which he would like to associate life. And he risked and in 1966 filed documents to Moscow Gitis by choosing the acting department. But indecision and the provincial complex did their job: at the last moment Leontyev changed his mind to act.

Returning to Yuryevts, Valery immediately went to work. In the youth, the future star of the stage tried many professions: electrician, postman, handyman on a brick factory and even tailor. But it was necessary to get education, and Leontyev entered the Mountain Institute in Vorkuta.

In the evening he studied, and in the afternoon he earned money for life, working as a laboratory assistant in the Research Institute and the draft Institute. Dumaped Leontiev only until the 3rd year and threw his studies - the soul did not lie to the future profession. But the further, the more I wanted to sing and play on the stage. Fires of Sofitov and the full halls of the applauding public attracted the guy more and more.


The beginning of the creative biography of Valery Leontiev was found in 1972. His first solo concert took place on April 9 in the House of Culture Vorkuta. The first success was inspired by the young performer, soon he became the winner of the regional contest "We are looking for talents" in Syktyvkar.

The reward for the victory was the study in Moscow, in the All-Union Creative Master of Pop Art, George Vinogradov. But in the capital, Valery did not stay long. Without graduating, he returned to Syktyvkar, to the local philharmonic.

Soon Leontyev becomes a member of the Echo team. Musicians prepared 2 programs and together with the new soloist Valery Leontiev rushed almost all the cities of the Soviet Union. But the concerts were not held in large halls, but only on scenes of local houses of culture.

Only in 1978 the singer first performed on the stage of the concert hall in Gorky. The concert was held with great success, and he received an invitation to work in the urban philharmonic. Leontyev agreed, but with the condition that he would be sent to the Yalta All-Union Music Competition. So it happened. For the execution of the music ballad "Guitarist's memory" in Yalta Leontiev, the first award was presented. The competition was broadcast to the whole country.

In the summer of the next year, Valery Leontheva has a new loud victory - the main award at the 16th International Festival of the Gold Orpheus Festival in Sopot. There, for the first time, he appeared in the original stage costume of his own manufacture, for which the Bulgarian fashion magazine handed him a special prize.

In the early 80s, Valery Leontiev already knew everything, he sang almost in all prefabricated concerts and on the most famous sites.

At one time, the artist tried to break into television, but he managed to do this only after acquaintance with the composer David Tukhmanov. Together they prepared the number that was removed for the Blue Spark program. However, the audience could not see him - it was cut out. At the same time, further joint creativity, as well as victories in international competitions, made Leontyev famous.

The black band in the life of the artist, oddly enough, began because of his success at the festival in Yerevan. He received a prize of popularity, but he fell into opal because of the compliment of American journalists who wrote that Leontyev on the manner of execution looks like Mika Jagger. I did not like the Soviet officials from culture, and 3 years did not show the singer on TV and were not invited to Moscow concerts.

In addition to creative trouble, during this period, Leontyev suffered a serious operation to remove the tumor of the throat. Fortunately, the voice soon recovered, and Raymond Pauls helped to return to the scene, who had already had a considerable effect at that time.

In addition, the artist remembered that it still has no formation. This time he entered and graduated from the Institute of Culture in Leningrad, where he received a diploma in the specialty "Director of Mass Representations". At this time, Valery Leontyev gave almost two dozen concerts in the city of Neva, which passed with the manshlag.

In 1983, Valery Yakovlevich again bathes in glory and popularity. And again thanks to the composer Raymond Paulsu. It was he who gave the performer to the entire branch of his upper evening, held in the metropolitan concert hall "Russia". By this time, famous hits "there, in September" appear, "where the Circus left", "Flight on Deltaplane", "singing Mime".

In 1988, the show of the first video of the artist "Margarita" starts, although the video version of the execution of popular compositions of Leontiev appeared before. The singer works in different genres. He managed songs with humorous subtext ("traffic lights") and lyrical ("sunny days disappeared"). Later in the repertoire of the artist, the bright hits "Augustine" and "Kazanova" appeared.

In 1991, Valery Leontyev became the owner of The World Music Awards Award as the best selling sound in the USSR. And indeed, by 1993, the pop star had 11 disks sold out by millions of chairs.

In 1996, Valery Yakovlevich Leontyev becomes a national artist of Russia. In 1998, the name of the singer was laid on the Moscow Square of Stars.

For her long and rich creative activity, the popular performer has recorded over two dozen studio albums. Debut, called "Muse", came out in 1983. The best of his songs knows the whole country. In the career Valery Leontiev, there is even a joint speech with President Vladimir Putin. In 2006, in Sochi at a concert for the heads of states of the CIS, Leontyev was summoned to bis, and he began singing "hope". Suddenly, the Russian President of Russia joined him, to whom the artist handed over the microphone.

All their concerts and dance show Leontyev puts himself. Its original costumes are also author. Valery Yakovlevich is known as an actor. On his account, the painting "On someone else's holiday", I will want to love, "the daughter of Colonel" and others. More than once, Leontov appeared on the screens as a hero of documentary tapes about life and work.

The creative activity of the artist does not fall over the years. In 2018, his repertoire was replenished with new tracks "How Dali", "time does not heal." He is encountered by the anchlages on the best platforms of the country - at the festivals "New Wave", "Song of the Year", "Legends" Retro FM ", at a concert celebration of the Day of the Channel" MUZ-TV ", an anniversary concert of the Oktyabrsky BKZ"

In early 2019, Valery Leontyev became a guest of the program "Tonight", the release of which was devoted to the work of Igor Nikolaev. On the air, the artist performed the song Maestro "Steamboats". Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Irina Allegrova, Julia Proskuryakova and others participated in the television show. Also, the star star congratulated Raymond Pauls Happy Birthday, performing the composer's author's evening.

In 2019, the discography of the artist was replenished with a mix-album "I will return." It entered it 11 compositions, among which "we are saved", "Midnight Express", "Fortune Catcher". In the same year on March 10, the singer held a concert in the Kremlin. He presented the concert program "I'll be back ...".

Personal life

Personal life Valery Leontyeva is zealously rooted from an extraneous eye, the singer rarely gives comments. Therefore, many rumors always swarked around his person. They talked about non-traditional orientation, about the existing child, about the novel with the Primateonna Alla Pugacheva and a lot more.

In fact, Leontyev was married for a long time on bass guitarist Lyudmila Isakovich. Together they have since 1972, but officially registered relations only in 1998. Wife Valeria Yakovlevich now lives in Miami.

In the tabloids there was information that Leontyev alone lives in a Moscow apartment and no longer flies to America. House in Miami He allegedly left a former spouse. Some secular chronicles said that the singer was divorced many years ago, but did not advertise this event.

Leantya's personal life is shrouded in secrets, legends are composed of her. At one time, Andrei Malakhov in the program "Let them say" concluded that the Mother of the singer was his older sister Maya, and Leontyev's alleged parents took him to him grandparents. Valery almost sued a court, but the conflict managed to settle.

He was attributed to a huge number of novels with Prima Soviet pop by Lime Vaikule, Larisa Valley, Laura Quint. Laura became the only one who admitted the truthfulness of such assumptions. Also in the mid-2000 rumors began to be worked out that the singer had an adult daughter, which is Nalina Leontyev.

At the same time, the executor Alexander Bogdanovich appeared on the stage, which was recorded in the relatives of the star. According to the information that appeared in the press, the mother of a young man had a short novel with an artist, as a result of which a boy appeared. The message turned out to be a journalistic "duck".

In the last interviews, Leontyev more than once mentioned a joint pastime with the wife of Luce. With her, he was going to celebrate the New Year, rested with her in Spain. The singer suggests not to believe the gossip about the divorce that spreads the yellow press. There was a "friendly marriage" between their spouses, according to them. For 3 months, they are held together in the US, after which Valery returns to Russia, where actively tours.

On the question of why Leontiev had no children, he missed that he did not represent his schedule and windiness of character that he could be a good father. Previously, in the press they wrote that his wife Lyudmila categorically did not want to become a mother.

In 2017, Leontyev celebrated the 45th anniversary of creative activity. In one interview, the artist stated that it was not going to leave the scene.

To be vigorous, touched and maintaining the morale to him help regular sports, proper nutrition, long sleep, good movies and books. Moreover, if earlier he spoiled a book of books on tour, then now mastered the iPad. Leontyev is also a very active social networking user for a person. He has accounts in "Instagram" and "Facebook". According to the singer, he often reads comments under the photo and personally communicates with fans.

According to many Internet users, Valery is too fond of plastic, which has ceased to be like himself. Leontyev himself stated that he used the services of plastic surgeons not as often as everyone thinks. In addition, the artist never appears on stage or in public without makeup, although several photographs of the singer without a grima still leaked into the network.

According to Leontyev, at concerts, zealous fans tormented to grab his hair, hoping to see the idol without a wig. But the legend of the Soviet and Russian stage hinted that they would not succeed, since his hair was real.

Now Artist 71 year. However, despite this, he supports himself in good physical form. The director Valery Yakovlevich said that he lost 8 kg and very satisfied with the result. When height 175 cm his weight is 75 kg.

In December 2020, Nikolay Baskov laid out in his instagram account jointly with Valery Leontyev and Alexander Revilk Snapshot from the program "Hello, Andrei!". The fans immediately noted that the star star was raving and does not look at her age.


Rumors are periodically resumed in the network that Leontyev is going to leave the scene. In addition to the physical activity associated with frequent concerts, the consequences of the knee injury, which he received at the beginning of a career, when he fell on stage during a concert dedicated to the Day of Militia. The artist requires regular joint cleaning and drug therapy. But, by the words of Leontyev, he decided to stay until the latter, because "lying on the sofa and save fat" is not for him.

In 2018, the health of the artist was shaken. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. Valery Yakovlevich even had to cancel the performance as part of the "New Wave" contest. He lay in a hotel room for several days under the close observation of doctors. The hotel where the artist stopped, on the ranks of the ambulance around the clock.

In January 2020, the singer fell back to the hospital. He made an operation on his back. A star representative said that a chronic disease was aggravated, but did not call the exact diagnosis.

Valery Leontyev now

At the beginning of 2020, before the pandemic of coronavirus infection, Valery Leontyev was actively toured with his concert program. However, spring quarantine led to the fact that he had to cancel a few concerts in Moscow and the Moscow region. The artist stated that he did not want to end the danger of his listeners, as he returned from the "Red Zone" - the United States. You can get acquainted with the actual concert schedule of the singer on its official website.

It is worth noting that Leontiev's statement has acquired a wide resonance. The fact is that in March the public did not understand all the danger of COVID-19. Other stars were frivolously related to the virus and gave concerts, without observing security measures.

In April, the artist became a member of the scandal. Producer "Laskovaya May" Andrei Razin accused him of the stealing of the "Eldorado" song. In his instagram account, he wrote that Leontyev picked up the composition that had previously reached the album at Razin.

"Leontyev knew that I bought it that I left the album. And then takes and guess, like a thief, it breaks her at Chernavsky. Is it not theft? I call it just kidalovo. "

Now the artist is in Russia. In Moscow, Valeria Yakovlevich is planned several filming, including in the New Year's show. But the proposals to perform on the corporate book are not yet coming due to quarantine. But Leontyev is experiencing on this matter, because this situation has developed many representatives of the Russian show business.


  • 1983 - "Muza"
  • 1986 - "DiscoBub"
  • 1988 - "I'm just a singer"
  • 1990 - "Sinway"
  • 1995 - "On the way to Hollywood"
  • 1999 - "Everyone wants to love"
  • 2001 - "Augustine"
  • 2005 - "Fall in heaven ..."
  • 2011 - "Artist"
  • 2014 - "Love-Capan"
  • 2017 - "This is love"
  • 2019 - "I'll be back ..."

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