Dmitry Khvorostovsky - biography, personal life, photos, discography, songs, cancer, cause



In the world of Opera, Bariton is considered the most common timbre of a male voice, the harder it is to stand out in the artist on the background of colleagues. Dmitry Hvorostovsky succeeded. He became the first opera singer who joined the features in his first eye, showing a philosopher, a romantic and sex symbol to the public. He was idle, he broke his heart from the scene, and the more tragic was his care at the peak of world recognition.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. His parents by the standards of the Soviet Union had very prestigious professions: Father Alexander Stepanovich was a chemist engineer, and Lyudmila Petrovna's mother worked in a gynecologist.

However, the main passion of Alexander Stepanovich was still music. The father of a young singer possessed a deep baritone, who inherited Dmitry, and played perfectly on the piano. In the evenings, the Hvorostovsky family gathered in the living room, where Alexander Stepanovich sang together with his wife, accompanying his piano.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky began singing at the age of 4, performing old romances and folk songs. His idols were Ettore Bastianini, Tito Gobby, Fyodor Chaliapin and Maria Callas, whose plates collecting father.

When Dmitry went to a secondary school, her parents decided to parallel to send the Sons to learn the game on the piano. The study was given to him hard, he could not boast of good grades. In the 10th grade, the future singer wrote so unflattering characteristic that after graduation, Dmitry preferred not to remember the school years.

After receiving a certificate of middle education, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A. M. Gorky on the musical department. In the youth, Dmitry became fascinated fashionable at that time the style of music - Rock. He became a soloist and keyboard player of the Rainbow Group, which played in various directions in restaurants and clubs Krasnoyarsk. The free lifestyle attracted him. At one time, the guy even wanted to quit his studies, but changed his mind and successfully graduated from the school, receiving a specialty teacher of music.

In 1982, Hvorostovsky entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Art to the Vocal Faculty. He fell into the teacher's class of Ekaterina Ekaterina, thanks to the intercession of acquaintances, because in the Iofel group simply there were no free places. Thanks to his perseverance, the guy managed to become one of the best students of the teacher. During the study, Dmitry never missed classes. In 1988, the singer graduated with honors from the music institute.

Personal life

With his first wife - Ballerina, Svetlana Ivanova Dmitry met in the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. The young singer was crazy about the dancer, who was divorced at that time and had a child on his own. This fact was not embarrassed by Dmitry at all, 2 years after the start of their novel, he transported her to his room in a communal apartment, and in 1989 they played a wedding.

The spouses moved to London, where in 1996 they had born twins - Alexander's daughter and Son Danil. Later, the boy took over the youth love of his father to Rock. Today he has his own musical group. Sasha became an artist.

Soon the relationship began to give a crack. Svetlana refused to learn English and help her husband with the development of his career, because he initially planned to make it his director. The singer gradually become alcohol, he opened a stomach ulcer.

In 1999, Hvorostovsky during the rehearsal was met with the singer Flowrans Ill, Italian by nationality. The girl instantly fell in love with a talented singer, who was distinguished by an article (Dmitry's growth - 193 cm) and courageous. The singer began to take attempt to close with him, but Dmitry was then married and could not answer the girl with reciprocity. As the artist's spouse remembered, the first spark flashed between them while kissing on stage - both sang in the Don Juan Opera.

With Flosh, as a singer gently called his wife, his heart was eliminated: he remembered what love and tenderness was, the romance began the romance of the candidate and bought period. If you meet the relatives of Dmitry, the girl made an indelible impression on them: the grandmother of the artist called her angel. The personal life of the famous bariton flowed in a different direction.

For divorce with Svetlana, he filed in 2001. Later, she suggested almost all his property from the former spouse: a house in London, a car and the amount for the content of itself and children in the amount of £ 170 thousand. In 2015, a woman died suddenly from meningitis moved on his feet.

In the same 2001, Holvorostovsky and Illley began to live together. In 2003, a couple had a son Maxim, and in 2007, Nina's daughter. Flowrans accompanied Dmitry on tour, sometimes they performed at concerts together.


In 1985, Dmitry was invited to the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. First, the young soloist entrusted the performance of secondary parties. Soon, thanks to the unique voice and the incredible talent, Hvorostovsky became the main voice of Opere Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Guno and Leonkallo. A year later, the young star of the opera became the winner at first the All-Russian competition of vocalists, and a few months later, and the All-Union Competition.

After graduating from the Institute, Dmitry decided to navigate the Western listener and build his career in Europe. He actively participated in international competitions, which played a certain role in the development of his creative biography.

In 1988, he visited France, debuting on the stage of the Opera House in Nice, and won the international competition, which was held in the city of Toulouse. In 1989, the opera singer went to the popular international competition of vocalists, who conducted the British BBC television company in the capital Wales - Cardiff.

For the first time in 4 years, the representative of the Russian opera participated at this festival. Hvorostovsky performed his favorite parties from Tchaikovsky's operas and Verdi, who conquered the hearts of the listeners. One of the members of the jury even compared the opera singement with the legendary performer of Luciano Pavarotti. Such high estimates were provided by Hvorostovsky undeniable victory and recognition worldwide.

In 1990, the singer made his debut on the stage of the New York Theater Nice Opera in the production of the "peak lady" of the Tchaikovsky composer. Thanks to this concert, the Philips Classics recording company was noted at him, with which he concluded a contract for recording albums.

In total, the company has published more than 20 records, including both solo singer's solo programs and the collections of the Aria from the operas. Album "Black", consisting of folk songs and romances, for a long time was one of the most popular creations of the soloist in the United States and Europe.

In 1994, Hvorostovsky moved to London, where he bought a five-storey house, and several years later received British citizenship.

Hvorostovsky continued speeches in the best opeary theaters of the world. Every year, the singer toured around the world with solo programs, and also participated in numerous festivals and concerts. Dmitry signed a new contract with another American recording studio Delos, which to this day makes his albums.

Opera singer also did not forget about his homeland. In 2004, Dmitry Hvorostovsky performed as a symphony orchestra on the main square of Russia, his concert was shown on national television channels.

A year later, Hvorostovsky gave a concert in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory in the State Kremlin Palace. The program included military songs "Victory Day", "On Unnamed Height", "Cranes" and others.

The songs of Alexandra Pakhmostov, such as "tenderness", "how young we were" were greatly popular.

The music of George Sviridova took a special place in the work of the artist. It was the vocal poem of the Grand Composer "Despairing Rus", Hvorostovsky recorded before his death. From this work, only in the first edition, the cooperation of two geniuses began once. Later, the disk was posthumously nominated for the Grammy Award in the nomination "The best solo album in classical music."

In 2013, the artist was able to perform on Red Square. Together with Anna Netrebko in front of the Kremlin, he performed the song "Moscow Region" and the final from the opera "Eugene Onegin". A year later, the artist gave a charity concert "Hvorostovsky and friends to children." The program included such hits of classical vocal music as Aria Prince Igor, Adagio Tomazo Albinoni.

At the invitation of a long-time friend, Igor Cool Dmitry Hvorostovsky has repeatedly participated in the competition "New Wave". In 2011, he became a guest of the festival closure ceremony, where he made up with Laro Fabian.

In 2015, the singer was pleased with the fans by the performance on the stage of the "New Wave" in a duet with Aida Garifullina. In collaboration with the producer and composer, Dmitry Alexandrovich recorded the album, called the "Deja Nu", and also released the video for the song toi et moi ("You and I").


On June 25, 2015, from the official website of the opera singer, it became known that Hvorostovsky until the end of August suspends his concert activities in connection with the state of health - a serious illness.

Doctors put a scary diagnosis - a brain tumor. When the artist found out about his illness, it is reliably unknown, but a week before the publication, he was forced to cancel his speech in the Viennese theater. The voice of the artist was not injured, but Hvorostovsky experienced problems with equilibrium.

Despite the existing problems, the singer found the strength to subsequently give a few concerts. After the first course of treatment in 2015, he went to the Scene "Metropolitan Opera" in the opera Giuseppe Verdi "Troubadur" with his partner Anna Netrebko. In Russia, his speech "Hvorostovsky and friends" took place in Russia. In 2017, Hvorostovsky spoke at the bottom of the city of St. Petersburg, and then gave a concert in his native Krasnoyarsk.


November 22, 2017 Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. After a long fight against the disease, the famous artist on the 56th year of life died in Switzerland. The poetess Liliya Vinogradov reported that Hvorostovsky was left of life at 3:36 in London time. Information through the "Instagram" of the artist confirmed his family. Celebrity account continues to live today. The page appears posts and photos dedicated to the concerts of the artist's memory.

It turned out that the singer left the testament, where he indicated that he would like to be cremated. The dust, according to the will of Hvorostovsky, was divided into funeral into two parts. One is buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow - in the capital, his parents now live, and the other - in Krasnoyarsk.

Funerals in the capital of Russia gathered friends and relatives of the artist, prominent representatives of show business and politics Igor Krutoy, Joseph Kobzon, Dmitry Dibrov, Joseph Prigogin, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Pavel Astakhov. The ceremony took place in full silence: no one rushed a word. Hvorostovsky's dust was in a closed coffin.

On the first grave of the vocalist in 2019, a monument was solemnly discovered on his birthday, which is a bronze figure of the artist, fulfilled in full growth. The monument created the sculptor Vladimir Usov.


  • 1990 - Tchaikovsky and Verdi Arias
  • 1991 - Russian Romances
  • 1994 - Dark Eyes
  • 1996 - Credo.
  • 1998 - Kalinka.
  • 2001 - From Russia With Love
  • 2003 - "Songs of the War Years"
  • 2005 - I Met You, My Love
  • 2005 - Moscow Nights
  • 2006 - Portrait.
  • 2009 - "Deja Nu"
  • 2010 - Pushkin Romances

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