Andrei Mironov - biography, personal life, photos, movies, cause of death, actor, daughter, children, theater



Andrei Mironov is a cult Soviet actor who has fulfilled many of both dramatic and comedy roles in the modern classic films. Andrei Mironov was born in the family of famous artists Maryron and Alexander Menacher. And although the son appeared on March 7, the parents indicated the date of birth on the day later. Thus, the official date of birth of Mironov (Menacher) on March 8, 1941.

Mironovaya and Menacher's life roads agreed when the artists had already had families. A sudden novel happened on tour, in Rostov-on-Don. Maria Vladimirovna and Alexander Semenovich immediately dissolved his marriages and got married.

Andrei's son was born almost on theatrical stage: the fights at Mironova began during the performance. Soon the Great Patriotic War began. Parents together with the theater went to evacuation in Tashkent, where the early years of Andrei Mironova passed.

Having survived the war years, the family returned to Moscow. Here Andrei Menacher went to school. At about this time, the notorious "case of doctors" was killed. Parents decided to somehow protect the Son from problems and changed the name Menacher on Mironov.

Childhood Andrei Mironova was cloudless. The boy chased football, collecting icons and adored the "trophy" films. And although he studied middlely, Andrei was considered the leader in class and enjoyed authority.

In the summer, Mironov's parents rested in the suburbs, where there was a holiday home for artists in the village of Pestov. There were often celebrities from Mkat and other theaters, composers and writers. Rested with parents and son. As a child, he gladly absorbed the atmosphere of art and himself grew by a creative and artistic person. Andrei Mironov played his first roles in school productions.

In 1958, Mironov entered the Theater School Schukin. Interestingly, members of the reception commission did not know whose son was standing in front of them.


In 1962, Andrei Mironov graduated with honors from the theater university. Already in his youth, his talent was indisputable and obvious. After watching a novice actor, I was pleased to be at the Satira Theater. Here, the artist performed on stage 25 years.

At that time, the main director of the theater was Valentin Plek. Mironov immediately became his favorite that did not surprise anyone. After all, the young artist had an incredible temperament and unconditional talent. He instantly charged the energy of everyone who fell into the field of his charm.

Andrei Mironova's game caused the admiration of even experienced theaterons. The first productions of "Kophop", "Above the Great in Rzya" on the story of the Salinger and "Profitable Place" demonstrated its exceptional professionalism. In the 60-70s, to take a ticket to the Satira Theater was an archent task. Everyone went to look at a new star in permanent performances and searched for him in the entrepreneurs of other theaters. Mironova's game seemed to be a magnetic: the viewer was sitting, holding his breath, and looked from the beginning to the end, while the artist did not leave the scene.


The cinematic biography of Andrei Mironova begins the filmmade "My younger brother" Alexander Zarkha. This is the first major work in the cinema. But soon the audience saw the comedy "three plus two", which they are glad to look today. This is a wonderful, sunny picture, where Mironov appeared in the image of a veterinarian, one of the fun of the Trinity of friends.

In 1965, Andrei Mironov starred in the cult tape of Eldar Ryazanov "Beware of the car". The film was a grand success, and the work in it Mironov was rated critics incredibly high.

New paintings with Mironov appeared regularly. The artist played a lot and selflessly. Each film with his participation was doomed to success. But the most famous steel paintings "Year as life" Roshal, "Literature Lesson" Alexey Korenev. But the success of these films is fade in front of the incredible popularity of the Comedy "Diamond Hand", in which, in addition to Mironov, such famous actors like Yuri Nikulin and Anatoly Papanov starred. In the film Mironov, another talent showed another talent, which was subsequently exploited by all the directories who were invited by Andrei. He sang the "Island of Unclusion" - Hit and Legend. Subsequently, the actor sang songs, often becoming hits, in almost every film in which he starred.

Theatrical and film cinears also often crossed. For example, who loved the spectators of the play "Little Comedy of the Big House", where Mironov played Mishulin together with Spartak, soon came out on television screens, allowing the entire country to admire the playing of actors. Telplexacal immediately began to enjoy wide popularity.

The appearance of Andrei Aleksandrovich in the "The Taste of the Republic" also did not remain unnoticed. Critics said that here Mironov played himself - the same gambling, energetic and kind. The film sounded a new hit - the song "Who on New".

After the release of two new films of Eldar Ryazanov "Old men's robbers" and "the incredible adventures of Italians in Russia", Andrei Mironov became a deserved artist of the RSFSR. When the last film was filmed, Italian actors were surprised and shocked by Fearless Mironov. After all, in all risky tricks, he starred without a duckly.

Eldar Ryazanov, admired by the talent of the artist, wanted to take it into the picture "The Irony of Fate or" with a Light Steam! ". Mironov had to play Ippolit. Andrei Alexandrovich asked him to give him the role of Zhenya Lukashin, to which the director agreed. But when, during test rehearsals, Mironov uttered a phrase that he never enjoyed success in women, and everyone understood that it was impossible. At that time, Andrei Mironov had such a fame that words and reality were interlayed too much.

The special group of films Andrei Mironova is domestic musicals, the game of the artist in which was unsurpassed. The "straw hat" and "heavenly swallows" immediately became the "golden foundation" of Russian cinema. As for the "ordinary miracle," even if Mironov only performed a song about the butterfly and a sparrow in it, then the success would be guaranteed.

"Golden" became the role of Andrei Aleksandrovich in the "Twelve Chairs". In the multi-veneeing screening of the humorous novel, Mironov played a major role - an adventurist of the Osta Bender.

By 1981, the authority and importance of the actor's favor for the directors were so great that Andrei Mironov, who played the main character himself, picked up an actress on the main female role before filming. As a result, Elena Probleova became partner of Mironov on the set. The press immediately spoke about the novel of the actors and that Mironov deliberately gave the role of the on-screen beloved by his beloved woman. But this version was not confirmed. As contemporaries remember, Andrei at some point really tried to care for Elena, but was rejected. According to the press, during the filming of the film, the actress still started the novel, but with the decorator Alexander Adamovich.

Critics believe that from all famous Mironov films, the ingenious skill of the actor was most brightly manifested in the tape "My friend Ivan Lapshin." By a fragment, when Andrei Mironova's hero is trying to shoot in the bathroom, students of theatrical universities are still taught. The depth and tragedy of the image amazed.

The film ended tragic. At that time, the death of Mironov remained three years.

Personal life

The personal life of Andrei Mironova was very rich in novels, which is not strange. Women worshiped him. Loved women and Andrei Aleksandrovich. In 1971, Ekaterina Gradova became his wife Mironov, which the audience remembers the role of Kat in the "seventeen moments of spring". The daughter of Maria Mironova appeared in this marriage, but after three years of Mironov and Gradov broke up.

The second wife Mironova was the artist of the Theater of the Soviet Army Larisa Golubanka. Her hands Andrei Aleksandrovich sought ten years, repeatedly and unsuccessfully making her suggestions. In 1976, Andrei and Larisa got married. Mironov overshadowed the daughter of Larisa, now famous actress Maria Golubkin.

Children, the actor brought up, without making special differences between his native daughter and Padder. Both daughters of the actor went footsteps of parents and became famous artists.

Loud novels from Andrei Mironov were not only with his wives. Until now, many actor fans are confident that His only truly beloved woman was Tatiana Egorov, at which Andrei almost married.

After this, the years after that, Tatyana wrote and issued an autobiographical book about his novel "Andrei Mironov and I", which caused a flurry of criticism from the relatives of the actor, who, though did not deny the novel Andrei and Tatiana, but gave his meaning, arguing that Mironov was A huge number of women, and relations with Yegorova did not mean anything.

Also, the novel was not satisfied with the acting community, because the woman boldly told not only about his personal life, but also about theatrical intrigues surrounding Andrei Mironov, described in her book that idol millions often hated many of his colleagues who envied the young and talented actor .


The first signs of the disease in Mironov were manifested at the end of the 70s. In 1978, when the artist toured in Tashkent, he had the first hemorrhage. Doctors diagnosed meningitis. But in just two months, Andrei Alexandrovich overcame the disease and could even speak. Then grateful spectators, despite the December frosts, poured the star with live flowers.

The 80s were the most severe in the life of the actor. The whole body is covered with terrible furunculas, unbearably sore. The movement brought incredible pain. Only a complex operation helped, after which Mironov was able to reach the scene. Among the successful films, Andrei Aleksandrovich in those years can be called "be my husband", "Fairy Tale of Strangers" and "Man With Capuchin Boulevard". The success of the last film was incredible, comparable except with the release of the "diamond hand". The actor did not stop playing in the theater, the disease could not make him abandon the scene.

On August 5, 1987, Andrei's good friend, actor Anatoly Papanov, was found in his Moscow apartment. Papanov died of a heart stop with strange circumstances, although he never complained about his health. According to rumors, the actor complained that someone's invisible soul, and even walked to the meanhar. Andrei Mironov was very hard perceived by the death of a friend, as the eyewitnesses celebrate, near Papanov's coffin, he asked how he would now play alone, and even asked her friend to pick him up with him. That is why in subsequent events, actor fans saw my slices.

Less than two weeks passed from the terrible request of Andrei Mironov. On August 14, 1987, Andrei Alexandrovich Mironov played his last role. The tragedy happened in Riga, right during the pronouncement of the monologue in the formulation of "Figaro's marriage". Two days of the doctor fought for the life of the actor under the indirect leadership of Eduard Candela, the famous neurosurgeon. But the morning of August 16 became the last: the artist went after the second extensive hemorrhage, which was the cause of death.

The actor's body was transported from Riga to Moscow, throughout the way the residents of villages and cities through which the road passed, went out to say goodbye to the favorite actor and threw the road in front of the car. On August 20, Andrei Mironov's funeral was held. Near his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery that day was almost no colleagues Andrei - the manual did not allow the actors to interrupt the tour.


  • 1963 - "Three Plus Two"
  • 1966 - "Beware of the car"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1973 - "Incredible Adventures of Italians in Russia"
  • 1974 - "Straw Hat"
  • 1976 - "Heavenly Swallows"
  • 1976 - "12 chairs"
  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1979 - "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs"
  • 1981 - "Be my husband"
  • 1984 - "My friend Ivan Lapshin"
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"

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