Anastasia Mironova - biography, personal life, photo, news, model, fitness coach, "Instagram" 2021



Anastasia Mironov since childhood was hardworking and purposeful, used to overcoming obstacles on the way. It became famous as a model, a fitness coach and a business woman who managed to achieve success in each of his undertakings.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Alexandrovna Mironova was born on August 3, 1994 in the village of Trubnikov Bor, Leningrad region. The girl grew in a poor family and since childhood knew that he had been responsible for his fate.

When Nastya was 6, the parents divorced. Mironova remained with his mother, who soon married and gave birth to a son. So, Anastasia appeared the younger brother and stepfather, which showed the girl, which can be achieved hard work. Already then she sought more than life in a small village, and after graduation, he decided to move to St. Petersburg.

Anastasia Mironova before and after plastics

The first time Mironova was difficult, she studied at the correspondence department of the Economic University, where she studied the accounting, and worked in the office, earning 25 thousand rubles. per month. The parents had no opportunity to help her daughter, so she was forced to join the small room of the communal service, which was shot with her friend.

In this difficult period, Nastya was fascinated by fitness. Although in school years, she was not a sports, the girl wanted to radically change the life and transformed. In parallel, the girl led a blog in the "Instagram", where she was shared with the subscribers.

Soon, Anastasia realized that he would like to associate life with coaching work. Then she took the documents from the university and entered the College named after Ben Vader. After the end of the course, the celebrity decided to open his first studio and reported on this page "Instagram".

Blog, Fashion and Business

At once, 50 people responded to the adaption of a young fitness-coach group, and soon the Nastya business began to generate income. In addition, she continued to blog, where he published training tips and healthy nutrition. But the best advertisement served as candid photos, at which the celebrity demonstrates a slim figure, so the number of students only grew.

However, over time, Mironov realized that she had no time for herself. The girl got up early in the morning and returned home closer to midnight, which could not not affect her well-being. This was the motivation to create a new project - online training, for which she scored the staff team.

And then a brand of sportswear IronBymironova appeared, which combines beauty and convenience. In the early stages of creating the production of a beginner business woman, it was not possible to avoid mistakes - she repeatedly faced a deception from suppliers and forgot to test the tissue on the scope, but congenital perfectionism helped the celebrity to bring the case to perfection.

In 2018, Mironova founded the MARBLE LAB cosmetic brand, to which there was almost a year. Anastasia visited many laboratories and factories to find conditions for the production of leaving funds. She personally tested finished products and made a model for advertising, which provided another business project success.

Personal life

With his chosen one, Patrick Zilly, the celebrity met in the social network, after which they met and went to the first joint journey. In the future, lovers often pleased the fans of romantic photos, and in early 2019 the guy made an inference of the hand and hearts.

But a few days before the wedding, the model unexpectedly announced the cancellation of the celebration. Soon she was noticed with Artem Karisalov, which is why rumors appeared about their novel. It was angry Patrick, who used to demonstrate unreasonable jealousy in relations. Then Mironova finally understood that they should part. She gathered things and moved to their parents, and then found new housing.

Zilly has long before the celebrity threats and insults. In addition, they had to share the MARBLE LAB brand, which they created together. But, despite all the difficulties, Nasta managed to regain happiness in his personal life. Her chosen was Nikolai Nikitin.

Anastasia Mironova now

In October 2020, the model made a frank interview for the Yutiub-Channel of Hope Sagittarius, in which he told about the early years of the biography and shared the experience of business development. Now Mironova remains public person and star "Instagram", where the photo is divided and reports about the news.

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