Andrei Andreev (lawyer) - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photo, United Partners, RBC 2021



Andrei Andreev is a bright representative of the progressive generation of lawyers. Despite enough young age, the reputation of the active human rights activist and the public figure was entrusted. He not only defends the rights of entrepreneurs and businessmen in court, but also devotes himself to raising the legal awareness of citizens, working with young people and the help of socially unprotected segments of the population.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Aleksandrovich Andreev was born on February 12, 1992 in Moscow. Andrei's mother - teacher by education, worked as a teacher, and the father is an auto mechanic. Parents since childhood supported the Son and encouraged in it the desire for independence, which pushed him to the extent of the entrepreneurial skills from the young age.

Lawyer Andrei Andreev

Surprisingly, the boy's desire to be equal with adults has already brought him financial progress for 6 years. Andrei collected the glass floor next to the cottage and with the aunt took her to the reception point. It would seem who did not collect bottles in childhood? But not every child approached this case as a well-established business process. A little later, Andreeva's business acquired another direction - the landscaping of country sites. Simply put, becoming stronger than physically and morally, the future lawyer began to help the grass and pull the land for a reasonable fee.

In secondary school, studies could not tear the Deltsi from entrepreneurship. He continued to work, but already in a warehouse where the wholesale goods were combined with friends. And soon began to carry clothes from Turkey and resell it in his homeland. By the way, the work did not cover the formation, as usual, Andrei was successful in both spheres.

Study in the senior school Andreev ended in the Cadet Corps, which strengthened his strong qualities and revealed new - discipline and ability to bring the case to the end. After graduating from school, he became a student of the law faculty of Moscow University of MVD. In parallel, the receipt of higher education continued to actively do business, trying herself in new projects. In 2013, he graduated from the university and finally decided to devote himself to a career in the field of jurisprudence.


Andrei Andreev began his professional activities at 21 as an employee of a law firm. Having successfully accumulated the necessary experience, he passed the exam on a lawyer, which promised new successes in his career and opened the horizons for the further development of Andrei. Here it worked the most entrepreneurial vein that went hand in hand with him since childhood.

In 2018, he opened the Law Bureau of United Partners, which headed as a managing partner. The work of the Bureau is aimed at protecting large and medium-sized businesses, representing the interests of entrepreneurs and the first individuals of the companies.

Lawyer Andrei Andreev (photo from a personal archive)

During the maintenance of the lawyer's practice, Andreev became a respected specialist in his field, for comments to which media representatives have repeatedly appealed. He is divided by an expert opinion with such online publications, as Forbes and RT, is the author of articles for the "business world", RBC and "Echo Moscow", as a speaker performs on television.

The lawyer has repeatedly published articles on how to protect against fraudsters, to defend consumer rights and intellectual property. Its comments on legislative initiatives were equally useful to help citizens better understand the changes in legislation. Professional advice with users of the network Andreev is divided into its "instagram".

Social activity

In 2019, Andreev was headed by the "generation of law" - the center of youth initiatives, the areas of work of which are the struggle against violations of the rights and freedoms of young people, unemployment and Internet threats. All this is necessary in order to increase the social and spiritual intelligence of the younger generation.

Soon after, a lawyer together with the deputy Viktor Zubarev turned to Tatiana Golikova with a proposal to develop a federal program aimed at promoting the regional employment of young people. In order to control its implementation, they found it necessary to contribute to the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the governors, the unemployment rate among young people in the region, compliance with the needs of the local economy, as well as the availability of opportunities for the internship and activation of entrepreneurship.

Later, Andrei Alexandrovich put forward the idea of ​​creating a multilanguage platform in the territory of the countries - the employment bureau where information about vacancies and internships will be published, and cooperation between the curators of the youth policy of states will be published.

Public figure Andrei Andreev

The point of attention of the Center fell and the problem of protecting children from prohibited content, the discussion of which was held in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2019. Andrei offered to oblige informational intermediaries, among which Google, Facebook and YouTube, enter the "Network Slak" filters.

In connection with this problem, the lawyer found it necessary to increase the level of digital literacy among civil servants and initiated the CyberControl Promotion, which allowed testing among representatives of the authorities to know "digital hygiene".

Personal life

Now on the page of the public figure in "Instagram" published predominantly his photo. This is due to the fact that the human rights activist prefers not to advertise information about personal life, avoids questions about the availability of wives and children. He considers the family most expensive that he has, so he wants to defend it from unnecessary attention.

Andrei Andreev is now

In 2020, the topic of entrepreneurial activity became the most relevant in connection with the coronavirus infection pandemic. At this time, Andreev provided advice to representatives of large business, wrote articles about bankruptcy risks for entrepreneurs. In addition, a lawyer in his blog on Yandex.Dzen writes about the legal aspects of business and continues to comment on changes in legislation - including those who waited for citizens of the Russian Federation in 2021.

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