Julia Galyamin - biography, personal life, photos, news, municipal deputy, arrest, business, petition 2021



Julia Galyamin - Moscow Municipal Ex-Deputy, Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Linguist and Semiologist. In his youth, he devoted himself to the political struggle against the ruling regime and in adulthood became one of the leaders of the liberal opposition.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Evgenievna Galyamin was born in Moscow, in Marina Grove, January 23, 1973. Mother taught in the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev. Father - Professor, Doctor of Science, worked at the Moscow Hydraulic Education Institute. The cousin Dmitry Gurzhiy owns a network of registered shops specializing in luxury items.

Galyamin's secondary education received in 651 and 1140 schools. In 1995, he graduated from a red diploma Russian State Humanitarian University in the specialty "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics". In 1997, began to study the culturalology at the Institute of European Cultures.

In 2001, he graduated from the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, then he continued his studies in the joint magistracy of the Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences and the University of Manchester.

Career and politics

Since 2009, Yulia Evgenievna taught philology and journalism at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics". He studied the disappearing languages ​​of the peoples of Siberia, for example, Ketsky, at Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. Published 20 scientific works on linguistics and education management, including in leading magazines.

Since 2012, he became a member of the Federal Coordinating Council of the Party on December 5th. In 2013, created the newspaper "Our North".

In January 2015, he became a co-organizer of the school of local self-government. In 2016, he established the newspaper "Living City".

In 2017, he entered the Council of deputies of the Timiryazevsky district. Then he became the head of the school district journalism.

Yulia Evgenievna has achieved suspension of sealing and cutting down trees in the Dmitrovskoye highway. Fought against the illegal construction project near the Park "Dubki", took part in defending the lands of the Timiryazev Academy.

Personal life

Galyamin raises two children - the son of Peter and daughter Evdokia. Husband is called Nikolai Tuzhilin, spouses together since 2000. Yulia Evgenievna also communicates with nephews from Oley's sister.

In the personal life of the lady everything is fine. The family supports the political ambitions of the municipal deputy and shares its liberal views.

In August 2016, Yulia Evgenievna led in Twitter with controversy with Alexey Navalny about nationalities and casually mentioned that her ancestors were turks.

Julia Galyamin now

In June 2020, Yulia Evgenievna launched a petition with a call to vote against amending the Constitution. Appeal was signed by 358 deputies of legislative and municipal assemblies, including Victor Adamov, Alexander Andreeva, Lyudmila Vorobyeva, Anna Golovin, Vsevolod Turkin.

On July 9, 2020, the Galyan and Employees of Open Russia conducted searches. According to the chairman of the organization Anastasia Burakova, the cause was the case of Yukos 2003.

The journalists had no doubt that Mikhail Khodorkovsky was the main goal, sponsoring "open Russia". The executive director Andrei Pivovarov was not touched. The man explained that he lives in a removable apartment, where he moved recently, and the investigators simply did not find him.

In the same month, Galyamin conducted a picket in support of Journalist Ilya Azara, after which Moscow Tagansky Court fined her 200 thousand rubles.

In August, Galyamin, Stanislav Tadeki and St. Petersburg Mundep Alexey Kasatkin launched a "Living Policy" project - a site aimed at supporting independent candidates for local and regional elections.

On December 23, 2020, the Tver District Court of Moscow sentenced Galyanov to two years conditionally and the same test term. The deputy was accused of violating the rules of mass shares during the summer protests of 2019. Then she was detained and departed a month of administrative arrest in a special reception. Initially, the prosecutor demanded three years in general regime colonies.

The evidence of the case was the testimony of 38 police officers and one employee of the Moscow City Hall. Before the announcement of the sentence, the Galyan was bad, and the judge Anatoly Belyakov allowed the woman to sit down. However, then made a few comments and ordered to get up.

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In Twitter, Mundep reported that he was going to appeal the court decision.

On December 18, 2020, Galyamama placed in Facebook and a blog on the website "Echo Moscow" post "My Last Word", in which I thanked everyone who supported it.

In Stagram, Yulia Evgenievna posted a private photo and reported that the day before the court "with joy and love" talked with loved ones and friends, made a manicure from his beloved craftswoman, pulled away in the apartment and dressed up the Christmas tree.

In an interview with Galyamin, stated that the prosecution would benefit its political biography and makes the most popular liberal in Russia. She compared himself with the leader of the Belarusian opposition of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. According to the deputy, Putin realized that women are now on an advanced political struggle, and hence the attempts to suppress it.

In March 2021, the Council of Deputies of the Timiryazevsky district of Moscow was deprived of the deputy mandate.

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