James Earl Jones - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Voice of Darth Vader 2021



James Earl Jones is an American black actor, the duration of the artistic career and a variety of roles played capable of competing by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. In 2011, the artist for merit before cinema was awarded the Honorary Oscar. However, despite the extensive filmography, the English audience, the voice of Jones is better known than his appearance, because James Earl, like the Russian colleague Andrei Yaroslavtsev, repeatedly voiced the characters of cult cartoons and gaming tapes.

Childhood and youth

James Earl was born on January 17, 1931 in the town of Arkabutl Mississippi. The boy became the fruit of love one of the first black American movie stars Robert Earl Jones and his first wife Ruth Connoli, in whose biography was a job with a governess and maid. Parents broke up even before the birth of James, and Jones Jr. met the Father only in the mid-50s of the 20th century.

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In 1979, in the mini-series "Roots: The following generations" Character Marlon Brando, sitting under the flag with a swastika, says the hero of James Earla Alex Heili, that its level of intelligence is likely to be explained by the presence of lateral ancestors. Indeed, Jones, except African and Indian roots, are present and Irish. A similar mixing of nationalities had a jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker.

When James was 5 years old, the boy stopped engaging and mother. Grandma with grandfather on the motherboard was taken away by a boy to her state of Michigan. As a result of Stress, James began to stutter. The boy shy on the defect of speech and before the adolescence preferred not to talk.

The paradoxically, but the same ailment that the actor who became the voice of Mufaas in the "King of Leve" and the voice of Darth Vader in the "Star Wars", in childhood and youth suffered from the "Kremlin's voice" of Evgeny Klevtolev, right up to his death in 2020 he voiced official The ceremony of Vladimir Putin and commented by parades on Red Square. "Kremlin Solovna" from stuttering got rid of Wolf Messing, and the native Arcabutly is a school teacher of the English Literature Donald Krauch. The teacher discovered that silent teenager writing poems, and asked James Earla to read his works in front of the class.

After graduating from school, Jones studied in an agricultural school and received primary medical training at Michigan University. The young man realized that he did not want to be a doctor, and went to school music, theater and dance at the university. After completion of the urgent service in the army, James Earl studied at American Theater Wing. To have a means of existence, worked by the janitor. Jones Theatrical career began with a carpenter at the Ramsdell Theater in the Michigan city of the manist.


In the film, the native Arkabutli debuted already being a famous theater actor and director. The first Kinorol Jones was Lieutenant Lothar Zogg in the Antimylitarian Satir film Stanley Kubrika "Dr. Strangejlav, or as I stopped being afraid and loved the bomb." The premiere tape show was scheduled for November 23, 1963, but the US President John Kennedy was killed on this day, and the release was transferred to the end of January 1964.

The 60s of the 20th century gave James Earlu the opportunity to cross on the shooting platform for the film screening of Graham Green "Comedians" with such stars of cinema, like Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor and Peter Ustinov. In 1970, Jones fulfilled the main role in the sports drama "Big White Hope", raising the problems of racial segregation.

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James Earl repeatedly applied to the image of Malcolm Iqua. In the documentary film, shot in 1972 on the basis of a fighter's autobiographical book for the rights of blacks, the actor read the text for the scenes, and in the film "The greatest," telling about Mohammeda Ali, played the African American spiritual leader. The role of Great Boxer performed Ali himself.

Also, Jones was repeatedly starred in the filmms of the works of Tom Clancy: both in the "Red October hunt" "and in the" direct and obvious threat "and in the" Patriot Games "the actor appeared in the form of Admiral James Gray. However, the proportion of the executor with the Creators of the Saga "Star Wars" was the longest. For the first time, James Earl voiced Darth Vader in 1977 and was not even indicated in the credits. In 2019, the central character of the Cosmooper again spoke in the voice of Jones in the film "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise".

For several generations of the English-speaking spectators, the bass professional James Earl is associated with the image of the father of Simba in the "King of Lion". In the pilot cartoon brother of the character of Jones - Mufasy - Scarm voiced Jeremy Irons. In the film 2019, the actors voicing and simpha, and the scar. But Mufas still tells James Earla's voice.

Personal life

In his youth, James fell in love with the partner in the Othello spectrum Julien Marie, which, except acting abilities, possessed and excellent vocal data. In 1968, Jones became the second husband of the singer. Personal life of a creative couple was heard because of the unwillingness of Julin to acquire children, and 4 years after the wedding, the actors divorced.Embed from getty images

In 1982, Jones married the Paris Police TV series Cecilia Hart. In the same year, the sole son Flynn Earl was born in the family. Cecilia was 17 years old to her husband. In October 2016, the actress left James Widow, losing the battle with the cancer of the ovaries, which lasted almost a year.

Jones suffers from second type diabetes. The disease was diagnosed by the actor in the mid-90s of the 20th century, after James Earl fell asleep in a training session in the gym. However, only 2 decades later, he decided to publicly talk about the submission. In the private life of the star Hollywood and is now stuttered, but the speech defect is magically disappearing when Jones plays or voicing the roles.

James Earl Jones now

In March 2021, the film "Trip to America - 2" film started on the Stregnation Platform Prime Video 5, in which, as in the first part of the comedy, released in 1988, Jones played the father of the Character of Eddie Murphy.

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Initially, the premiere of the ribbon of the ruling dynasty of the fictional African state Zamunda was planned for December 2020, but due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, the date and roller changed.


  • 1964 - "Dr. Strajnzhlav, or how I stopped being afraid and loved the bomb"
  • 1979-1980 - Paris
  • 1982 - "Conan-Barbarian"
  • 1985 - "Killing Children in Atlanta"
  • 1986 - "Allan Kuotermeyn and Lost City of Gold"
  • 1988 - "Trip to America"
  • 1989 - "The best of the best"
  • 1990 - "Hunt for" Red October "
  • 1990-1991 - "Flame of Gabriel"
  • 1991-1992 - "For and against"
  • 1992 - "Patriot Games"
  • 1994 - "Direct and obvious threat"
  • 1995 - "Signs and Miracles"
  • 1999 - "Our friend, Martin"
  • 2006 - "Click: With a remote control in life"
  • 2014 - "This morning in New York"
  • 2018 - "Warning Shot"
  • 2021 - "Trip to America 2"

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