Vitaly Ivanov - biography, personal life, photo, news, theater director, small theater 2021



Vitaly Ivanova is not in vain called an amazing director who can erect the performances to the highest level on each other performs. Its "inexpensive" and "wolves and sheep" belong to the number of long-livers of the State Academic Small Theater of Russia, and the "Snow Queen", which goes on the stage since 1995, is considered one of the best children's performances of Moscow. All listed works inhabitants and guests of the capital could be found in the repertoire and on the 2020th, and for 2021.

Childhood and youth

On July 23, 1941, the son of Vitaly was born in the sign of the Kirovograd region of Ukraine, Nikolai Ivanov was born. In 2009, the director, together with Vladimir Beilis, released autobiographical "Dialogues and Monologues. Profession: director "containing memories from the past.

The author told the readers that when he was only 3 years old, the only fascist bomb, discarded to his native village, fell into their house, killing her grandmother and grandfather Maxim. In 1946, a father - Major's pilot, Oddenon-Comer, Avaskadrili commander, who passed the whole of the Great Patriotic War was killed on the holiday in Yerevan in front of the mother's eyes.

Vitaly Ivanov in youth

Uncle Peter then told the tagged nephew: when the brother came for a short vacation and went to the bath, it was terribly terribly looking - the body consisted, it seems completely out of the scars. The closest could not sleep with him in the same room - because of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the man scary cried in a dream.

"I still feel gratitude to the mother of Marus and to Uncle Nikolai for the fact that they, for a moment without informing, sheltered me and mom. Having on the hands of my cousin Yura and cousin Mustra, they settled us in their semi-breeding apartment in Odessa, where Nikolai Prokofievich served ... "," the artist shared.

Childhood, adolescence and youth were closely connected with Odessa. From school, the teacher of the Russian language and literature Lidia Mikhailovna, who learned to "read the heart", especially remembered from the school. The boy absorbed books without disaster and everything is good in itself owes the works of great classics. The baby early became independent - the mother, who worked as a cashier at the railway station, from 6 am to 9-10 pm, disappeared at work, sometimes leaving for night tickets of tickets.

Once at the next meeting of the New Year in the company, Vitaly and his friends were attended by an unspoken girl who a friend asked for something to be traded. Poems heard performed by the student of the theater studio, where he immediately signed up after, struck the young man in the very heart. He felt that life was divided into before and after. The young man did with the knowledge of Mikhail Tilker, at the day after visiting the central library instead of the beach, and in the evenings worked hard on rehearsals.

At the beginning of the 60s, he entered the guitis, hitting the course of the legendary Mary Knebel. In the first year, the student has happened to the strongest shock - the "living corpse" of Lion Tolstoy in the theater named after E. B. Vakhtangov with Nikolai Gritsenko in the lead role.

Theater and films

In 1969, 2 years after receiving a higher education diploma, Ivanov came to the Small Theater of Russia, where it serves as faithfully. Over the years, a talented director presented his favorite spectators and films with critics "Maria Stewart", "Mount from Wit", "Mad money", "Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Cinderella", "Wedding, Wedding, Wedding!", "Not All cat carnival "and many others.

In "Prince of Silver", Yaroslav Baryshev played John Grozny, Lyudmila Polyakova - Murzanets Muropia in "Wolves and Sheep", Boris Nevzorov - Alexander Vanyushina in "Children Vanyushina", which are considered one of their best roles.

To work, the Master uses rich literary material (not only the play, but also stories, stories, fairy tales and filmcenery) and willingly cooperate with other cultural centers. Among them by MCAT named after Maxim Gorky, Penza Regional Drama Manager named after Anatoly Lunacharsky, Ivanovsky Regional Drama Theater, Vladimir Academic Theater Drama, Saratov Tyuz named after Yuri Kissev.

Director Vitaly Ivanov

Since the 1996th, the master teaches the skill of the actor in the Schepkinskaya school, since 1998, as an artistic director of the course, together with Vladimir Beilis. He studied Timofey Tribunesev, Elena Velikanov, Elena Lyadov, Vladimir Zherebtsov, Alla Yuganov and other celebrities.

From the end of the 60s, the artist is friendly with cinema. In filmography Among the many records of performances ("Teschina Languages", "Old man", "Optimistic tragedy," engineer ") found their place for the struggle" My nephew "," How we were looking for a quiet "and, of course," Aniskin and Phantas " And "and again Aniskin."

In 2007, the director participated in the filming of documentary "dreams and people Mikhail Zharova", and in 2017 and 2018 - in the "secrets of our cinema".

Personal life

Vitaly Nikolayevich is one of the few celebrities whose personal life is thoroughly hidden from prying eyes. He, who set all the children's performances in a small theater, except the "adventures of New Year's toys," confessed that his favorite viewer is a child under 6 years old.

In the book released by him, the author recalled about the close meeting with the People's Artist of the USSR Nikolai Gritsenko - a gifted actor, a kissed by God and never repeated himself in various roles:

"I'm numb and just looked at him in love with my eyes, to which Gritsenko said with a smile:" Do not look at me so, I am absolutely correct orientation. " "I, too," I said timidly, but I could not take your eyes. Gritsenko, like my favorite friend Valery Nostek, possessed the attractive aura - everyone began to smile and good. "

Each temple of Melpomena (as well as "Slepp"), who had the honor to work in Ivanov, did not forget to perpetuate this moment on his official website, pointing out a brief biography of theatrical director next to the photo.

Vitaly Ivanov now

In the spring of 2020, the Small Theater decided to support the audience who languished on quarantine, introduced due to the raging pandemic of coronavirus infection, free online broadcast of favorite performances. Among them were, of course, the productions of Vitaly Ivanova "Cinderella", "Snow Queen", "Wolves and Sheep", "Lady", "Mad Money" and others.


  • 1967 - "My nephew struggle"
  • 1970 - "How we were looking for a quiet"
  • 1973 - "Aniskin and Phantas"
  • 1977 - "And again Aniskin"


  • 1969 - "Man and Globe"
  • 1970 - "Engineer"
  • 1973 - "Calzat"
  • 1975 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 1976 - "Conversations with a clear moon"
  • 1977 - "Wines"
  • 1980 - "Stone Flower"
  • 1986 - "Nepal"
  • 1990 - "Prince Silver"
  • 1995 - "Wolves and Sheep"
  • 1995 - "Snow Queen"
  • 1998 - "Mad Money"
  • 1999 - "Tale of Tsar Saltan"
  • 2002 - "Efforts of Love"
  • 2004 - "Wedding, Wedding, Wedding!"
  • 2006 - "Maria Stewart"
  • 2012 - "Children Vanyushina"
  • 2014 - "Cinderella"
  • 2016 - "Not All Cottage Maslenitsa"

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