Franz Beckenbauer - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Bavaria Football Player, Coach, Defender 2021



Franz Beckenbauer is a legendary football player, achievements and awards of which better than any words will tell about his outstanding game. Magnificent tactic owned the situation on the field, predicting the moves of the enemy. He himself acted unexpectedly and rapidly, leading to the team to another victory.

Childhood and youth

The future world champion was born on September 11, 1945 in the working area of ​​Gizing (Munich). The early biography of Franz came to post-war. Naturally, the family experienced difficulties with finance. However, poverty was then a normal phenomenon for the Germans - no one looked at each other with envy.

Parents were transferred to sons (there were two of them in the family) the correct values ​​- the ability to support each other. So, children grew with a clear understanding: the main thing in life is care and humanity.

Another quality that was directly affected by the skill of the future defender of Bavaria, - speed. The boy was below the peers, the father even came up with the heir to the nickname shorter (by the way, in the future the athlete reached 181 cm growth). Beckenbauer understood - if trouble arose in the street, it is better to escape. Few of the neighbor guys would boast such anchion.

Family lived in a four-bedroom apartment with her grandmother. In an interview with the star of football told: the main success in childhood was that the club "1906 Munich" was located near the house. At that time, the game was not so popular as now. However, the occupation in the section became for the guys "elixir of life", because there was nothing more to do. And parents gladly gave children to sports.

Study Aza art game with a ball The boy began at the age of 9. Then he dreamed of getting into FC Munich 1860. The young athlete did not think about the "Bavaria", as the club was located far - in the Northern District of Schwabing.

However, one unpleasant situation turned his teenager from the desire to go to Munich 1860. His team had to meet with the pupils of this club in the framework of the competition. During the match, Franz quarreled with the opponent's midfielder. And he, out, allowed himself to hit Beckkenbauer on his cheek. This caused indignation from the native of Munich, after which he decided not to contact people who let himself dismissed his hands in controversial points.

Therefore, to the surprise of mentors, a promising player moved to the enemy's camp - to the youth team "Bavaria".


Franz for his outstanding game, which brought the glory of Germany, received a nickname Kaiser. Such a title was applied to the masters, because it was translated as an "emperor".

In the Munich "Bavaria", Bekkenbauer made his debut in the role of the left defender, although in his youth again performed on the position of the extreme attacker. The career start in the club turned out to be impressive - coaches in vain praised the ability of a novice, calling him a "football prince with the child's face."

Already a year later, at the age of 20 years an athlete received a challenge to the national team. Then the team experienced a difficult period: its participation in the 1966 Mundial depended on the results of the qualifying cycle. Fortune turned out to be favorable.

In her first world championship, Beckkenbauer participated in every match. Easily managed to defeat the teams Uruguay and Switzerland. In the semifinals, it was to play from the USSR, where Kaiser scored one of the best heads in the Mundial in the gate of the famous Soviet goalkeeper Lion Yashin.

Despite the fact that in the final match with England there was a defeat, the native of Munich took 3rd place among the best scorers of the tournament. At the same time, his participation in the team was not at the point of attacking.

Since then, Bekkenbauer has not missed a single international tournament. In 1970, in Mexico as part of the World Championship at the expense of 0: 2, it was able to turn the course of the game, by placing the ball into the Global gates in the 69th minute. As a result, the German national team won, having passed to the semifinals. At the match with Italy, the defender dislocated his hand, but did not leave the field, allowed only to impose a bandage. As a result, the Germans occupied the honorable 3rd place.

But in 1972, Franz, being the captain of the national team, led the team to victory in the European Championship, beating in the USSR finals with a crushing score of 3: 0. And after 2 years, he brought home the World Cup. In total, the biographies of the team player spent more than 100 matches, setting a record at that time. Later, Lothar Matteus interrupted him.

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In his youth, the footballer was lucky to be under the mentoring of Helmut Shen. Coach "Bavaria" introduced a new position on the field - Liebero. Kaiser, taking her, led the whole team - destroyed the attack of the enemy, controlled the protection. The field saw a player with a chessboard, where he instantly calculated all sorts of moves and undertakes unexpected for rivals.

As for the club career, with the participation of Franz "Bavaria" won a huge number of titles. Four times, the central defender became the winner of the FRG Cup, three times - the European League Cup, twice - the UEFA Cup. Double received a prestigious Golden Ball award in 1972 and 1976. By the way, the whole world then became an involuntary witness to the inglacial competition in the number of "golden balls" between him and the Netherlands athlete Johan Kroyf, who was awarded this award 3 times.

In 1984, Kaiser, by virtue of age, left the game career, at the end of which managed to participate in the composition of the New York "Cosmos". The place of the captain in "Bavaria" took his friend Ged Muller, about which the previous leader always responded with admiration. He himself headed the national team. Since he did not have a coaching license, he appeared in the role manager on technical issues. Although, in fact, engaged in the strategy and acquisition of the composition.

And in 1990, the German national team under his mentor won the title of the strongest in the world. Thus, Bekkenbauer managed to receive the status of the world champion twice - being a player, and a coach.

Personal life

The footballer could boast not only a rich professional biography. Personal life athlete also turned out to be rich in events. Back at the age of 16, the future champion met with the onset of Ingrid. The fruit of this youthful love was the son of Thomas. Despite the young age, Franz responded to paternity and subsequently supported the firstborn, ensuring that good education.

The first wife of the defender became a team of brigitta. In official relations, a man acquired another two sons - Michael and Stephen Beckkenbauer. However, in parallel with the captain of the national team, a novel with photographer Diana Zandmann twisted, as a result of which he became the Father for the fourth time (a boy was born again).

The second time, Franz went under the crown with the secretary of the German Football Union. The new spouse named Sebil insisted on the wedding. The groom did not resist, because she believed that he found real love.

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The third wife Hyidi Bremeter met the future husband at a corporate party in 2001. Then Kaiser was already president of FC Bavaria, and his chosen was selling the souvenir products of the Club. After the holiday, the athlete found out that he would again become a father. Then already twice the world champion was married, but decided to break the relationship with the Brigitt after 12 years of marriage.

Heidi Beckenbauer gave birth to her husband of Son Joel Maximilian, and soon the long-awaited daughter Francesca Anthony (2003) appeared to the world. In 2006, the parents of two children got married.

Franz Beckenbauer now

Today, this outstanding athlete who has long completed his career remains an authoritative person and in German, and in world football. The books are written about his achievements, documentaries were discontinued. Franz himself in an interview reports: turning back, he is pleased with his life formed.

In the spring of 2020, it became known that a criminal case, initiated against the honorary president of Bavaria, was terminated after the expiration of the statute of limitations (earlier Kaiser was accused of corruption, trying to prove the fact of transferring a major amount of Mohamud Bin Hammam in 2005).

The name of the football player was once mentioned in the winter of 2020 already in a positive way. FRANCE FOOTBALL Edition by voting among fans and sports journalists presented to the world the symbolic team of the world, where, of course, a legend of Franz Anton Beckenbauer fell.


Like a football player:

  • 1966 - Silver winner of the world championship with the German national team
  • 1966 - the best young world championship player
  • 1966 - the owner of the "bronze shoes" of the World Cup
  • 1966, 1967, 1969, 1971 - winner of the FRG Cup with Bavaria
  • 1966, 1968, 1974, 1976 - Footballer of the Year in Germany
  • 1967 - Winner of the UEFA Cup Cup with Bavaria
  • 1969, 1972-1974 - Champion FRG with Bavaria
  • 1970 - Bronze medalist of the world championship with the German national team
  • 1972 - European Champion with the German national team
  • 1972, 1976 - winner of the Golden Ball
  • 1974 - World Champion with German national team
  • 1974 - The owner of the "Silver Ball" of the World Cup
  • 1974-1976 - European Champions Cup winner with Bavaria
  • 1976 - The owner of the intercontinental cup with "Bavaria"
  • 1976 - Silver winner of the European Championship with the German national team
  • 1977, 1978, 1980 - US Champion with New York Cosmos
  • 1982 - Champion FRG with Hamburg
  • 1984 - FIFA Gold Order

As a coach:

  • 1986 - Silver winner of the world championship with the German national team
  • 1990 - World Champion with German national team
  • 1992 - Champion of France with Olimpik Marseille
  • 1994 - German champion with "Bavaria"
  • 1996 - Winner of the UEFA Cup with Bavaria

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