Evgenia Luta - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, serials, instagram, husband 2021



A sultry woman, the poet's dream - so the words of Bender can be characterized by the actress Evgenia Lituya, have been married three times, but continuing to appear in the media and attend TV shows as the former Bride of Anton Makarsky. The artist is glad that a little shot in youth: the accumulated life experience allows her in a mature age not only to play brightly and convincingly, but also to prompt directors of films and TV shows of the details of the biographies of the heroine. Evgenia believes in the signs of fate, shamans and prophetic dreams.

Childhood and youth

The future actress was born on April 6, 1979 in the capital of the Soviet Bashkiria - the city of Ufa, in the family of the policeman, subsequently served by the head of the district office of the Interior. Lutaeva remembers the late father not only as a decent, but also a very artistic person. She claims: if the parent had chosen the acting path, in the Soviet cinema would be one great comedian.

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The grandfather Evgenia in the father's line was called Stefan Lutovsky, then the Polish surname Russified. With the future grandmother of Artist, Stefan met with unusual circumstances - he worked as a supervisor in prison, in which the girl was sentenceded. The bosses told Stefan to decide between the career and feelings, and the man chose love. Grandfather and grandmother Evgenia on the maternal line also met in places of detention, but it was a German concentration camp for interned and prisoners of war.

Already in his childhood, Zhenya wanted to be an artist and dream about roles and glory. The children's photo is preserved, on which the girl stands on a stool with a statuette in his hands, and the surrounding adults applauded it.

In the school years, Zhenya sowed the romances of Isabella Yuryeva, she was engaged in the theater studio of Catherine the Darkova, which all the studios were called "Katya Slavna," and 13 times looked at the Ufa Russian Dramaatetra play on the play of the British playwright Peter Schaff "Evkus". The performer of one of the two main roles in the formulation of Yuri Tereshkin became the first platoon love of schoolgirls.

In the tenth grade, Eugene was engaged in the "zero course" of the acting faculty of the Ufa Institute of Arts and believed that her student ticket was already in his pocket. However, the death of Tereshkin confused the plans of the girl and prevented her entry. A friend Evgenia Olga Teniakov, with whom Luta is friendly and now, at the acting department accepted. And the daughter of the Chief of the Department of Internal Affairs went to the Moscow Theater Universities.

Evgenia filed documents in almost all the forge of the artistic personnel of the Russian capital, but in the end he stopped the choice at the Schukinsky school. Mentor Lutoy at the institute was Vakhtangov, Alexander Glavov.

Personal life

Being a freshman, a native Ufa began a novel with a student of the graduation course "Pike" Anton Makarsky. Relationships were moving rapidly to the wedding: Anton met the parents of the Zhenya; The girl liked not only his father and mother, but also grandfather - the oldest actor of the Penza Dramaater.

But before applying, the daughter of a policeman understood that it was too young to limit the life of a family circle and from under the parent care guardianship to the patronage of her husband, asking for a cleav of permission to go to dances.

According to Lutoy, the guy is respectful to her position, and they with the former fiance remained friends. When Anton was married after an urgent service in the army, Yevgeny became friends with his wife Victoria Makarskaya. However, in the transfer of the "Secret by Million", which was broadcast in November 2020, the other version of the reasons for the gap of actors before the wedding was performed. According to Makarsky, Zhenya fell in love with another man.

Evgenia Luta and Anton Makarsky

At the beginning of the zero anniversary of the XXI century, Eugene married a smart and beautiful guy Alexei Bystritsky. When the husband began to study at the film director, he said to his wife that he did not see her as an actress in his future films. Lutaya was offended and to think about Alexey's words, a tour of Cuba bought the first fee for filming.

Exotic Island of Freedom and Spanish Adjasted Artist. Soon after returning to Moscow, Evgenia flew to study the language of Miguel de Servantes to Peru, where he visited Shaman and Witch. The black fortune teller predicted to Lutoi that her first marriage would soon crumble, but a member of the visitor's family will be a person with the same dark skin as the sorcerer.

After returning to Russia, Eugene divorced himself with Bystritsky and, immersed in the work, began to replenish the filmography of numerous TV shows. However, the actress, which, with height, 165 cm then weighed 52 kg, there was time on the class of Latin American dances, where a native of Nigeria Steve Adams fell in love with her.

Although the marriage with African also ended with a divorce, Lita was left Sunny's son. Another marriage presented Evgenia Blue-eyed Blonde Philip. About the third spouse actress in an interview reports that Boris was a soloist in the song ensemble and Dance named after A. V. Alexandrova and that is not yet ready to judge this marriage and the reasons for his decay. Sons pictures often appear on page Luta in "Instagram". For Sunny, whom a woman calls a chocolate bars, she came up with a role in the series "Sklifosovsky".

Evgenia Creative Not only in creativity, but also in his personal life, which demonstrated, showing some of the wardrobe to the audience "Fashion sentence". The artist looks equally seductively in a swimsuit, a ballroom dress and clothing of a closer.


In films and TV shows Eugene began to be filmed in 2001. In the first two completed projects - the "Fifth Angle" and "Family Secrets" - the actress crossed on the set with Egor Beroev. In the second and third seasons of the series "Two Fates", a graduate of the Schukinsky school created a memorable image of Marina.

Favorite roles Lutoy - Beauty with a difficult character. Such is the resuscitation of Anna Khanina in the series "Sklifosovsky", to which Evgenia Yuryevna joined the 6th season, and Olga in the "caravan hunters", which the actress refers to the number of his favorite filmmakers. And in the comedy "at the sea", shot in Venezuell, the daughter of the policeman reincarnated in Natasha, and it was brief about it in the scenario: "Blue stocking", "Book Worm".

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In an interview with the "Caravan's stories" publishing, Helya told that with difficulty got rid of the order of the boring role of Irina Gritsenko in an endless soapy opera "Wedding Ring" - it, as a relay stick, passed another actress. Evgenia Yuryevna dreams of playing in Cinema Isabella Yuryev and, as in childhood, to perform the songs of "White Gypsy".

Evgenia Luta now

In March 2020, the premiere of a television detective "Knife in the Heart" took place, in which she played the mistress of the character of Vladimir Andriovan character - Igor. In April, the audience was viewed by the 4th season of the series "Izkanka", where the native Ufa performed a small role of Larisa, and in May met with another filmmaker Evgenia Yuryevna - the melodrama "go to the end". On December 1, 2020, the shooting of the 9th season of the series "Sklifosovsky" started.


  • 2001 - "Family Secrets"
  • 2005 - "Two Fates"
  • 2008 - "At sea"
  • 2010 - "Caravan Hunters"
  • 2012 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "Penelope"
  • 2013 - "Faster than rabbits"
  • 2014 - "graduation"
  • 2015 - "Fernal Flower"
  • 2015 - "Orlova and Alexandrov"
  • 2016 - "Paradise"
  • 2016 - "Osin Nest"
  • 2017 - "Secretary"
  • 2017-2020 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2019 - "Knife in the heart"
  • 2020 - "Iczka-4"
  • 2020 - "Go to the end"

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