Victor Tsekalo - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, brother Alexander Tsecalo, TV host 2021



For the press, the Ukrainian actor and humorist Viktor Tsekalo often remains in the shadow of the younger brother Alexander. Nevertheless, he - the established independent "creative unit," was remembered and fell in love with the audience on numerous roles on the screen and on the scene.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Evgenievich Tsekalo was born on May 7, 1956 in Kiev. Parents Eugene and Elena - Energy engineers, by origin Ukrainian and Jewish. Grandfather Boris Filippovich was the director of the military plant, he played in the theater studio in his youth. From his filing, the grandchildren learned to play the piano and guitar.

The family legend said that Praprapradashka Tsecalo was a cattle skimmer, the Polish young lady fell in love with him. But the family did not work out, even though he loved in response - killed a girl from jealousy, and then he died himself from longing.

After 5 years, in 1961, Alexander Tsekalo, Showman and Producer appeared. Victor said that he wanted sister - but I had to come to terms ...

Parents believed that the actor was not a men's profession, but Tsekalo decided to enter the acting faculty of the Theater Institute. In 1979, it was called up to the armed forces, about the grandfather in which only negative memories remained. After 4 months, he was released from service, after which another 5 months was treated. In distribution worked in regional philharmonic in Vinnitsa and Odessa.

In the restructuring left to conquer the object of the dream - Moscow. Removed the room from a single-legged elderly woman who had a problem with alcohol. Standing instead of her queues for products. In parallel, I tried to make connections. In absentia, the 3rd course was held at the Director of the Faculty of the Russian Institute of Theatrical Art. Returned, understanding - the dream did not come true.


He served in the metropolitan theaters: "Golden Gate", "Mazl-Tov", the theater "on the left bank", "Visazawi", "Bravo", the new Ukrainian theater. On the account, the main roles in the performances "Trio of Love, or Injury Learning" (Mr. Powling), "UPS! .. I came" (Guido), "Mamuly" (Nina's mother), as well as in "Garyamed" and "Unbeaten sword Guyan "Gorsa Seeds. Toured in the United States.

He was a TV presenter of the anecdot club "Golden Goose", the "White Voron" programs, "I have been erected a monument to myself ...", "Islessness Island", "Game in the box". In the biography of Cequo, work in the casino, nightclubs, part-time by the seller in the stall and even digging the earth in the yard at the dark-skinned Congressman in America.

The largest popularity of the cecal-senior brought a large screen where he has over 60 works. In his filmography, the series "Five minutes to the subway", "Alibi", "Cop", "Territory", "one for all" films, "I think about two, three, four, five", "blue as a sea of ​​eyes ", Musicals" Evening on the farm near Dikanka "," Cinderella "," Sorochinskaya Fair "," The Adventures of Serdyuchka Verka ".

The artist is an episode master. In "Returning Mukhtara" starred in several series, each time I portrayed different characters: Russians, Americans, Jews. In the film "Merchant" about the boys-etching, despite the fact that he is urban and intelligent man, played a rural alcoholic. The TV series "Method" performed the role of banker, music lovers and pedophile. Removed in clips and advertising.

Personal life

Although Viktor Tsekalo had 4 wives, the personal life of the artist rarely fell into the field of view of the press. The number of marriages and divorces explained that in many pairs it happens: he goes to the "left", it goes to the "left", people lie to themselves and each other, but at the same time they live together - and you have to be honest and move on.

With the first wife Galina met in the theater studio: he "hooked", as she put in grapes, showing one of the etudes. In 1987, the daughter of Maria was born in this marriage. With his wife Tsekalo divorced, as in the future he regretted, calling the Gali "fateful girl."

Daughter and mother and grandmother went to live in the United States. Victor was hard to survive parting with the child, said that he shouted and sobbed from grief. Now Maria Tsecalo (famous for the name Masha King) lives in New York. He graduated from the acting courses, creates performances and performance, starring in cinema and television series, among which Kaiftown and Madame Secretary of State draws pictures. Perfect with touring in Russia. Since 2017, meets with a businessman Matt Rom.

Victor Tsekalo and wife Arza Urshan

The second wife became a girl from Leningrad, spectacular and high. Viktor Evgenievich left a spouse in Kiev, he registered in his apartment, agreed that if it would not work out - they would quietly disappear, and went to Moscow. Returned when the wife decided to divide the apartment. Housing dismantled, then married for the third time. We divorced: I loved, but my wife had alcohol problems. There were no children in these marriages, since the actor believes that they should have fathers.

I joked that the next wife was picking up to bed - I bought a huge bed on earnings to the entire room, and my wife - "the subject of the first need," was not. Described the potential spouse like this: brought up, non-smoking, non-drinking, business woman, clever, who understands everything.

The fourth wife is Azerbaijani and Russian film director and Writer Arza Urshan, a quarter of a Ukrainian, who is 12 years old.

Victor Tsecalo now

In February 2020, Viktor Tsekalo moved to Moscow, where once he tried to move in the past, but returned to complete the marriage process. This time he finally sold in Ukraine a cottage and an apartment and acquired housing in the mortgage in the capital of Russia.

In October, the program of the NTV television channel "Stars agreed" the actor told the neighbors living on him, arranged an apartment flood. A black mold, fungi appeared in the house. Constructively solve the problem of the culprits refused, sending Cequo to the insurance company and the court.

In 2020, new series were published with Viktor Evgenievich: "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "and" Sherlock in Russia ", in 2021 -" Choir "and" Bender ".

In the profiles in "Instagram" and "Facebook", the actor publishes primarily excerpts from film directions, as well as humorous photos and videoiniatures.


  • 2001 - "Evenings on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 2003 - "Earth Spirit"
  • 2004 - "Five stars"
  • 2006 - "Five minutes to the subway"
  • 2007 - "Battle of Ladybugs"
  • 2009 - "Merchant"
  • 2012 - "The reverse side of the moon"
  • 2013 - "Second Breath"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2017 - "Territory"
  • 2019 - "Consultant. Licheful times »
  • 2020 - "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2021 - "Actor"
  • 2021 - "Bender"
  • 2021 - "Choir"

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