Mikhail Lyubimov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Soviet Scout, Writer, Alexander Lyubimov 2021



Mikhail Lyubimov is a Soviet intelligence officer, in the second half of life, he elected literature and journalism with his paths. Most Russians The author of books written in the genre of ironic spyware is known as the father of Alexander Lyubimov - a journalist, the former "sightseement."

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Petrovich was born on May 27, 1934 in Dnepropetrovsk. It was the day and a year that the newborn Misha published the first cry, in the Soviet Union introduced the title "Honored Master of Sports".

In childhood, Ukrainian peers teased Lyubimov "Goebbels." The boy leaned the caricature of Kukryniks on the main Nazi ideologist. During the war, Mikhail was evacuated to Tashkent with his mother.

At 11 years in the biography of Lyubimov, a tragedy occurred - Misha Lyudmila Veniaminovna died. The experiences did not prevent the young man to finish school in Kuibyshev with a gold medal and entered into the Moscow Institute of International Relations.

Service in Intelligence

Mikhail's father - an employee of OGPU Peter Lyubimov, in the second half of the 1940s of the 20th century, headed by Sverdley in Parcarpathia, was against the Son to associate fate with espionage. But the young man, who considered the intelligence "paid form of pleasure," was adamant in his choice and in 1959 began working in the first main management of the KGB.

In the early 60s of the 20th century, Mikhail Petrovich, accounting for the post of Second Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in London, conquered British familiar skill with charm to dress and talk about sympathy to Western values ​​and European culture. A young diplomat got a nickname smiling Mike. However, a friendly smile and ties helped loved in trust and mined the necessary information to the Soviet Union.

In 1965, Mikhail Petrovich was sent from London. Subsequently, Lyubimov was engaged in intelligence in Denmark, he worked and headed in the KGB organization of the spy network in the UK. In 1980, the native of Dnepropetrovsk retired.


Before restructuring, a former scout published 2 plays set in Soviet theaters. When Mikhail Gorbachev announced the need to expand publicity, Lyubimov began to be printed in the horn of the "new thinking" - the newspaper "Moscow News" of Egor Yakovleva and the magazine "Sponak", headed by Vitaly Korotich.

Mikhail Lyubimov and Alexander Lyubimov

Fouron produced Roman Mikhail Petrovich "The Life and Adventures of Alex Willow, Spy". The literature of Boris Yeltsin's market reforms, Boris Yeltsin and Egor Gaidar, was reflected in the misfortunate of Lyubimov "Operation" Calvary ", the plot of which is being built around the" KGB secret plan "to plunge Russia into the horrors of wild capitalism so that people ask for the restoration of socialism in the era of Leonid Brezhnev.

The books of the former intelligence officer "Spies I love and hate" and "KGB guide in the cities of the world" were popular with popularity. The prototype of Antigero "Shot", the second part of the Roman Mikhail Petrovich "And Hell followed him," said Oleg Gordievsky, who worked as Deputy Lyubimov for many years. Due to the declassifier by the traitor of the Soviet agent network, more than 3 dozen agents of Moscow, who worked in the UK under cover, were declared non-grants.

Personal life

The personal life of the Soviet intelligence officer was almost as saturated as his fictional British colleague James Bond. In his youth, the future writer took a peers in his wife - the actress of the theater named after Nicholas Gogol Catherine Vishnevskaya. In marriage, the only son of Mikhail Petrovich was born - Alexander. Thanks to the two spouses, the siblings, lovers are now grandfather with 4 grandchildren.

The first Snow Mikhail Petrovich is Tatyana Pushkin. She gave birth to the granddaughter Kati, followed by the grandmother's footsteps, in honor of which was named. Ekaterina Lyubimova serves in the theater named after M. N. Yermolova. The girl starred in the tapes "obvious secrets", "school shooter" and "no one dies in the morning." The second Snow Mikhail Petrovich is a teacher of Japanese Natalya Kunnikova - presented 3 sons to Alexander Lyubimov - Cyril, Oleg and Constantine.

During the first marriage, the scout had a short novel with the Soviet movie star Natalia Fateeva. I was brought to a loved one to apply the male charm and to fulfill official tasks, in particular, to seduce the Dam Agent CIA.

However, not treason caused Mikhail Petrovich's first divorce. Catherine Pavlovna was bored with a fusion life in London, a woman wanted to shine on Russian layouts. It was Vishnevskaya that submitted documents for the dissolution of marriage. Surprisingly, Mikhail Petrovich remained in friendly relations both with Fateeva and the former first spouse. Lyubimov was a friend of the second husband Catherine Pavlovna.

The second divorce - with the employee of the publishing house Tamara - also cost without scandals, but I was worth Mikhail Petrovich the career. The head of the KGB, Vladimir Kryuchkov offered Lyubimov to return to his wife, but the native of Dnepropetrovsk had already seen himself a writer, not a scout, he was even glad to resign.

The third marriage Mikhail Petrovich turned out to be durable and harmonious. With his wife, Tatyana Sergeyevna, a former resident already lives for 4 decades. Family's favorite is a huge black cat, the photo with which was the business card of the writer.

Mikhail Lyubimov Now

Despite the elderly age and a pandemic of coronavirus infection, a former scout was fruitfully spent 2020. Publishing House "Arguments of the Week" in 2020 issued an extended and updated version of the Roman's favorite-senior "Decameron of Spies. Scrapbooks ".

In connection with the release of the book in September, the author gave the newspaper the unfolded interview in which he spoke among Alexey Navalny poisoning. Publicist reported that with great respect refers to the fight against corruption and the Foundation of Alexei Anatolyevich, however, it believes that the attempt on the Navalny and the mutations of rumors about it is beneficial only to the enemies of Russia.

In December 2020, Lyubimov became the guest of the program Boris Korchevnikova "The Fate of Man". The writer shared with TV viewers in detail of life and creativity, in particular, said that he was a passionate collector of artifacts, stores business and love notes.


  • 1993 - "Life and Adventures Alex Willow, Spy"
  • 1995 - "Calvary Operation" "
  • 1995 - "Notes of the Non-resident resident, or a wandering light"
  • 1997 - "Spies I love and hate"
  • 1998 - "Decameron Spies"
  • 2001 - "Walking with Cheshire Cat"
  • 2005 - "Glitter and poverty of espionage"
  • 2014 - "Spy Soul: And Hell followed him"
  • 2018 - "Version of the masterpiece: spy antimemoirs"
  • 2020 - "Decageron Spies. Scrapbooks "

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