Mikhail Mamiashvili - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Fighting, Greco-Roman Style Wrestler 2021



Mikhail Mamiashvili is a fighter of the Greek-Roman style, whose career was marked by loud victories in international competitions. He continues to participate in Russian sports today, being in a responsible post. Colleagues consider it an example for a new generation, which sometimes lacks motivation to go until the end with the maximum return.

Childhood and youth

Father Mikhail Gerazi Archilovich - Georgian by nationality, met the future spouse at the virgin, where Vera Grigorievna went to work on the Komsomol voucher. Father's parents were not happy about Ukrainian daughter-in-law. But he succumbed to the gender of the heart and after the wedding he took away the young wife to the city of Konotop, located in the Ukrainian SSR.

There, November 21, 1963, and the future world champion was born. After 2 years, Victor's younger brother appeared. Boys at school age together enrolled in the Greco-Roman wrestling section.

In 1978, Mikhail moved to Moscow along with his brother. So he was fortunate enough to find a talented mentor - coach Erka Zadihanova.

The native of Konotop also understood in his youth - he has everything to declare himself on the whole country. Subsequently, after graduating his wrestling career and becoming a coach, he demanded that the pupils of the same relationship. The ability to stand to the end, squeeze all the forces - the qualities that Mamiashvili have become a world champion.

Sports career

Since 1981, Mikhail Gerazievich began to declare himself at competitions. In 1982, the Greco-Roman style fighter earned 1st place in all-union youth games. Then he was leading in the Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR. Content, the world championship held in Kiev, significant in the biography of a native. Then he turned 20 years old - the youngest participant in adult competitions in the weight category up to 74 kg was recognized as the technical.

1984 also marked up the loud victories. At the USSR Championship, Mamiashvili deservedly turned out to be the first. Then he went to Finland, from where the World Cup brought from home. At the European Championship, in the same year, the future president of the Federation of Wrestling Russia occupies 3rd place.

In 1986, Mikhail Gerasievich received the first gold belt. This award, established by the International Federation of Fight, is awarded to those who, according to the results of the season, presented its sport is most bright and dynamically.

And such recognition of the Mamiashvili talent was objectively. And his trophies brought from the competition speak better words. So, the wrestler took the 1st place in Tokyo as part of the Super Cup. Then she climbed the highest stage of the pedestal at the World Championships in Norway. In 1986, in Greece, a young man found the title of European champion, and then from Hungary left confirming the title of the best in the framework of the international tournament.

An iconic in the career of a man remains the Olympics in Seoul in 1988, where he performed in the weight category up to 82 kg (the growth of the fighter 177 cm). Mamiashvili won on the balls Ubaldo Rodriguez, Mike Bullman, Harran Kasuma, Kim Son Gu. Allowed defeat only in a fight with a Polish fighter Bogdan Darash. In the final with a crushing score, I pulled out the victory from the Hungarian Torbor Komaromy, not only becoming the world champion, but also securing the second gold belt.

By brilliantly completing his career, Mikhail Gerasievich did not lose the desire to defend the honor of the country. In 1990, a man learned to the instructor of the highest qualifications in the Omsk State Institute of Physical Culture.

And in 1991 he became the head coach of the national team on the Greek-Roman wrestling. Now the task of a multiple winner of international competitions was to transmit the accumulated experience and knowledge to the young generation.

In matters of education of athletes, Mamiashvili has always been strict. It did not allow anyone to relax and demanded the maximum return, especially in front of the contests. Never acted as an excuse of passes of classes even significant events in life, for example, the birth of children. I did not scattered with words - gave competent recommendations to each part of the battle strategy. Constant following these tips led to positive results.

In 1995, he took the position of vice president of the FSBR. In the period from 1998 to 2002, Mikhail Gerasievich tried himself as the head of the institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Central Sports Club of the Army. And in 2001 he headed the FSBR.

The desire to win is that I wanted to see the coach of the national team in the eyes of pupils. And their failures took to heart. This led to conflict situations. So, in 2016 there was a scandal associated with the beating of Inna Trashkova.

The wrestler told: after losing at the Olympics, a mentor, being in alcoholic intoxication, struck 2 times on the face. Inna reported media what plans to contact the prosecutor's office. In parallel with this statement, Mikhail Gerazievich gave an interview to the TV channel "360". It was unfortunately expressed in relation to two more members of the national team - Valeria Koblova and Natalia Vorobyva, who in the final missed gold medals.

Conflict situation was resolved. Mamiashvili officially apologized to the track guard for an emotional reaction due to the defeat. At the same time, the coach once again turned to those who take responsibility to defend the honor of the country, calling such qualities as weakness and unacceptable.

The loyalty and the desire to develop it contributed to the fact that the Greco-Roman struggle was returned to the Olympic Games Program. Mikhail Gerasievich managed to achieve the support of Vladimir Putin in this matter, in order to defend the right of fighters to represent the country in the international arena.

In the biography, Mamiashvili, besides loud victories and merit, there were also extremely unpleasant situations. In particular, information appeared in the media about the existence of the athlete of the criminal past. Such prosecutions were based on a long-time friendship of a fighter with Otari Kwantrishvili. By the way, the Honored RSFSR coach and famous criminal authority was killed in 1994, and the witness of the shooting of Otari was the two-time world champion.

Personal life

The FSBR President married his youth at the dawn of a career. Margarita Vladimirovna, Chosen Fighter, gave birth to three daughters. Personal life Mikhail Gerasievich is well known to the fans, although he is not an amateur to exhibit a photo with close on social networks.

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The family for Mamiashvili has always remained a place where he scream for victories. The wife went with him all the way, supporting and believing in success. There is no sport in the fate of the Sports - but the father did not insist on it, the dream only to grow decent daughters.

And in 2012, Margarita Vladimirovna gave birth to her husband of the long-awaited son. The boy was named Vladimir. Father already four children and now with gratitude responds about a spouse who was not afraid of such change and performed a long-time dream.

Mikhail Mamiashvili now

In December 2020, the former head coach of the Russian national team was expected to be re-elected for the presidency of the FSBR. Supported his candidacy unanimously. By the way, this is the 5th nomination of the Olympic world champion in this post.

In an interview with TASS, Mamiashvili was brief. Naturally, today the federation of the sports struggle has a number of tasks and unsolved issues that require immediate attention. Ahead - the Olympiad in Tokyo, with which the huge hopes of Russian fans are associated.


  • 1983 - Winner of the World Youth Championship
  • 1983, 1985, 1986 - World Champion
  • 1983 - Winner of the Olympics of the Peoples of the USSR
  • 1984 - Winner of the Friendship-84 tournament
  • 1984, 1988 - Champion of the USSR
  • 1984, 1985 - Bronze medalist of the European Championship
  • 1985 - World Cup winner
  • 1986, 1988, 1989 - European Champion
  • 1986, 1988 - The winner of the golden belt of the best wrestler of the world
  • 1988 - Olympic Games Champion
  • 1989, 1990 - Silver medalist World Championship

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