Mark Kondratyuk - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Figure, Instagram, Figure Skating 2021



The artist, poet and figure skater - how much these hypostasis are connected in one person, the young Mark Kondratyuk shows on a personal example. In their aspirations, the guy uses all sorts of resources, promoting the products of creativity into the masses. At the same time, he managed to play sports and declares himself in all-Russian and international competitions.

Childhood and youth

Mark was born on September 3, 2003. It is known about the early biography of the figure skateman, despite the fact that he actively uses social networks.

Thanks to the information from his account in Vkontakte, the fans of the young talent found out: he began singing skating even at the age of 2.5 years. And his first coach was Sapronova Lyudmila Alekseevna, who taught Moskvich to Sshor.

Figure skating

In 2013, Kondratyuk moved to the sports school of the Olympic reserve for figure skating the name of Stanislav Alekseevich Zhuk. Armeque fell to the coach Svetlana Alekseevna Sokolovskaya.

The pupil of Dyushor CSKA immediately began to participate in all sorts of competitions. Interestingly, Mark demonstrated unpredictable results. Within one season, the athlete could enter the top five contestants, and in a few months at the next tournament stay in the list of outsiders.

A year later, workouts at the Sokolovsky figure skater had already set off on the championship of Moscow, where he earned a bronze medal and a ticket to the Russian championship. There, by the way, Kondratyuk took the 5th place.

The 2016/17 season marked in the career of a young army team by several competitions, on which he proved himself from the best side, and demonstrated very mediocre results. At the Russian Championship, which was held in St. Petersburg, Mark could not cope with emotions and took only the 16th place.

The long-awaited recognition of the talent of the young Armets received within the framework of the international Bosphorus Cup 2018 tournament, where Mikhail Shaydoreov (Republic of Kazakhstan) and Sergey Sokolova (Ukraine) left behind himself. But the Final of the Russian Cup - 2019 brought an athlete only the 9th place.

The following year, the pupil of Dyushor CSKA began with unsuccessful speeches. At the open championship of Moscow received the 13th place, at the 1st stage of the Russian Cup - the 9th. But at the competition Ice Star in Minsk among juniors, the judges gave the victory Muscovite. Fortuna again smiled at the figure and in Istanbul - he brought home the gold medal from the prestigious Bosphorus Istanbul Cup tournament.

Personal life

The athlete is not thinking about serious relationships. At a minimum, the information about the personal life of the young man leaves in secret. And it's not so much aged as the age of the fact that the issues of self-realization are still at the brand in the first place.

Your accounts in social networks - in "Instagram" and in Vkontakte - Figure turned into sites to develop creativity. Few of the fans of the young artist knew that he was engaged in skating - until 2020, Kondratyuk did not even exhibit such information for subscribers in posts.

Content armyman is a photo of his paintings made in the style of abstractionism. Moreover, I started a blogger to declare myself in an art plan with "conceptual vandalism" - made inscriptions on the walls and fences.

Few observers for Ninetyninth / 99 activities (under such a nickname Kondratyuk became known on the network) rated the Hobby Mark from the positive side. Nevertheless, despite criticism, the guy managed to achieve recognition. For example, in 2019 he made a cover for the album of Rapper St. Leroy II.

In addition, the young artist participated in the creation of two perfromances, was involved in collaborations with other creative personalities. A significant event in a professional biography has become a personal exhibition called "Late (¿)", which was held in August 2020.

Absurd prose is another fraction of the skateman. Moreover, he has already managed to publish one collection of poems. By the way, under this hobby Mark also created an account in Vkontakte under the Universal Universal.

Mark Kondratyuk now

The figure declared itself on the whole country within the framework of the Russian Championship - 2021, which in December 2020 started in Chelyabinsk. By the way, before that, the pupil Svetlana Sokolovskaya showed himself from the good side and at the Moscow Championship, where he took 2nd place. And after - on his debut in his career, the Russian Cup remained far from leaders, without gaining even 80 points.

In a short program, the contestant went to the ice to the music of Summertime and surprised the viewers the ideal execution of dance elements. The judges estimated the technique and preparedness of an athlete, thanks to which Kondratyuk had a chance to occupy a prestigious place in the competition.

An arbitrary program put by a talented choreographer Nikita Mikhailov on the variation of the "Black Swan" composition from the Swan Lake, has become a real sensation of the championship. Mark unmistakably performed complex techniques - a cascade of Triple Lutz and Tulup, Quad Salkhov. The athlete who throughout the career was distinguished by extreme instability, then knocking forward, then the closure list of outsiders, made an incredible breakthrough.

The skater got bronze, passing forward Michael Kolyada and Makara Ignatova. In an interview, the Bronze Prizence reported that it was not even hoping to be in the top three. In the demonstration performances, the finalist demonstrated a beautiful dance for the song "Bravo" - "as a pity". Under applause, Evgeny Medvedev left for him - a two-time world champion, who missed the tournament due to illness.

In February 2021, Mark took part in the Cup of the First Channel, having prepared a spectacular performance.

Now Kondratyuk, which has become a sensation in the world of sports, is not going to stop. After all, in front of him - the World Championship in Sweden and new victories.


  • 2016 - Bronze medalist of the children's championship of Moscow
  • 2017 - Bronze winner of the competition for prizes of the President of FFKKM among juniors
  • 2018 - Bronze medalist of the Ice Star tournament among juniors
  • 2018 - Silver Prize-Series Skate Helena Tournament among Junior
  • 2018 - Bosphor Cup Winner among Junior
  • 2019 - Winner of the Ice Star tournament among juniors
  • 2019 - Bronze medalist of Denis Ten's memory tournament among juniors
  • 2019 - Bosphor Cup Winner
  • 2020 - Silver Mentor Torun Cup winner
  • 2020 - Silver medalist of the open championship of Moscow among juniors
  • 2020 - Winner of the All-Russian Competitions "Zhiguli"
  • 2020 - Winner of the Cup A.N. Mishin
  • 2020 - Bronze medalist of the championship of Russia

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