Ksenia Catalnyov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Series, Theater, Filmography 2021



Ksenia Catalnyov - actress of theater and cinema, for his career managed to appear in the most diverse roles. This became its strength - to be able to feel the character, whether it is a romantic girl or a strict law enforcement officer.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born in Leningrad on July 28, 1978. And, like most children of creative parents, from an early age was interested in art. Ksenia's mother - Zakharova Tatiana Ignatievna, Soviet and Russian actress, played a huge role in her professional path.

At school, Catalnyov demonstrated vocal talents. Along with the choir repeatedly went to Europe to contests and concerts. Once, she was even handed over the money prize - the girl bought a synthesizer and shoes - "Dutch".

Childhood Ksenia had to be difficult in the country. But the period of restructuring remained for the creative person a beautiful sometimes in memories. In an interview, the star shared - the mother constantly worked to raise her daughter on his feet and give her good education.

Tatyana Igorevna gradually opened daughters world of theatrical art. For example, in the pre-New Year holidays took the heiress with them, so that it would unleave some role in the presentation.

In the family, it was not customary to discuss financial problems. The girl did not feel a lack of anything. The house has always been a basic set - pasta, tea, bread and sugar. And the open doors - friends were constantly going to Catalnyovoy. With some of them, she continues to communicate and now.

Tatyana Igorevna instilled daughters love for the scene. After school, she was originally intended to tie fate with music, but at the last moment changed his mind. And in 2000, after graduating from the Academy of Theatrical Art (Skbgati), settled in the comedy theater named after Nikolai Akimov.

Theater and films

The professional biography of Ksenia lasted long before receiving a diploma. Cinema took place at the age of 12. It was a criminal drama "in a surf strip," where the schoolgirl got the role of the daughter of the main character.

Theatrical career Catalnyova began in 2000. She established himself with a characteristic, diverse actress. In the list of her performances, fans allocate the following productions: "A cat, which walked in itself", "not all Cottle Maslenitsa", "Night of Iguana".

Also, the native of Leningrad periodically cooperates with the St. Petersburg Theater "Russian Affriz". This includes the following projects - "Cherry Garden", "Days of our life", "Owl and kitty".

The commitment to art and unsurpassed talent to reincarnate on the scene into a variety of images, not only the audience love, but also to obtain prestigious awards and prizes. For example, in 2012, the work of Ksenia was marked by the National Acting Prize "Figaro".

The actress filmography deserves no less attention than her game in the theater. Initially, Spbgty graduate had episodic roles in the pictures "Do not quarrel, girls!", "Lines of Fate", "Mangown-2".

In 2011, a full-length film "Wedding in exchange" was released, thanks to which the daughter of Zakharova Tatiana worked with the stars of national cinema - Catherine Vilkova, Fedor Bondarchuk, Maxim Matveyev, Ararat Keszany.

Catalnyov was more often filmed in the Russian TV shows, trying on a variety of role - from tough, self-sufficient and independent women, to good and romantic natures. Among the most famous films with her participation, the "Khabarov principle", Olga-2, "Sea Devils - 4", "Kamenskaya-5", "Gangster Petersburg - 9 (Dutch passage)" are found. In the last, by the way, she reincarnated in a straightforward and even coarse major Natalia Anisimov.

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Happened in her professional biography and mystical paintings. For example, in the series "Moscow Twilight" she played the usual woman - Larisa, the husband of which (Igor Gordin) suddenly became ghost.

The project "Intimate places" was significant for Ksenia, where Julia Auga was fulfilled the main role. Erotic melodrama telling the ironic key of sexual complexes, participated in the Kinotavr competition program in 2013 and was marked by several prestigious awards.

In addition to the acting path, in the biography of Catalnyovoy, voice acting projects - "Very scary movie - 4" and the animation film "House Monster". In 2009, the graduate of Spbgati presented his first directorial work to the world - "lived to women." A year later, this short-drawing was in the program of the Russian Pavilion as part of the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2020, the series came out - in him Catalnyov played one of the main roles. In the film "Peace! Friendship! Gum!" The era of the 90s is described, which fell on the youth of the St. Petersburg actress. Accordingly, the setting on the set was close to her and caused nostalgia in time when only sugar was in the house from available sweets. In the picture, Egor Gubarev, Fyodor Roshchin, Yury Borisov, Stepan Devonin and other Russian actors became colleagues in the picture.

Following another TV series with the participation of Ksenia. To some extent, he performed a long-standing dream - play a fantastic genre. The plot of the "Project" Anna Nikolaevna "" directed by Maxim of Pezheksky is tied to the adventures of the android robot, whose alignment is too far. In the picture Catalnyov, the image of Yulia Kolpakova - the second wife of the chief hero of Colonel Viktor Sergeyevich (Sergey Garmash).

Personal life

The actress is not used to sharing events that are not related to the professional sphere. However, the fans of her creativity know - in his youth, the student SPbgati had a novel with Kirill's Plentnev.

After the release, Kirill moved to the capital, where he built a successful career. Ksenia decided to stay in St. Petersburg. The paths of two talented people diverged, never leading to official marriage.

And today Catalnyov diligently protects the details of his personal life. True, in his instagram account exposes a photo of the son of Patrick. The boy's father is her husband Hans, Norwegian by nationality.

Patrick, like his mother, is attached to art - learning a violin game. There are in the list of hobbies of the heir and hockey. In his free time, the family prefers active rest - diving and surfing. In the photo and video in social networks, the actress is captured by these happy moments, where they and her husband and son ride on water slides, visit zoos, conquer mountain peaks. And even join the child to extreme pleasures, for example, high-speed rigorous descent.

Ksenia Catalnyov now

For 2021, 2 filmmakers were planned at the actress. First draft director Oksana Weaver "This is Fashion, Baby!" He tells about the path of the novice designer (the performer of the role of Irid Husainov), dreaming of build a career in the fashion industry. Her idols - Matilda de Winter, and played the graduate of Squagati.

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The second premiere of the "Family Budget" Evgeny Abyzov became a certain course of financial literacy for people crammed in the means. For heroes, the films survive 200 rubles. per month - the task is not from the category of impossible. And the sources of income characters find the most unexpected, starting from blogging, ending with costumed performances.


  • 2008 - "Little Observer"
  • 2011 - "Wedding for Exchange"
  • 2011 - "Heavenly Court"
  • 2012 - "I cancel death"
  • 2012 - "Khabarov principle"
  • 2013 - "Intimate Places"
  • 2014 - "non-random meeting"
  • 2014 - "Heavenly Court. Continuation"
  • 2016 - "Shaman. New threat "
  • 2017 - "Olga-2"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2020 - "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "
  • 2020 - "Peace, Friendship, Zhwum"
  • 2021 - "Family Budget"
  • 2021 - "This is Fashion, Baby!"

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