Nikita Colorby - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Series, Theater, Instagram 2021



Nikita Colorby is a young Russian actor theater, film and television. As a child, he was engaged in boxing, but in more mature age he opened creative abilities.

Childhood and youth

Nikita Colorby was born on October 16, 1994 in Novosibirsk. Now lives in Moscow. The school was fond of swimming and combat martial arts.

On May 30, 2015, the premiere of the play "Treasury Island" was held on the stage of the Moscow Gubernsky Theater, where the young artist embodied the images of Ben Gann and Dick Johnson. The formulation was carried out with the assistance of the Foundation for the Support and Development of Socio-Cultural Projects Sergey Bezrukova, Yakov Efimov and Alexander Samokhvalov became the leaders of stage fighting.

In addition, the actor participated in the performances "Jungle Book. Mowgli, "Cherry Garden" and "Alice in Wonderland".

In 2018, he graduated from Homsky and Sergey Anatolyevich Homazov in Gitis in Gitis.

In the same year, a couple with Leonid Tvetzhinsky played a major role in the play "Til" on the play Gregory Gorin in the theater on a small armor. The work, in turn, was written on the reasons of the Roman Charles de Koster "Legend of Ulynspigel". The action was transferred to modern Moscow, where the hero gradually mastered the feeling of protest against the surrounding reality.


The first work in the filmography of the actor was the painting "Jacket" (2016), where the colorful played the role of the student driving school.

In 2017, together with Vladimir Ilyin, Anna Pokolova, Tatiana Dogileva Nikita starred in the director's debut of Kirill Plenev "Lozhe". The tape telling the story of the warden of the female prison of Alevty Romanova's prison was shown at the 28th Open Russian Festival "Kinotavr". The jury was headed by Evgeny Mironov, the producer was produced by the producer Alexander Rodnyansky.

In 2019, the Colorhead starred in the TV series "in the cage". His character, Zhenya, was the younger brother of the main character of Sergei Veschka, in the past of a successful MMA fighter, who returned home from prison. The main roles in this melodrama were played by Vladimir Epifantsev and Pavel Priluchny.

In the same year, the artist embodied the image of Kiri in a blockbuster "Balkan frontier", about the confrontation between the Russian special group and NATO troops in Kosovo. Goshiko Mitich and Emir Kusturica included in the producers. The film paid for the money invested and brought a small profit, but Critic Anton Dolin cut it into a "Facebook", accusing in propaganda. For this, he subsequently subjected to injury and was forced to leave VGTRK.

Personal life

On November 7, 2020 Nikita gained happiness in his personal life, marrying Actress Alexandrine Pitirimova. He ruled the bride from the registry office. Young people started meeting back in 2015.

The growth of the actor is 181 cm.

Colorful professes Buddhism. It is inspired by strong men, such as Stepan Razin.

The artist enjoy playing gangsters, negative characters, like Joker Hit Ledger, or the images of Hari Oldman - bold, powerful, charismatic.

Nikita Colorby now

On August 31, 2020, the TNT channel took place the premiere of the series "Survival game" about the participants of the reality show, drawn into a deadly adventure. In addition to Nikita, the cololry, Alexander Bortich, Alexey Chadov, Igor Vernik was filmed in the tape.

On October 1, 2020, the "Russian Raid" picture of the criminal group, who tried to capture the plant was released on the screens. But at the most unexpected moment it turned out that their leader had other plans. On this project, Ilya Antonenko, Ilya Cattle, Alexander Krasovsky became partners on the set of actor on the set.

On November 9, 2020, Nikita Colorch and Dmitry Kartashov presented to the public a pilot series of the project "Great Empire", in which not only played the main roles, but they performed directors and producers. The criminal comedy about the difficult life of Mafia was withstanding in the spirit of "Clan Soprano", "sharp visors" and "the godfather". The idea of ​​the series originated from the artists before the pandemic of coronavirus infection. At first they wanted to remove the comic video for "Instagram", and then Kartashov offered a friend to "turn on Guy Richie." A very modest budget went on renting light equipment, the film crew consisted of friends and agreed to work for free.

Also, the artist was engaged in the shooting of the series of Avdoti Smirnova "Vertinsky", whose premiere was planned in 2021, the on-screen biography of the famous singer Alexander Vertinsky and the composer of the beginning of the 20th century.


  • 2018 - "Badab Fortress"
  • 2019 - "In the cage"
  • 2019 - "Balkan Rubb"
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2020 - "Russian Raid"
  • 2020 - "The project" Anna Nikolaevna "
  • 2020 - "Present Future"
  • 2020 - "Survival game"
  • 2020 - "Phantom"
  • 2021 - "Hidden motifs"
  • 2021 - "In Cell-2"
  • 2021 - "Vertinsky"

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