Alexander Kots - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Journalist, Militaryor, Komsomolsk Pravda Correspondent 2021



Alexander Kotz is an employee of Russian media - print publications and radio stations. It consists in the staff of the daily "Komsomolskaya Pravda" since the late 1990s. Now a special correspondent illuminates political issues and military conflicts, occurring at different points of the planet. For the years of journalistic career, he was presented to a number of state awards.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Igorevich Kotsa biography began in the fall of 1978. He was born in the Far Eastern city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in the family of an employee of the Soviet weeklies and a browser of popular newspapers.

The childhood of the boy passed in the society of the father, mother and younger brother Andrei. Thanks to the adult, he began to know the diverse world very early.

The head of the race traveled to the Soviet Union because of the profession. Children managed to live in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok before settling in Moscow.

Sasha graduated from the metropolitan school with good estimates in the certificate. At the insistence of the older, he after the 10th grade entered the prestigious metropolitan institution.

Training was interrupted due to the fact that Kotz went to the army of call. The service of the young man carried with honor in the airborne Russian troops. Demobilized, Alexander returned to lectures and seminars. In the late 1990s, he received a diploma of higher education and settled a job in the All-Russian Diary "Komsomolskaya Pravda".


Kota's journalistic career began in the Policy Department. The young specialist received the position of Special Center and began to cover military conflicts and other world-wide events interested in people inhabited by the planet.

Alexander Igorevich trusted an interview with state, political and public figures, his materials deserved a laudatory reviews of managers and colleagues.

As a military correspondent, a native of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk covered the tragic events of the 2000s in Kosovo, Afghanistan, North Caucasian republics, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iraq and other hot spots of the modern world. In May 2004, when the president of Chechnya Ahmat Kadyrov was killed at the stadium of the city of Grozny, Kotz was hard to contuge. Despite this, the journalist sent material about the terrorist attack on time.

After 4 months, the military arsa helped employees of the special services of the Russian Federation to save children from the hands of suicide bonuses who seized school in Beslan. For the manifested courage, Kota was presented to the award, but he refused to receive it.

Alexander Igorevich possessed a gift - to fall into the most stressful points on the map. Together with the reporter Dmitry Anatolyevich Steeshin, he lived a week in the dead city of Pripyati, working on articles dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In 2008 in Tskhinvale, a zone of armed conflict, the specialcore "Komsomolskaya" from the column of the military fell under the shelling, but did not quit working on a report. He was seriously injured in his hand, but did not postpone the voice recorder.

From the ambush by the media, sacrificing life, brought Major Denis Vasilyevich Vaccins. After returning from a business trip to South Ossetia and getting a medal "For the courage", KCC devoted to the folk hero of a detailed author's material.

In 2011, the son of the chief editor of Russian periodicals was captured by the rebels, wrapped during the Arab Spring in Libya. The intervention of employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the employees of the Italian army saved a reporter with colleagues from espionage accusations in favor of Muammar Gaddafi government.

At the end of 2013, Alexander Igorevich began to cover the events that took place in Ukraine. He told about what was happening in the districts of Crimea and Donbass. This activity was awarded and served as a reason for the provocations of the SBU.

Cutu, as a "Assistance of Terrorists," was forbidden to appear in the cities of the former Republic of the Soviet Union. He continued to criticize the Kiev government, even after he found his work on the territory of another restless country.

Reports on the operations of the Russian military in Syria enjoyed great popularity. The company highly appreciated the story about Mosulla's storming by the Union of Iraqi and American Armed Forces.

At the beginning of 2019, the Komsomolskaya Pravda officer was located in Venezuela's shocked unrest. He published hot news about the attempt of the state version in the South American country.

During operation in one of the central prints of Russia, Alexander Igorevich was acquired by its own style and manner. Light irony made reports interesting for ordinary people. The editorial office of the journalist was always valued as a fundamental, courageous, executive and objective professional, despite the presence of bold, exciting society of ideas.

Personal life

A journalist running in hot spots has to hide a personal life from strangers to protect family members and friends. It is known that Alexander Kots has a legitimate spouse, after the wedding, who gave her husband three charming daughters.

Alexander Kots now

Now Kota is classified as a number of selfless patriotic journalists. He continues to write articles for the Komsomol Pravda, in parallel working on materials for books.

In 2020, when the tension in the world approached the critical mark due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, the reporter attached maximum effort so that people find out about the incidents in Russia and abroad.

After the presidential election in Belarus, the correspondent wrote about the riots organized by Wagner in Minsk, and Arrest Colleagues Semen Pegov. The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and the registration of Vaccine from COVID-19 also caused professional interest from a journalist.

The correspondent has not remained aside from the investigation of the circumstances of the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. He published a list of questions about allegedly with a novice poison "Novice" underwear.

In December 2020, in the traditional pre-New Year interview, KOTS summed up its own activities for the 12-month period. He shared anxiety for the fate of Donbass, remembering the conflict that divided Armenia and Azerbaijan.

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