Dmitry Yashkin - biography, news, photo, personal life, Dynamo hockey player, Czech team, "Instagram" 2021



The difficult 2020th, in addition to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, brought a lot of memorable events. Blogger Ida Galich first became mother, and the poetess Vera Polozkova gave birth to a third child, having time to release and long-awaited "work work." The legendary Petersburg "Spleen", led by Alexander Vasilyev, pleased with the December album "Vira and Main". And the extreme striker of Moscow Dynamo Dmitry Yashkin, before the 2019/2020 season never speaking at the KHL championship, made several hat-tricks at once.

Childhood and youth

On March 23, 1993, Hockey player Alexei Yashkina, who speaking for the Krasnoyarsk "Falcon", Novosibirsk Skaya Skaya and the Resurrection "Chemist," the younger son of Dima was born. Two years earlier, on November 7, 1991, a spouse welcomed the firstborn Misha.

8 months after the adults of the second child, adults were moved from Omsk to the Czech Republic. In a new place in 1994, the head of the family became part of "all the way", the next season rising to the Higher League. In total, he spent more than 10 years old, won 6 gold and 1 silver medal of the Championship of the Czech Republic.

Sons, from an early age, those who disappeared at the work of the Father, went on his footsteps and began to go to the ice among the players Vhk Vsetín. Moreover, nobody forced them to this type of sport, and Dmitry under 14 years old and was involved in tennis, feeding hopes, - the boys always decided on their own decisions.

"When we moved, we became more complicated to speak Russian. But the parents tried, sent us on vacation to her grandmother in Omsk. It is clear that over time the Russian language weakens, when it was no longer able to ride there. But now I try to catch up and, I think already caught up with this plan, "said celebrity in an interview in 2019.

With native guy, in 2009, the profit entrepreneurship graduated from the secondary school, a warm relationship is associated. His personal page in "Instagram" is pissed by joint photographs with close people, which he is trying to help in his free time. Publications are often interspersed with archival pictures from childhood.


The professional career of the Czech forward of Russian origin began in the HC "Slavia" from Prague, waking in it from 2010 to 2012, and then hitting the Beroun's Bear. Up to 17, the young man waited for the proposals from Russia to compete for the national team, but did not wait, therefore, it went on ice in the form of the Junior Czech team at the Ivan Glinka Memorial.

In 2011, Saint Louis Blues chose Dmitry on the NHL Draft in the 2nd round under the total 41st number, and in the next championship he went beyond the ocean. From 2012 to 2013, the guy was listed as part of Moncton Wildekts in the main Junior Quebec League.

On April 9, 2013, he debuted in the National Hockey League for St. Louis Blues, scoring his first goal on December 28 at the gate of Anti Raanta at a meeting with Chicago Blackhox. In this team, the pupil of "all thenter" spent 6 seasons, presenting both "bluesmen", and their farm club in AHL "Chicago Woolvz".

In the fall of 2018, Yashkin moved to Washington Capitals, and in the summer of next year he signed a contract with Moscow Dynamo, despite the fact that in 2010, the Novosibirsk "Siberia" was chosen in 2010. However, the teams managed to agree with each other, and there were no problems with the transfer.

"People who are watching the NHL know - despite the fact that I was as part of the acting owner of Stanley Cup, I did not work last season. And taking into account the fact that the flower hockey players in the clubs of North America is large, in Washington I decided not to give a new chance, making a bet on other players, "said Alexei Yashkin's younger son.

Personal life

Future Chief Hockey player (growth 190 cm with weight 102 kg) found in the social network "VKontakte". The guy wrote a message like a stranger, but she answered him only with the third time. After a short correspondence, the couple began to be thoroughly construed in Skype - every day for 1-1.5 months to 5-6 hours.

Soon young people decided that you need to meet live, it was done in Prague. After a week of a joint holiday in the Czech Republic, they realized that they could not each other. The girl, who has not been thinking for a long time, flew to the boyfriend in the USA. It happened just at the moment when Yashkin was sent to play Chicago Wolves, and in love, gathering things, rushed to Chicago, where they immediately began to live together.

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Nadia Volskaya was confirmed in an interview that from the first day the dating was firmly knew: Dima is her man. Therefore, I gladly got married in September 2015. The wedding ceremony resembled a romantic film - the bride and groom together fled to Los Angeles, where they painted right on the shore of the Pacific Ocean.

From the 2018th woman wrote a musical biography under the pseudonym Nadi Jaskin. By the end of the 2020th, there were more than 10 solo tracks on the account of the performer ("did not notice", "mana", "in order", "washer!" And other) and 2 singles ("Shaynam" and "Valit") recorded in Duet with Al Rakhim.

Spouses are happy in a personal life. The wife appreciates such qualities such as honesty, kindness, openness, responsibility, equilibrium, and colossal composure, and he is the mind and a constant desire to learn something new.

Dmitry Yashkin now

In the 2020th athlete, who played for the Czech Republic at the Cup of the First Channel Cup and scoring Finns, was especially loved by hat-tricks. In February, he struck the gate of the Riga "Dynamo" three times (including the victorious goal in overtime with the transfer of Vadim Shipachev and Juso Hietainen). And then repeated the like in the September meeting with Siberia, again with rivals from Riga in November and with Spartak shortly before the onset of the new 2021.
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In the same year, he turned out to be a member of the match of KHL stars, the third prize-winner of the Championship of Russia and the owner of the title "Best Sniper KHL" Season 2020/2021. The list of achievements is also the line of 100 points in the regular championship of the Continental Hockey League and the updated record among the Legionnaires of the Moscow Dynamo on abandoned washers.


  • 2013 - Member of the match of all stars of the Junior Quebec League
  • 2013 - one of the three best players of the youth world championship
  • 2020 - the most useful player of the KHL season
  • 2020 - Member of the Match of All Stars KHL
  • 2020 - Best Foreign Player of the KHL season
  • 2020 - Best Sniper KHL

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