Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Boris Grachevsky, "Instagram" 2021



April 2020, in addition to the forced quarantine, introduced due to the raging pandemic coronavirus infection, brought for some celebrities and joyful changes in his personal life. The 6th point of the poetess Vera Polyozkova was the mother for the third time, giving sister Arina sons of Fede and Savve. And already the 8th wife of Boris Grachevsky Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya gave birth to the heir of Philip, about which the happy father immediately informed the subscribers of his instagram account.

Childhood and youth

December 25, 1984 in the Moscow family of Belotserkovsky was born first-mentioned Katya, and in the middle of zero, it was a turn of the youngest daughter of Christina, who has even non-rigid sisters Julia and Irina.

Parents were far from art. Immediately after the emergence of the elder child, the mother entered the pedagogical university to work in kindergarten and look after the heir. When she grew up, a woman with 3 higher education replaced the profession. Father found himself in jurisprudence.

From an early age, a girl liberated from domestic worries, cleaning and standing at the slab, dreamed of the stage and did not see himself in the future by anyone, except for the artist. Therefore, at the end of the high school, the graduate was not tormented by the question of what to do next. From 2002 to 2007, the girl studied at the MCAT studio school at the actress of dramatic theater and cinema.

With the one that gave life, the Third Wife Boris Grachevsky had a close relationship. This is evidenced by joint photos on the personal page in "Instagram" with touching congratulations on holidays.

"The very first word causing a rumor to the end of life. The most tender and caring hands. The most kind and responsive heart. On the mother's day, I want to wish you, dear mommy, of real happiness, long years of life, excellent, good health, understanding and devotion to the family! ", - wrote a celebrity in May 2018.


With Music Belotserkovskaya, having managed to stay and be a model, and enter the theatrical scene, made friends yet in his youth. At about the age of 16, the girl participated in the Annual International Art Festival "Slavic Bazaar" in Vitebsk, from where he was taken away by the Honored Prize of Spectatical Sympathies. In addition, she was not difficult to become a laureate of the popular "new wave" and conquer her.

Initially, Catherine could only boast only Kavever on favorite hits. The singer fulfilled the legendary Hang "Call me, Call" from Karnavala at the closure of the charitable film reform "Magic Movie in Berlin" in October 2016. And in the mini-series "Between notes, or tantric symphony" (or "Love on notes"), who replenished the filmography, thanks to her husband, she sang "on the motor ship music plays" Olga Zarubina and "Three happy days" Alla Pugacheva.

In 2017 in the creative biography of the artist, the debut author's "New Year's Song" appeared on the poems of Zhanna Danza and the melody of Anatoly Vozyitsky, recorded in a duet with the chosen one. About the December premiere of the clip was solemnly reported on the official website of "Yelash". Then the fans got acquainted with the video on the Single "Airplane" created by the girlfriend and the colleague Yulia Beretti.

In the cinema graduate of the MCAT Studio Studio Studio in 2016. The actress voiced the episode of the newsletter, which was under the leadership of Boris Grachevsky, where in the story hero met the magic frog. Already the next year "Girls and boys, as well as their parents" noticed her in the role of mother in "Happy Birthday, Son!" (or "Guests"), who entered the full-length picture "Elash to the cinema."

Personal life

Acquaintance of the artistic director "Yeralash" with Belotserkovskaya occurred at the All-Russian Festival of Cinema "Smile, Russia!" In Astrakhan, where she served in the theater. And after a couple of years, Boris Yuryevich made the elected proposal of the hand and heart.

His actress willingly accepted, although before and thought could not be married to a creative person someday. The beloved did not embarrass the solid difference at the age of 35, nor the fact that the mother of Catherine at first did not believe in the seriousness of their feelings, they secretly legalized the relationship in February 2016.

Wedding celebration for 30-35 persons took place in the summer of 2017 in the country dacha in the cottage village "Istra Country Club", where Emmanuel Vitorgan, Vladimir Dolinsky, Lesya Yaroslavl, Dmitry Darin and Yanina Melekhova were present.

The artist of the academic ensemble of the song and dance of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation under the administration of Viktor Eliseeva was responsible for musical accompaniment. The microphone was also fitted with the bride, dressed in a dark suit, and a bride, who abandoned the traditional white dress in favor of pink with an open back.

"I said that two marriages would be enough with me, in a difficult period of my life. Then I was sure that I remained a bachelor. But everything flows, everything changes, and having met Katya, I changed the opinion. It can be said that now I married not at all, but by calculation - on an extraordinary woman in which I am ready to dissolve as sugar in a glass, "the man shared in an interview.

In the fall of 2019, rumors crawled rumors that Grachevsky's wife, externally resembling singer Victoria Daineko, pregnant. The reason for such an assumption was its outfits of a free cut. Chet persistently abstained from commenting, but in December admitted that he would soon be waiting for a child.

Replenishment in the family happened on April 8, 2020. The son of Philip is increasing 56 cm and weighing 3830 g was born as a result of an emergency cesarean section in the clinical hospital "Mother and Child" in Lapino, under the supervision of Dr. Helena Spiridonova and Mark Kurcer. Mother and Father hid the baby's face for a long time and only six months later decided to show his subscribers.

Ekaterina Belotserkovskaya now

In the 2020s of Catherine, before that, actively published on the stage, completely devoted himself to the concerns about the newborn son. Unfortunately, shortly before the onset of the new 2021, the situation associated with the health of her husband was added to family troubles. On December 21, it became known that Boris Yurevich diagnosed a coronavirus infection, and a week later he was hospitalized in a Moscow clinical hospital No. 52. A concerned spouse Herus "Yelash" called fans to pray for him.

On the eve of the new 2021, doctors transferred director in intensive care. Grachevsky was introduced into the drug to whom, from which he was brought on January 11th. However, after 3 days the director was again in a coma. On January 14, 2021, Boris Grachevsky died, Ekaterina informed about the death of the spouse.


  • 2016 - "Between notes or tantric symphony"
  • 2016 - "Love on notes"
  • 2016 - "Elalash", "Frog" series
  • 2017 - "Elash", Series "Guests"

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